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nonameforsana January 10th

um noni suggested me introduce myself so


im sana


from iran


my biggest issue is i cant trust any one 

would love to talk!+

Optimisticempath January 10th


happy meeting you Sana 💕

trusting people is difficult for me too ... for many reasons .. may I ask what is your reason of not trusting anyone? it's still so nice your trying to reach out to this community and hope you find awesome supportive people <3

nonameforsana OP January 15th


heyo man how are u today?

um idk

just i wont tell them im sad or anything else

and that makes me feel lonely

cause im sure they wont care

Optimisticempath January 16th


yeah some people don't seem to care but some do ... we just need to find the ones that do ... even a lil bit 😅 you do deserve to have someone you can honestly tell when your feeling sad or need some company <3  hope till you find these people irl... you can find many kind people in 7 cups.. you've got so many people here that would happily talk to you and support as possible 💕

Tinywhisper11 January 15th

@Optimisticempath hii empath ❤ hugggs you

Optimisticempath January 16th

@Tinywhisper11 hugs Lola tighttly❤ you make me smile always sweet Lola 🥰

MaryAryManny78036 January 13th

Hello Sana, I havel 16 years old too, i hope you're well.

steph8402 January 13th

welcome to 7 cups!! i hope this helps you:) im 17 but if you ever need anything come say hi in the chat rooms we all love new peeps :b

again welcome!!

EmmyMarie06 January 14th

@nonameforsana    hello! i think its way cool your from iran. im from america. my name is Emma :)

Ryanlovesglistening January 14th

@nonameforsana hi sana 

ShallowDevil115 January 14th

Hi Sana, i would love to hear more about Iran.

nonameforsana OP January 15th



ok what do u wanna know ?

bao7uu January 14th

Woaaah! We're the same age! I'm ENFP!! feel free to hit me up if you'd like !!

FutureNostalgia January 14th

@nonameforsana hi sana! nice to meet you

garydcoolestdude January 14th

Hi Sana how are you ,any reasons for your trust issues?

brightCranberry9413 January 14th

Aww hey sana! Welcome!

slowdecline48 January 15th

@nonameforsana Hi there, & welcome to 7Cups!

What's it like where you live? I've always lived in the US & never been to Iran, though I know some of its history...what a history it is! The Parthians, Sassanid Persia, etc. Aside from that, most of us only know what we've seen & heard on the news & "social media". I have been outside America but never to Iran., what is it really like there?

nonameforsana OP January 15th

@slowdecline48 wow u know man 


its not ok 

like cause of _islam_ hijab is a rule and

teens hate hijab 

they murder teens and 

thats all i care for now+

slowdecline48 January 15th

@nonameforsana I am so sorry to hear/read that. 😔

There is one thing in your favor: time.

You are quite young. I understand the Iranian population has many young people in it, whereas the government there does not. Ali Khameinei is no spring chicken; a lot of people in the government have been there since 1979 for obvious reasons. The point is, you have a future ahead of you while for Iran's regime, the clock is ticking towards midnight.

nonameforsana OP January 15th


i really appreciate it but im curious 

why do u know a lot about iran mate?

slowdecline48 January 16th

@nonameforsana I don't, at least not much about 20th-century Iran prior to '79. Your parents surely know more about that period than I do. All I know of that period is that it was ruled by the Shah, but I've gotten different takes on what it was like when he was on the throne, so I'm not sure who to believe about that...

Basically, I'm a history geek. Most of what I'm interested in is that of other nations because there's way more of it. I come from a young country...the US hasn't been around for half a millennium yet. Our history isn't that interesting after the 1940's, tbh, & formal education on it is third-rate here.* If you want the real deal then you must research it on your own. But Persia, now...that's different. Utterly fascinating. It is almost as old as Egypt; only Chinese civilization compares in terms of longevity. The whole Shi'a thing only goes back to the 17th century or so, right?...have heard there are still a few Zoroastrians in the country if you look in the right places. Is that true?

...maybe that's why I stopped by to talk to you. Iran has been in the news many times here, unfortunately for reasons of which we're both aware. Most of what I know of Iran comes from past dynasties (their rise, expansions, declines & falls), wars, & the revolution of 1979 plus what news media reports on. I've never met an actual Iranian citizen online before, let alone one in her teens. This is a unique situation! 😃

*It saddens me to tell you, but it's the truth. Much of American formal education in general just sucks now. I have a bachelor's degree from a public university here & have talked with quite a few foreigners in real life & online thus far, so I speak from experience. I fully realized how degraded our schools & universities are in 2010...that's when I caught the history bug. Certain political & cultural changes here starting in 2014 have made the situation here much worse.

nonameforsana OP January 16th


wow i guess u are really special mate

and yes iran is ancient but come in

i prefer to live in a young but strong country 

not like mine 

and  mann im not in politic and history so 

i guess im not a good suit for u +

Tinywhisper11 January 15th

@nonameforsana hi sana, I'm lola ❤ I'm in the uk. And yep trust issues is something many people here understand. So please know you are not alone ❤❤I hope you find friendship and support here with cups ❤

Themaninblackxxx January 15th


You can trust me

because I am ENTP

Don't you see?

We were born to be free

Like a bird in a tree

You should learn Tai Chi

It will make you happy


nonameforsana OP January 15th


oh if u knew the key word was _im an entp u should never trust me _


Tinywhisper11 January 16th

@Themaninblackxxx 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 whats wrong with your brain!?!?!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Themaninblackxxx January 16th


No one knows haha

Holmes33 January 15th

@nonameforsana Welcome aboard Sana Nice to have you here on 7cups

slowdecline48 January 17th

@nonameforsana I won't bother you anymore after have my word.

Though we don't know each other well, from your other comments I got the impression that you're not too happy about the official religion of your native land, & its hold on the government there. If my impression was mistaken then just ignore this post, please...but if I'm correct:

Then here are a couple links for you...


When things really get to you where you are, you can always find people in those orgs who will understand your position better than most. I am sure you will find a friendly ear in either of them as well as here.

nonameforsana OP January 17th

@slowdecline48oh no its fun to talk with u 

yes but it wont hurt me like

if u ask 

i will say its not ok 

but i wontfeel bad about it all the time

but thxx

slowdecline48 January 17th

Am glad to hear I'm not bothering you, especially since as you said, you have trust issues. I understand a few myself. That's why my life has been almost hermit-like at times, especially from the late 2010's to now.

In the interest of inspiring trust, here's a bit more about me: I'm an artist/craftsman in the US (obviously)...Florida, in the southeast. I call it the "Banana Republic of Floridastan". In terms of my years I am in late middle age but the way I act some days, you'd think I was already 70+. This is because of chronic health problems. The worst one I have is Meniere's can read about it here. It limits what I can do, day-to-day. This & chronic depression are what brought me to 7Cups well over a year ago.

Feel free to hit me up in any other threads where you see my comments.

nonameforsana OP January 18th


hmm thank u for that man 

well i dont know florida so well to get ur joke but im from the north of iran 

like exactly the north _ its heaven mate

i live in mazandaran its beautiful i have ADD thats all !(haha) and ye mate i cant trust to any one man

im so sorry for bad days u had 

i hope u will get ride of ur problem and get healthy again 

and being a craftman or an artist?  thats superrcoolll

and yes english is my second language bare with me

im not sure i would actually use the forum cause theres so much to study and i cant let my A+ leave me 

but again thank u for talking with me i really appreciate it man

and i would be very happy to start another conversation with u any other time.

MailaJeevana January 17th


Hello Sana👋,

happy meeting you Sana❤️

trusting people is difficult for me too ... for many reasons .. may I ask what is your reason of not trusting anyone? it's still so nice your trying to reach out to this community and hope you find awesome supportive people here 😊