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Weekly Prompt #26: What can help you feel less alone in your struggle?

ASilentObserver December 8th, 2023

Welcome back! 

Last week we discussed- What can I learn from this? If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt- What can help you feel less alone in your struggle? 

Feeling alone in your struggle is a difficult and isolating experience. Whether you're facing a personal challenge, a mental health issue, or a difficult life situation, it can be overwhelming to feel like you're facing it all on your own. However, there are ways to help alleviate that sense of loneliness and find support and connection in your journey. Take a minute to reflect upon what can help you feel less alone. Please share and discuss here among us.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other.  


communicativePond1728 December 8th, 2023


I think practicing mindfulness, seeing the silver lining and pulling self care cards all can help me feel less alone.

The more things I do to invest in myself the more I feel capable of weathering the storms that come upon me.

I think that's because it makes me less dependent on others and more able to be independent and validate myself.

Doing nice things like an advent calendar journey, a DIY face mask and writing in my  gratitude journal is also helpful.

When I can find comfort and courage in my independence, I create more space to then to be effectively interdependent.

I'm still bad at it: There's all these twists and burns. But if I can just keep going maybe I'll eventually be okay.


Tinywhisper11 December 8th, 2023

@communicativePond1728 yes keep going ❤ you'll get there. And you got us to support and listen to you when it all gets tough ❤gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤

communicativePond1728 December 9th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 thaaaaanks! 🎄 I've been listening to lots of Xmas music thanks to you 💞

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@communicativePond1728 That sounds like you have found some practices that help you feel more capable and independent during challenging times. Creating space to validate yourself through mindfulness, gratitude, and self-care seems to give you courage and comfort. What aspects of independence feel most empowering for you?

communicativePond1728 December 9th, 2023

@ASilentObserver oooh another good question,  dang! 🤔 Because I like adventure but also the familiar, and am an ambivert and INTJ  something that touches all those bases feels best for me...

tealLion9329 December 8th, 2023

@ASilentObserver staying busy and exercising 

Tinywhisper11 December 8th, 2023

@tealLion9329 that's awsome ❤ I think I might do the opposite of those things though😁 merry Christmas ❤

communicativePond1728 December 9th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 lol saaaaaaaame

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@tealLion9329 That makes sense. It can be challenging when you're feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions. What types of things have you found to help you stay busy and exercise?

tealLion9329 December 9th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I recently got into painting so I've been doing my own projects that I use to decorate my room with and I'm hand sewing a blanket for my bed

Tinywhisper11 December 8th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712 aww honey, I know life can be hard, especially when you think noone cares. But I hear you, and we are all here for you ❤❤merry Christmas ❤ how are you feeling now?

Tinywhisper11 December 9th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712 I'm doing ok ❤❤ so yesterday you felt idk. How about today?? Are you feeling at least meh!????

Tinywhisper11 December 9th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712 well crap is not that bad, could be worse you could be completely utterly crapalisious😁 yep crapalisious is a real word ❤❤ gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤❤  I painted a blue rabbit today😁 what did you get up to??

Tinywhisper11 December 10th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712 doing stupid stuff, still counts as doing something😁 I do I love arts and crafts ❤ it keeps me sane 😁😁 the bunny is called gizmo😎 do you have any pets??

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712 Hi Alex, proud of you for sharing your thoughts. It sounds like you value feeling less alone in your struggles. Feeling understood and cared for can bring comfort during difficult times. What feelings arise for you when you think about having someone check in and offer their support? 

ASilentObserver OP December 11th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712  understand Alex. you are experiencing many difficult emotions. Feeling frustration, anger and sadness are understandable. You are worthy simply for being you - please be gentle with yourself during this time.

ImpudentIncognito December 8th, 2023

What can help you feel less alone in your struggle? 

Probably communicating with my partner, spending time with the little one, and coming here to 7cups to find others who are going through similar struggles. I tend to also be harsher on myself rather than others, so sometimes I take a step back and say "if someone I loved was going through what I am going through ,what would I say?"...

I definitely wouldn't be as harsh. It teaches me to self-reflect a bit and try to come up with a solution to, from the struggles or obstacles in the way.

Tinywhisper11 December 8th, 2023

@ImpudentIncognito yep sometimes we can be out own hardest critics. But your doing so well, for all the carp you've been through, your still standing strong. I'm proud of you ❤❤ I hope you your lil one and partner have a magical fairytale xmas ❤❤ 

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@ImpudentIncognito Thank you for sharing what helps you feel less alone in your struggle, impudent. It makes sense that spending time with your little one and communicating with your partner can provide comfort. Practicing self-compassion by asking yourself how you would support a loved one in your position is also helpful. 

purpleTree4652 December 8th, 2023


ASO, I haven't the vaguest idea.  Please tell me the answer to your question.  Right now I need support.  


Tinywhisper11 December 8th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 😥 hugs you tightly ❤ are you ok?

purpleTree4652 December 8th, 2023


Hi, Tiny,

I'm not sure.  Thank you for asking.


Tinywhisper11 December 9th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 hugs you tightly ❤ we are all here for you sweetie ❤❤

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 I hear you. It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed by your struggles right now. Feeling alone in our challenges can make them even heavier. Feeling understood and supported can bring comfort during difficult times. Is there anything that has helped you feel less alone in the past when dealing with tough emotions or situations?

purpleTree4652 December 9th, 2023


having people to talk to and having them listen to me.  I've only found that through 7cups.  I've never had people in my life who supported me.  Well, I had one friend online for about a year and a half.  But she pulled away from me.

ASilentObserver OP December 11th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 I understand this must have been difficult without people who understood you. It is touching that you found support through 7cups. You deserve to have caring people in your life who make time to listen without judgment.

Tinywhisper11 December 8th, 2023

@ASilentObserver what helps me feel less alone, is 7 cups ❤ and talking to my carers and the old folks who live here, I love listening to their stories😁 also talking to my son in heaven and to God ❤ and sleeping I really tired now, I think I'm gonna call it a day. ❤ obs what about you? What helps you?

merry Christmas ❤❤

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 I am glad that you have found comfort in connecting with others through 7 Cups and sharing experiences with those around you. It is wonderful that you have a strong support system. Taking care of yourself by getting enough rest is important too. I hope you had a good rest Tiny. 

communicativePond1728 December 9th, 2023


When others respect my voice, do their best, assume nothing and are mentors, cheerleaders and guides to me then that's what works for me.

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@communicativePond1728 It sounds like feeling respected, understood and empowered in your journey is so important to you. When others take the time to truly listen without judgment, believe in your strengths, and gently guide without dictating, their support must mean a lot. 

considerateWalker6214 December 9th, 2023

@ASilentObserver truth. truth (from others and from myself) can support. i wish i never have to pretend anything just would like people are sure and telling true without faking rigidity and if someone is lonely whats stoping you from hugging them? tell them you love them and it doesn't matter if they will fail you are with them and will not hurt them if tey tell truth.

ASilentObserver OP December 9th, 2023

@considerateWalker6214 It sounds like connecting with others through honesty and compassion is important to you. Just being present with someone who cares can make all the difference. What kinds of support do you find most helpful in difficult times? 

considerateWalker6214 December 9th, 2023

@ASilentObserver which helps me to solve actual problem. problems look clearly while being honest. 

slowdecline48 December 10th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I don't know.

schrodingerscattt December 10th, 2023


What helps me to feel less alone is this app. Lately i have been feeling really bad again but this app is keeping my mental health at an ok level😂