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Weekly Prompt #36: Can you list five things you love about yourself?

ASilentObserver April 18th

Hello all! 

Last week we discussed: What healthy coping mechanisms do you use to manage difficult emotions? If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  Can you list five things you love about yourself? 

We often find it easier to criticize ourselves rather than celebrate our strengths. But it is okay to practice self-love and acknowledge the positive qualities that make us unique individuals. So, let's reflect and list five things we love about ourselves.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other.


@calmMango9611 Hey, thank you kindly for your words. 😊 Your comment really made my day. 💓

calmMango9611 June 13th

@GentleHealingInitiative Your very welcomed. I am glad it made your day.

alysianna April 19th


  1. that i found this website
  2. my  TRUE friends irl 
  3. helpful with my blind and asd friends and bf

and nothing else

Tinywhisper11 April 19th

@alysianna 🤔🤔🤔 well you seem very sweet 

4. Sweet

And I believe you are trying hard, that's why you came here?

5. Giving it my best shot ❤

alysianna April 19th


yup i want to get better.

i am counted on by the asd iv mild teachers and that has helped me with my sweetness at schol and social skills as i am asd 1  i have magic that helps the students including an extra power with my friend wh has a major crush on me and i hae a minor one on him but i has a bf

Tinywhisper11 April 19th

@alysianna awww there we go

6) magic powers

7) very beautiful and lovable

8) very intelligent, with great people skills

❤❤❤ You sound like an amazing person ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

alysianna April 19th


thanks i have my 7 ppl i am vary helpful to every day and i try to be nice but i get made fun of for it so i just ask teacher when i need help and i just help some ppl ouside my group and i like to be helpful and would be a good para for the blind with more training  as i have been narrating for ever yet cant describe a picture fo nothing. for asd i would be a good para without training and i am already bacicly for one of my asd friends only i am his friend so he takes it wron and thinks i hate him every time i ry to help him as everyone picks on him b/c  he dont do work at shool (he says he do it at home) and he puts his hands in his pants 

Tinywhisper11 April 19th

@alysianna oh with that boy becarful there, don't put yourself in danger ok? People who pick on you for being a good person, well then what does that day about them. I think your amazing ❤. People will bully others for any stupid reason. Try to not give them any thought. You are doing a great job, you must incredibl patients, and if course magic ❤🙂❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤squeezes you tightly ❤❤ just keep being you ❤

alysianna April 19th

@Tinywhisper11 you must incredibl patients

i do not that is why i am so good and sweet at school b/c when i get home i have to be not nice 90%of the time

Tinywhisper11 April 19th

@alysianna your having trouble with your home life?😥 

alysianna April 19th


yes i am 

Tinywhisper11 April 19th

@alysianna 😞I'm sorry sweetie. Remember 7 cups is your safe place, you don't have to struggle alone, cause we are all right here for you ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤

alysianna April 19th


thanks i will be off from next wend til may 1st b/c grandma memoorel out of state

ASilentObserver OP April 22nd

@alysianna It sounds like you have found some comfort in having online friends who understand you better. What do you appreciate most about them?

alysianna April 22nd


that they lisin and try to help

calmMango9611 June 13th

@alysianna I love the fact you found this website. I hope your finding it helpful.

alysianna June 13th


i find it super helpful

calmMango9611 June 14th

@alysianna I am really glad, that you find 7cups website helpful.

alysianna June 13th


mango mango mango i love mangos they are the ultiate fruit

calmMango9611 June 14th

@alysianna I am glad to hear that.

peacefulpurple08 April 19th


Hi, @ASilentObserver. 

1. I love my ability to see that cute dinosaur GIF. :)

2. I love my singing abilities.

3. I love how my hair works well with hairstyles.

4. I love how my patience is growing. 

5. I love that I am a listener for 7 cups. 

ASilentObserver OP April 22nd

@peacefulpurple08 Great list, peace.  What do you think are some things that others may not know about you?

calmMango9611 June 13th

@peacefulpurple08 I am so glad you love being a listener here at 7cups.

janewayalpha1 April 22nd

1. I love how far I've come in life. 

2. I love my ability to see the potential in others. 

3. I love my forgiving heart. 

4. I love my willingness to grow into a better version of myself. 

5. I love the way that I'm healing on my healing journey. 

I hope these don't sound like weird things to say when it comes to things I love about myself... 

ASilentObserver OP April 24th

@janewayalpha1 These aren't weird at all, Jane. Those are great qualities to have. I am glad you appreciate them.

calmMango9611 June 14th

@janewayalpha1 They are not weird to me, my friend. I love your list a lot. I really do.

unassumingEyes April 22nd

I love....

1. My determination to help and/or understand others

2. My imagination 

3. My stubbornness 😇🙃

4. My english skills 🤭🤭 only language im good at 🤭

5. My... 

Ah, well, worth a shot =D

ASilentObserver OP April 24th

@unassumingEyes I am glad you value your determination, creativity, tenacity, and language skills. Those are great strengths to have! What do you think are some areas where you could grow or improve?

calmMango9611 June 14th

@unassumingEyes I am so glad, that you love your imagination, my friend. I hope you have fun with it.

charmingSky5972 April 22nd

I liked reading everyone's comments it made me open my mind to realize what i also love about myself and let me get to know others here more so i have more of an incentive to be on here more and help my mental health.

I love 

1. The fact that I am still alive after all the suicide attempts and addiction. 

2. That I have a place here on 7cups.

3. My intentions are always PURE.

4. I have a big heart. (Even though that gets me hurt, I prefer this over being heartless.)

5. My creative talents

ASilentObserver OP April 24th

@charmingSky5972  you have a lot of things that you appreciate about yourself! What do you think are some ways that having these qualities has helped you?

charmingSky5972 April 24th


 I am me, and that's what matters

ASilentObserver OP April 25th

@charmingSky5972 that is a great way to put it, sky

calmMango9611 June 14th

@charmingSky5972 I am so glad your still here with us. I truly am.

charmingSky5972 June 27th


Thank you

nnochu April 24th

Hi, ASO,

I find that most of my validation comes from my physical sense and it’s hard for me to look inward with kindness. Here’s my list:

  1. i love the shape of my lips
  2. I love my eyes
  3. I love that I try to be open minded for all
  4. I love that I love nature
  5. I love how I’m a safe driver
ASilentObserver OP April 25th

@nnochu That's great, Nochu. You have some nice qualities that you can appreciate about yourself. What do you think are some things that others like about you?

nnochu April 26th

hmmm that one’s a little hard. Maybe that I’m good at listening and try to be polite at all times. Maybe that I will always try to help if asked. Sometimes I think I may be a little bit of a pushover though :.)

calmMango9611 June 14th

@nnochu I love the fact that your open-minded. We need more people, like you. 

TheSilkieChicken April 25th


Good exercise I should do more often!

1. I am a helpful person

2. I have a fun sense of humor

3. I am compassionate and empathetic

4. I am smarter than I give myself credit for sometimes!

5. I'm a darn good cook too

Woo! Have a good night all you wonderful people.