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What has been your biggest life challenge?

tommy August 6th


This discussion forms part of our life challenges event. Click here for more information!

Everyone is presented with unique life challenges and reflection is what helps us remember how far we have come. 

Thinking back over your life, what has been your most difficult or memorable life challenge to date?

Swordpsalm August 7th


My biggest challenge has been dealing with my mental health and sleep apnea.

Tinywhisper11 August 7th

@Swordpsalm aww bless you ❤ we are all here for you ❤hugs you tightly ❤

JaceTheDog August 7th

My biggest challenge has been trying to live for myself. I am really bad about worrying too much about keeping my friends and family afloat that I forget to focus on myself. I'll make several good steps, then I'll take a few steps backwards. So I'm here to focus on myself and find a good balance in caring for others and taking care of my own needs.

Tinywhisper11 August 7th

@JaceTheDog you sound like a very sweet person ❤❤ but yes please make sure you take care of yourself ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤

Fradiga August 7th


It's always the last one or the one you know you have to face.  I have had several which obliged me to reorganize my life and I am sure that even now that I am well into retirement, there will be others

FreeEarHere August 7th

@tommy My biggest life challenge would have been going from a traumatised, angry teen who was sent to foster care and juvie to becoming a world record setting professional adventurer and becoming the first person to ascend Australia's longest river by kayak. (2,500km/1600 miles against the flow).
I could have joined so many other kids with traumatic pasts who let their history overcome them like my best friend who died at 15 from overdose.





i amnow in a much better place academically and mentally , i even know a bit about socialzing now

but now : i sometimes worry about job prospects after graduation

and the ever present fact that FOR SOME DARN REASON i have constantaly had low emotional energy to the point i cant log online and talk to mu online friends,,some of them i havent talked to since last year and its alomst reaching social anxiety level , i literaly get anxious if i see *** poping up and try to to actively avoid *** whenever i am bust,,which ends up being most of the week

Conflicts August 7th

@scorpionpolktanktree you have hit the nail on the head 

Gettingbettertoday August 7th

My biggest difficulty is moving ahead.

Anyakn0625 August 7th

my biggest challenge is me own

Heather225 August 7th

there's a few major challenges in my life that i overcame and made me a far more resilient person:

1. escaping a bad family upbringing
2. facing what i suffered from the 1st point and asking for help
3. standing up for myself and my disabilities - this included letting go of the shame of having a disability and realizing that it's not my fault, and i deserve accommodations
i know there will be more challenges as life rolls on but i am open to the universe and accepting of its unpredictabilities. it allows me to better endure the unexpected and at times uncontrollable

tummychair August 7th


Suffering shock, stress, heartache and grief this past month.

insearchofhapiness August 7th


I was 16 years old when I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder (sever depression) and anxiety disorders. My world crumbled. Not because I was sick. Not because the meds I was taking turned me into a zombie. It was because I was abandoned. No one cared to ask me how I was doing. My father had no idea I was sick. Even if he knew, he still wouldn't care. He lacks empathy. He was one of the reasons I was sick. My mom wanted me to stop receiving medical treatment. "Meds will destroy your liver" she said. She was more concerned about my liver than my mental health. She didn't even want me to see a psychiatrist. I had to insist. There were days/nights when I'd experience extreme physical pain. The pain killers didn't help. I had to wrap my hands with a belt to relief the pain a little. Instead of asking why I was in pain or informing my psychiatrist about it, she'd yell at me "are you in pain, now? Why? What's the problem? Why are you in pain? Probably thinking of stupid things. That's why you feel pain". It was horrible. 

I knew I was very sick, but I also knew that if I received the right treatment and emotional support, everything was going to be okay. I was very optimistic. But my brother said that I was stupid and crazy because, according to him, no one admits to be mentally ill. Apparently I was the only one admitting that and being positive about taking meds. He said I was stupid for having anxiety attack. 

My aunt (my mom's sister) belittled my experience. She and her family made fun of me. She said I was doing it for attention. I was pretending to be sick. I was too young to have anxiety attacks. Her children were the ones who should had experience anxiety attacks because they were older than me. Life for me was easy, but not for them. I didn't have problems. She saw me having a panic attack in front of her. Instead of taking care of me, she said "why are you behaving like that?". Eventually I found out that she's high in narcissistic traits and that she had emotionally abused with me for almost 2 years. 

My best friend said that I looked fine. I wasn't sick. I had to stop taking meds. 

Things got really hard for me, so I wanted to end everything. My other friends were mean to me. They started blaming me. Calling me selfish. According to them I had to think about my mother. 

In other words, I had nobody by my side. No one asked me how I was doing. No one gave me hug. No one gave me a kiss. No said that things were going to be okay, beside S. She was nice to me.

I always thought that I had a good support system. But it turned out I didn't have a support system at all. The worst part is that I had always been there for those people. 

Now I have become a shadow. I have no friends. I talk to nobody about my life, my problems. I support myself. But sometimes it gets rough. Sometimes I need a human soul to listen to me. I'm cynical. I trust nobody. Everytime I try to open up to someone, I end up being hurt because they don't validate my feelings. 

It's okay, though. I no longer need someone to help me. I'm self sufficient. Until it gets really hard and I long for someone to be there for me. However, it's merely a fleeting moment. I am alone and I'll always be. It doesn't hurt anymore. 

SerenityLight August 8th

@insearchofhapiness You have us here at 7cups. I hope that you being here helps you. 💗

insearchofhapiness August 8th


Thank you very much. 

I'm in a better place now. I no longer struggle with anxiety and clinical depression. And, to be honest, I'm happy that I don't have friends. Might sound weird but I think it's better to stay alone than in bad company. 

I hope one day to find good people and create a good support system. 

ThornyNini August 7th


My biggest challenge includes::

1. Dealing with blackmail and exploitation: The emotional trauma and helplessness is too much.

2. Self-doubt and self-blame: am Struggling with feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness, which can be rather overwhelming.

3. Emotional regulation:am Managing intense mood swings, anger, and frustration, it's really exhausting tbh.

4. Trust issues: I have difficulty trusting others due to past experiences making it hard to form any relationship with people.

5. Self-care and coping mechanisms: Finding healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and emotional pain.

6. Feeling trapped and overwhelmed: Desiring escape or a break from the emotional weight am carrying.

Sorry it's too much 🥺🥺

SerenityLight August 8th

@littleNini16 I'm so sorry. I hope that you are reaching out for help. 

LovelyForever6990 August 7th

Identifying my core beliefs in hopes of discovering my purpose in life. 

nicotinedream August 8th

Moving house 3 times in a row after problems with people I was living with.

coolvibes August 8th

@tommy rebuilding myself image and discovering my purpose in life. Accepting myself and living on my own terms.

JollyRacher August 9th


This is going to be specific, but I think I was around sixteen or seventeen in school. This school was the first school where I didn't feel like an idiot and the teachers actually took time to make sure we understood what we were learning. I had straight A's and was a perfect student. And then one day I went to class and I wasn't feeling too great. Everything was too loud and too bright. In the middle of the lesson I just got up and left, I had a really bad panic attack and I didn't know what to do. 

This was the beginning of the school so I still had hours left to go. After a couple hours of panicking I simply went back inside the class acting as if nothing happened. My teacher wasn't angry but confused and concerned. After school was over I was so worried the teacher would think less of me or that I'm crazy. And finally finding an adult that treated me respect and care, the last thing I wanted was to give them a reason to treat me like the other teachers treated me before. So, I waited for her outside the school and told her what happened. She had to go home, but said we'd talk about it tomorrow. 

I barely got any sleep that night. The amount of courage for me to talk to someone about that, much less a teacher. I went to school the next day, jittering and shaking. My teacher came down to the class, calling me outside. We left the class and she sat me down. She told me to relax and said that I needed to stop working so much. That I should take breaks instead of working through lunch. That I was a good student but I needed to take care of my mental health. To be more social and talk to people. Then, we went back to class and continued on as normal. The next day I wrote the teacher a poem, because I'm better at writing. And the day after that the teacher wrote me a poem back. I smiled for a whole week, grinning from one ear to the other. 

I faced two of my biggest fears and got the greatest return I could ask for.  

littleSkies6260 August 10th

@tommy my most difficult challenge to date is self esteem and self talk. As we all know, we are our own worst enemy. . I struggle every single day with believing I am good enough for anything/anyone and how I speak to myself about it. 

Prome2004 August 10th

@tommy My biggest challenge has been continuously fighting with loneliness, depression and toxic family at the same time. Thus, lost the meaning of life. Still fighting though.

Zeraphim August 10th

Living up to this point, and trying to live to the next point, and so on.

SummerKay2024 August 11th


what has been your most difficult or memorable life challenge to date?

⚠️SA, stalking , childhood abuse 

Addiction presrcription medication,  drugs, alcohol,  suicidal ideations, depression, grief , covid truama , parental kidnapping , abusive marriage

Over coming and healing has been the greatest glimmer 


LabeledBPD August 11th


i didn’t want to answer this, it’s always there unfortunately though.

biggest challenge, needs context. Poverty, violence, insecurity growing up, spurred be to be better, do better. Give my kids the life i did have.

i achieved putting myself in a position to provide that. Amazing relationship, security, good job, homeowner, money. Planned first child with so many hopes, dreams and foolish expectations.

Things didn’t go to plan and after emergency c-section my kid was born with not much brain left. Seizures, pump nj tube fed, partially sighted, bad hearing, told don’t expect much. It’s not what they can’t do but what they can. 

From hopes of giving a better life than mine, doing everything in my power to enable that, it’s reduced to, inability to sit, understand , swallow safely, communicate.. and independence and dignity… no. I’d not want to live like that yet I am forced to accept it and somehow see it as positive.

i am a powerless witness to my kid who’s growing into the progressively debilitating and painful body, unable to elevate problems let alone provide a meaningful life. A life all innocent kids should enjoy. 

I’m stuck with a inevitable future I want to escape and would give everything and anything to change… 

all that can be done is stay in the now, don’t look forward, don’t look back and try not t focus to deeply on the hear and now. Exist and say absent minded. 

A everlasting change i wish on nobody.