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Weekly Prompt #28: If you were to create a time capsule filled with memories from 2023, what would you include?

ASilentObserver December 27th, 2023

Welcome back! 

Last week we discussed- If you're grieving the loss of a loved one, how can you honor their memory during the holidays?. If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  If you were to create a time capsule filled with memories from 2023, what would you include? 

A picture of a cherished moment? A handwritten note about a personal breakthrough? A symbol of a lesson learned? What stories would you want your future self to remember?  Take a minute to reflect upon what can you do. Please share and discuss here among us.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other. 


Tinywhisper11 December 27th, 2023

@ASilentObserver a poem I wrote for my son. ( I wrote him 2 this year) a birds feather (to remember all the sunrises I watched with the birds singing and flying past) 7 paper cups (to remind myself of all the friends I made here. And all the support I've been so gratefully given) a photo of my baby bunny (his name is gizmo and he's now 7 months old I think) a coffee bean and ice cream wrapper (for obvious reasons) I think that's about it🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 maybe a pound coin, cause when I open this time capsule in 10 years it might become a antique😎

ASilentObserver OP December 28th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Those memories you have selected hold such meaning and will surely spark joy when revisited in a decade. The poems for your son capture moments of love that will be cherished for years to come. I am glad you have found support here during this time. What particular feelings do you hope the items in your time capsule help preserve from this season of your life?

InsightfulPhoenix December 27th, 2023

@ASilentObserver Personally, the moment I said yes to being engaged to my fiancee, the picture of my fiancee meeting my daughter for the first time, the pictures of the beautiful bond between my in-laws and my daughter, the video of my daughter talking in full sentences and when she first said i love you to me. There is just so many things I would put into that capsule 

ASilentObserver OP December 28th, 2023

@InsightfulPhoenix Those are beautiful memories to capture in a time capsule. The joy of new love and commitment in your engagement, seeing the special bond grow between your fiancée and daughter for the first time, and your daughter's developmental milestones like talking and expressing her love would truly be precious to revisit later. What other moments have helped create your family's story this year that you would want to preserve?

InsightfulPhoenix December 29th, 2023

@ASilentObserver i would want to preserve the wedding invitations, my wedding dress, his tux and our daughter's flower girl dress once we get them. I would also want to preserve the decorations of the wedding itself and any notes written by our guests

ASilentObserver OP January 4th

@InsightfulPhoenix Those moments of your wedding day sound truly special to preserve. The love and care that went into planning such an important event is clear. your support for one another through both the challenges and joys of life is beautiful.

purpleTree4652 December 29th, 2023


Hi, ASO,

If you were to create a time capsule filled with memories from 2023, what would you include? 

I would put in copies of the acceptance letters I got from the universities for the masters programs I was accepted into.  I would include a vid of me and Chloe driving from state to state the morning we left.  I would include pics of my life at my new job and school.  I would somehow include pics of me smiling and laughing and being joyous in my new home.  I would include clips of my zoom meetings with my new professors and my new colleagues in my field in various states across the country.  

ASilentObserver OP December 29th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 Those memories sound truly joyous. The acceptance letters, road trip with Chloe, new job and school, smiles and laughter in your new home - it is lovely that you have found so much to celebrate in this chapter of your life. What kinds of feelings do you experience looking back on this time of change and opportunity?

purpleTree4652 December 29th, 2023


Dear ASO,

Well, my university, is not handling my position well.  Me and my counterpart recently found out that we have unpaid weeks off.  That was a surprise.  We also recently found out that the university is going to be ending our positions beginning with the summer semester, and will not guarantee that they are reinstating our positions for the fall of 2024 semester.  We were told that we can apply for the average student assistant positions.  So, a huge portion of my accomplishments was just pulled out from under me.  I told them that I am interested in the average student assistant position.  What could I do?  I would like to tell them off, but I really can't do that.  

ASilentObserver OP January 4th

@purpleTree4652 Thank you for sharing what's happening with your position. It sounds like finding out about the unpaid weeks and potential ending of your role has brought up strong feelings of disappointment and uncertainty. I can understand why this news would be unsettling after all your hard work. How have you been processing this change? 

purpleTree4652 January 4th


I talked to one professor about it to told me to quickly talk to my advisor and a different department of the school.  I also told my advisor at the office of disability services.  So far my advisor sympathizes with me.  But unfortunately he does not have any graduate level assistant positions to offer me.  I haven't heard from the other two people yet.  I'm also doing my best at work to let my bosses know how much I want this job.  I'm trying to be very open with them.  I wrote one email about what I have learned and what I want to learn while working there.  I proposed that I work on a project which has been a trouble spot for them.  

Unfortunately, yesterday I had a bad day at work.  My boss has told me she would work on some tasks with me so ensure I understand, but she is so busy.  I've never seen someone as busy as her in the office.  She is like a hurricane.  The result is that she has not had the time to work with me on these tasks.  So I wrote another email last night telling her how embarrassed I am in front of other staff for not knowing how to do these tasks, and I asked if she and I could block some time so I can be sure to grasp the steps in these tasks. 

I'm trying to work through the issues.  Unfortunately of top of this, my car started to overheat yesterday coming home from work, so I may miss work  today because  of an appointment at the garage.  And if the situation with my car is bad, I will have to rent a car.  On top of this, I am having health problems this week.  Some of it is because they have switched my work schedule from night to day and my body does not adjust quickly or without pain.  But I need the money so I accepted the day shift work.  I believe this coming sunday, they are going to switch my shift back to night.  I can't take it.

ASilentObserver OP January 10th

@purpleTree4652 It sounds like you have been facing many challenges and difficulties lately. Managing health issues on top of work and school responsibilities is a lot to take on. I can hear the frustration and it is understandable to feel overwhelmed at times. You have shown dedication by communicating openly with your bosses and taking initiative to find solutions. Continuing to prioritize self-care during this busy period will be important for your well-being. You have people in your corner who want to support you - have you considered setting up a meeting to make a plan together? You have got this.

slowdecline48 January 10th

  1. A chisel, from the early-20th-century British set I got from an antiques dealer on Etsy. I didn't pay much at all for them, & have refitted most of them for work.
  2. A snapshot of the one game on my phone, QBlock. It's the first game app I ever downloaded. For something to pass the time with, it engages the gray matter. Which is a necessity.
  3. Articles about the 10-7 attack on Israel by Hamas, & about the risible pro-Hamas protests full of mills & zoomers that erupted with suspicious quickness right afterwards. Palestinian victims are pitied while Israeli vics are ignored or castigated as "colonizers" usual, the Jews get it in the neck. Everything changes & everything stays the same.
  4. If possible, a chart of interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve. 2023 was an unusual year.
ASilentObserver OP January 10th

@slowdecline48 It seems this year has brought some memorable experiences and changes for you. The chisel and phone game you mentioned sounds like treasured possessions that have been sources of enjoyment and mental stimulation. The articles you described also seem to have impacted you by highlighting issues that stir strong feelings. You are not alone in finding this an unusual time. As we look to the future, what kinds of positive changes or progress give you most hope?

slowdecline48 January 10th

😕 Umm...Qblocks isn't exactly a "treasured" possession. What gave you the idea that it was? Even the chisels are just tools; I bought them for working on future wood projects.

As for your last question: nothing. I currently don't see anything that gives me much hope for any of that. I don't know exactly what the future will bring (no one does), but no future scenario or projection I made in recent years has been one where humanity has all its problems solved & a perfect golden age dawns. That does not happen in the real world.