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The hypothetical equivalent to a journal from the old journal section

Archiver0 February 21st, 2023

There are various things I can say and believe it or not I'm going to try to not be too remorseful for an unceremonius first entry

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

New Anne Rice Series in Development at AMC (

Reading this and thinking on what 2 (loose) AMC Networks Anne Rice adaptations there's been so far and the risk the network will take in making a series focusing mainly on the Talamasca it makes me think that in hindsight it's odd that btw 2003-2014 the late Rice didn't decide to write a book mainly focusing on the Talamasca instead of the 'usual monsters'.

I wish I could find a link (maybe later) but the recent SNL skit w/Ana De Armas parodying the Barbie movie trailer w/the historically accurate 'American girl dolls' seeking to enter the real world was both funny but it actually made me sad and still does..

Remembering years ago when I read Vertigo's Fable series there was a story about..=_= `_` toys (?) trying to march their way to different land and a manipulative s--t of a rabbit character who takes away the magic hat which produces unending sausages which was a main food supply source for those toys..manipulations with casualties happen but survivors still trudge on, I think I remember that..

somehow that SNL skit reminded me of that and a few other sad stories (not just from Fables) about inanimate objects (Brave little toaster anyone ?,it was based on a short story).


Irl horrors/possibly relevant to me topical politics I can peek into later even if I'm not fond of the leanings of this newspaper:

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023


I see a thumbs up for my "When you wonder just how the h--l do you deserve to be alive and functioning at work a day after an addiction episode" comment to the Bateman suit faring Guts video and I didn't care for it to stop me from going on pornography.

This time, it wasn't coming from a spot of stress but from unhesitantly acting on an impulse 'looking forward to it/enthusiastic h--rn-s'.

In a very real sense we can't live without fun..we can't live without playing, we can't live without humour, we can't live without fun, we can't live without making seriousness be temporary since it is functionally necessary to overcome learning curves and is intractably you might say 'an element of freedom', giving you unpunative space which isn't the same as the ceaseless wave of expectations and scarcity, whose self-pressures we can feel with out very bodies (anxiety)..this neat old read is coming to mind Theory of Fun for Game Design: Koster, Raph: 8580001179773: Books - but I'm not going to quote it (it's not on hand with me)

Even if most ppl are poisonously indifferent and irresponsible selfish ciche b--d that doesn't discount the importance of fun..and I can't darn well understand how for all it's validly heavy Darwinian imperative, even when the bonding potential 'isn't conventional' sex is fun and a fun halt to thing which might happen if you don't do that enough or don't know how to is the expression itself becoming somewhat unconventional (hence the importance of not kink-shaming).

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

I know full well how the sensations and sensory processing of all this is atypical if you're on the autistic spectrum.

Below the test tube for anger but above the one for sadness on here: Pinterest

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

Don't get me wrong, I don't know if me saying this is better than self-loathing and enraging about not wanting a libido

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

'Other topic'-- ppl who don't really accept gender diversity and think that woman don't click with cisgen hetero males b/c 'marrying up' ('hypergamy') is more feasible with another woman..I strongly don't think that's the only reason but even if it was I 'wouldn't really blame' women if the options regarding men has always been a rotten spectrum of competitiveness resulting in little option but maximalistic overachievers with tactless egos or 'utter wimps' who are barely acceptable (me veering towards that side obviously).

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

I feel fragile and overly sensitive b/c of last night and would much rather stay here to cry and relax before doing non-work stuff..but I'm going to work with that d--n crunchdown until I'm 'on the clock' and it might mean boarding a bus with d--kheads. That in an imeediate and brief surrounding way or a tedious and gradual way via walking or tense biking through d--n not-really-rush-hour-traffic.

I'd prefer to be wished the best rather than luck, which sounds too variable to evoke.

[+12:18 pm EST ~]

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023
. me about now..

Elymra Duff rom 'Tiny toons' was an unfairly treated character

Archiver0 OP April 20th, 2023

This one girl from the second elementary school I went to, two ppl who had crushes on me during the final years of elementary, one of my cousins and in all fairness and probability my own sister to some affect -- ._. in the sophomorically sexist past, I've got shameful tracks of looking down upon if not being abrasive and hostile to females who were just trying to authentically be affectionate and caring -- and that's just me listing the ones who were closer to my age bracket.

One of those things pre-diagnosis outlooks, I have to tell myself to not self-loathe myself for.

Even as a toddler, I think I understood how she was meant to be an inversion of Elmer Fudd, with a swap of the hunting impulse for pursuit with unambiguous affectionate towards the anthropomorphic animal characters.

From what I remember it wasn't well received by the other characters since not only was she overwhelmingly physical in that affection to the discomfort and dismay of the other characters but they couldn't always quite do the ~'Looney tunes style' slapstick vindication since she was just plainly oblivious although uniquely well-meaning (unlike say the plainly tactless greedy of 'Montana Max'--mayhaps a parralel to Yosesamite Sam when you think about that name `_`), but a fair amount of time the Tiny Toons did pull it off. Unlike say the ~'What I did over summer (?)' special where Bab's dresses like a ninja and fights off octopus henchmen in order to liberate some orca(s(?)) at a villianous lair, I don't particularly remember laughing my head off when the other resenting characters pulled off their intended vindication but I at least neutrally understood their rationales.

`_` ._. '~' Weird, to fixate on a detail from something so banally slapstick and trivial as Tiny Toons at this point I know but in hindsight that was way unfair, mean-spirited and borderline cringely cruel, not the least since her obliviousness but ceaseless affection makes me think her grip on and expression of empathy was dissimilar b/c of some unintended representation of neurodivergence: maybe something more akin to alleged jovialness of Williams-Beuren syndrome than say autism.

If there is a Tiny Toons reboot in the future, I can imagine something like this being coded into things/hinted at and I personally would welcome that.

"^~^ "=_= I realize that reading into it that way is the sort of thing 'anti-woke ppl' view with disdain.

Emotional realism is what is sought after even in animation, even if it's understood that things are mainly going to be to fantastical and/or stylized to be aesthetically realistic or even 'socially realistic' per se.


I remember a video once explaining how 'Elmyra and the Brain' was a little ditch effort to keep 'Pinkie and the Brain' going for a bit longer. From what little I remember watching of it, I definitely didn't mind it and found it fun how 2/3 of those characters were congenial with each other in contrast to the (cartoonishly of course) overly self-serious Brain.

Archiver0 OP April 20th, 2023

on my tvtropes dive..

"Misunderstandings and neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even malice and wickedness. At all events, the two latter are of less frequent occurrence."

Neat quote of Goethe

Archiver0 OP April 20th, 2023

`_` =_= Somehow this is reminding me of how in the 'escaped convicts' arc of Netflis Baki, Retsu tears up and tells a mentally regressed Dorian how he'll buy him candy after his child-like personality expressing explains how his ddad really limited how much candy he was given.

Modal0154 April 30th, 2023

No sign of her in what sequel series trailer there is this far:

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

Bastante mas calmado ahorita.

~1hr+1/2 until off the clock

Archiver0 OP April 21st, 2023

Expectant doings for the 21st:

Wake, bus to same mall as turn of the week to buy charging block,

thrift store Wii games ?,thrift store shirt ?, Discount store wooden spatulas and maybe coat hangers

Bus to gym for ~1+ hr of exercise

Budgeting stuff ?

Archiver0 OP April 21st, 2023

Gunpla at last ???

Archiver0 OP April 21st, 2023

The bookstore and suburban thrift store can wait. I worry about those few og Wii titles going more than the list opportunity of cool shirts but I remind myself of how cumbersome motion sensor (=_= which I’m still waiting for >:| !) setup can be.

Dollar store still sell stickers (not as much as my heyday imo) but no sticker albums anymore ?. What’s up with that ?.

Nut and seed butter spread for granola and yogurt mix was what I was missing for something I made.

Archiver0 OP April 21st, 2023

should add chia seeds

Archiver0 OP April 23rd, 2023

The next time I go that suburban store I should also get shorts in addition to a shirt while in the clothing section

Archiver0 OP April 23rd, 2023

cleaning cloth purchase ?

Archiver0 OP April 25th, 2023

Done at last

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

Gj: suggestion given by gym person to hold my chest up as to be able to feel effect of exercise machine work my shoulders rather than my arms

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

Latest music interests:


MTV unplugged takes --Alanis Morissette and Shakira are on my mind..maybe I'll eventually work through various 90's grunge and alt-rock stuff sans Nirvana..=_= `_` I didn't like Pearl Jam all that much and Korn's take is more memorable to me

The hilarity of an Eddie Vader like singing voice coming from Brandon Smalls when his co-creator of Metalocalypse colleague Tommy Blancha isn't doing lyricism for this one character I'm Just a Rockin' Roll Clown - YouTube xD [somewhat nsfw music video in terms of a certain camera angle]

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

also looking into who 'Daniela Andrade' is

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

Damon Albarn and Paul Stanley doing acoustic or acapella takes..videos like that are darn well handy if you mean to do karaoke

Archiver0 OP April 23rd, 2023


To have singing voices like either, even if I don't know about how to feel about the whole 'Blur v. Nardwaur' thing. Several years before the coke hang-up Dave Rowntree aggression, Nardwaur did about two interviews with them and made some arguably intrusive questions about Damon's relationship past and (as much as I like Mr.Ruskin) might've gotten memorably pestering with them about other stuff like not taking after the mods subculture, by the time of '03 fiasco (btw the debut title album of Gorillaz and the second one Demon Dayz).


Saying something risque here which I mean in humor and not offense: if the Latin American nations were students in a classroom in a moe anime, Brazil would be Jotaru Kujo confidently nontalkative but sounding like Boomhauer from 'King of the hill' when he does speak (b/c Portuguese, not Spanish).

Archiver0 OP April 23rd, 2023

Monica and related characters from Brazilian (not onlys newspaper (?)) comics gives me soothing 'aww' feelings like with Strawberry shortcake and Little Lulu to Alan Moore (0:59-1:22

Archiver0 OP April 24th, 2023

Even after less than than 1/4 hr of porn, thank you for hanging with me Albarn: Damon Albarn - Acoustic Collection - YouTube

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

=_= -Gj: Within less than three minutes of each other comes the 1st and 2nd time in which my new device falls down

It's occurred to me, esp. since I don't see myself rearranging stickers throughout pages like my prepubescent self would do, that there's no loss in just placing what stickers I come across on ordinary lined paper for writing etc.

Archiver0 OP April 22nd, 2023

Eventually I'll find the phrase for the graphic style used for 'Octopass' and 'Wandering sword' but I'd mean to say how I'd vouch to see a 'Brian lord' remake in that style.

Archiver0 OP April 23rd, 2023

If I was trying to be an active VR Tuber, I'd fancy to pick Squawks the parrot from the old SNES Donkey Kong country games. That's different from the avatar choices I make for mainly non-live and non-audio platforms like here.

Going to mean to buy fruit before returning to head up to an alma mater campus.

Archiver0 OP April 23rd, 2023

Since both Brendan Fraser and Keanu Reeves have nary always carried a sort of humility in their performances and in most of the characters they play I'd like to see them costar together in a movie or what not. Coincidentally, two ppl who are at least partially in some ways Canadian.

If it seems that a person bases their personality on school or the doings of students even after a fair amount of time since their schooling finished don't be too baffled or disappointed. The experience is meant to be a labour investment process after all and don't anyone friggin lie to you that, the work (active wage labour that is) which sculpts so much of our lives doesn't wind up weathering on personal identities, whether we like it or not.


It's still a blessing to be able to have a full fridge even you don't spend much time at home. I'd mean to try the dried soy ball like things with the pseudo-abodo sauce I've made,eventually.

Archiver0 OP April 24th, 2023

I'm wondering if there's anything super insistent to do upon waking up...

showering and shaving it is, something I don't look forward to since shaving is so friggin tedious

(to lethargic and sleep nearing like to properly cut celery)

Archiver0 OP April 24th, 2023

=_= Msg to all: I'm open to actual replies on here

Archiver0 OP April 24th, 2023

`_` x_x *sigh* >_< as usual, gathering the initiative to rise out of bed after suitably restful enough hours,oral hygiene habits, showering and breakfast prep took so much of my time away before my usual 1 pm starting time.

I doubt that I'll be in much mood to optimally shave when I return.

F--g drag =_= , how those ~+3-ish days from ~2 weeks ago now are about as close as we'll get to summer temperatures for another 1/2 to full month and we're back to the clouded 'windy wet cold' not 'frigid immobilizing winds, body heat draining, Canadian stereotyping winter cold' that some ppl can actually palette-- the stuff that makes you want to hate a nation for geographic factors no one had an involvement in requesting.

Meaningfully successful dating cannot come sooner enough to accelerate a shift from this stressfully immobilizing monotony.

Archiver0 OP April 24th, 2023

A late day sunset is what little good comes with it due to the time of the year..

`_` I know that the Natives of this region farmed and such during the pre-colonial era but I really wonder how they had the initiative to do labour during this time of the year. Then again that was when there was not a lot less ppl but a drastically less 'urban' locale, much more forested settings and 'pristine' pre-climate change, pre-industrialization weather.

I almost envy how there wouldn't nearly have been as much expectation and remind myself to not take for granted how you can count the bad attitudes for unappreciate active wage labour on a timeline that doesn't go before Adam Smith's birth.

Etc,etc, f--k I have to go to work. Contently held and practiced work but still not quite a time allocation I like to practice as far as time allocations go in a world where it's barely acceptable to be doing anything else but that.

walkalot April 25th, 2023


Do you want responses

Archiver0 OP April 25th, 2023


Sort of (good question)

I said t hat more as a notice to all, that I'm open to responses on here what with my speculation this might be one of the more active threads.


Peeled my pineapples, prepared my rice and will mean to shave tomorrow.

walkalot April 25th, 2023


I've been following it. Interesting, but hard to follow. But I guess as it's your journal, that's fine.

Archiver0 OP April 25th, 2023

Me finally shaving wasn't a cause for lateness whilst we await for a coworker with a handmade cake by one self-proclaimed 'overcommitted' coworker present

Archiver0 OP April 25th, 2023

Cool how on the same day as we celebrate the birthday of a coworker we also get photos of the newborn of one who left on maternity leave.

Archiver0 OP April 25th, 2023

I put ppl through tests and struggles b/c I'm deeply mistrustful of letting just anyone see and understand me transparently, esp. if I don't think them responsible enough.

Others (like certain jacka-- techers past and a jacka-- of a past crush) did it b/c they were indifferently callous and blustering a--holes when it came to explaining to with no hesistance for tactless cruelty and/or narcissism