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The hypothetical equivalent to a journal from the old journal section

Archiver0 February 21st, 2023

There are various things I can say and believe it or not I'm going to try to not be too remorseful for an unceremonius first entry

Archiver0 OP April 2nd, 2023

'the mystery of the non-functioning washroom outlet'

Archiver0 OP April 10th, 2023

>:I not finding my main winter vest >_<

Archiver0 OP March 30th, 2023

gj: donating comic books

Archiver0 OP April 2nd, 2023

seeing my cousin and aunt plus my mother dropping off food for me

this work day being smooth and the good reception of a coworker upon explaining something

Archiver0 OP April 3rd, 2023

The week past and this one ahead with an expectation for Friday

Archiver0 OP March 31st, 2023

-_- The lack of feedback regarding the unincluded Wii motion sensor is very discouraging.


A soft pop, indie vibing ~13 yr old music video for 'Lento [Slowly] ' by Julieta Venegas ( is encouraging enough to make me say that the ricidulousness of travel expenses was so effing jarring, nor the logistics process soo draining and off-putting etc, in travel to different 'nice looking' cities of the world it might give me a different perspective so as to not too easily succumb to how off putting the griminess and divisiveness of this city can feel like -- Reddit - Dive into anything

[Keep in mind, Burlington is the 'still not good enough for Toronto glory' area -_- ]


Anthony Padilla is like Howard Stern in that he started off as a crass and cringe inducing media personality who became the sort of talk show host a fair amount of ppl feel comfortable enough around, including someone he unjustly ridiculed at one point (I'm thinking about the one person who was influenced by the 'Wolf's rain' anime in the ~'Spends a day with otherkin' episode).

Archiver0 OP April 14th, 2023


In the past I used to not really like anime movies to known series since I thought they'd mainly be bombastic profit oriented tie-ins mainly meant for the attention of those who don't follow the main series (I was even more unfond of anime movies which were basically condensed versions of the first story arc or such) which would contribute to muddling canonicity.

Now, I can see that there's definitely a reason to appreciate them as not everyone can make weekly commitments to dozens of episodes spread over the course of years but your still fond of those characters and might even know enough to get a fairly accurate speculation as to what might go down.

Archiver0 OP April 9th, 2023

*sigh* this..

I have antipathy towards on various levels...not the least the 'how the f--k did you find the time to practice and afford to do all that stuff mindfully ?. Even w/the 'free time' afforded by the early lockdowns, didn't getting through the learning curves of all this put you through insanely regimented self-pressure ?.

-_- I hate to say this, but no disrespect to Mike and sure there might be an underlying element of envy but click-bait inducing stunts like this is why right-wing hype ppl are still a thing. The risk of them repurposing this as a zero-tolerance ad for how anyone less than overachieving is unacceptable.

-_- this lucid dreaming thing though..

Archiver0 OP April 12th, 2023

-Gj: Not finding my main vest. If it's not here it's somewhere at my parents.

Not being around the store whence my mom exited it.

Gj: Being gifted an excellent sports padding set (gloves of some kind plus knees and elbows pads) but realizing that the velcro roll I purchased yesterday can still be handy to keep

Archiver0 OP April 12th, 2023

-gj: how holistic health options aren't covered by the provincial healthcare insurance, even though I'd gander that when it comes to that particulary the argument is that the conceptual framework is less 'feet on the ground' and hence not as reliable to cover for.

Archiver0 OP April 13th, 2023

One step at a time

btw the frequent banal inconveniencing of an aging phone with a diminished battery and an arguably sluggish laptop I would sooner veer to spend on the former esp. since I would hate to have that kind of risk while on an out of country trip in a few months.

-____- F--k how replacing either on short notice is like ~2 whole tax returns..the short of s--t you need to make emergency funds for..

Archiver0 OP April 12th, 2023

I've had this strange itch for a while to get to understand baseball for a while. I realize how it gets criticized for being slow and tedious but when I think back to this warm memory I have of a playing an og GB cartridge version of it, I think to myself that it was b/c it's so slow and uncannily turn based by structure really makes it a not too intimidating sport to get introduced to via a video game in contrast to the speed and maneouvering for playing video games versions of say soccer or basketball.

Unrelated ?:,opponent%20and%20capture%20their%20pieces.&text=definitely%20helps%20to%20play%20any,are%20a%20good%20chess%20player. ...

Archiver0 OP April 12th, 2023


for this..

❝You know where to run.❞ || Weirdcore Videogame's Music - YouTube

`_` 'u' mm..knowing I can post pictures changes things

Archiver0 OP April 12th, 2023

When it comes to AI music, even if we can’t really yet get flawless piano covers just yet after a song upload, I wonder if you can at least get 8 bit covers of most any music after an upload thru an AI. That’d be fun.

Archiver0 OP April 12th, 2023

..I forget to mention possible transformations of music into acoustic guitar cover before the bit about at least prevalent 8 bit outputs,

Archiver0 OP April 18th, 2023

xD Jajaja!,I'm posting this precisely b/c I'm not afraid of it right now nor opting to think to much on it:

melissakristintv #millennials #shorts - YouTube

Archiver0 OP April 20th, 2023

In terms of how the fear of losing relevance is ‘when youth is the currency’, 25 is the new 55 and 30 is the new 60 or whenever you retire age.

Archiver0 OP April 25th, 2023

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

Don't want to be carried away by Rick Beato's criticism on contemporary music ( "=_= has he even put out a video on the worries of AI music yet ?)

Yet the whole 'singers are not always there own songwriters' remark makes me think that something like this

is valuable on some level

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

Not an entirely accurate listing from what I glanced.

`-` '~' Pity for the lack of names mentioned under Mexico.

Archiver0 OP April 21st, 2023
Gorillaz is one of the few sources of hip-hop like elements I embrace in an involving kind of way
Archiver0 OP April 13th, 2023

I don't want to get into it right now but current factors make it so that dating prospects might well be delayed by another year >_< =___= . That's not to say I can't still have an enjoyable summer but that linger pressure f--g s--ks to still have.

Archiver0 OP April 13th, 2023

F---g hate how weak my grip is.

Archiver0 OP April 13th, 2023

My laptop is currently working and I'd like to think that for all the weird charging issues it not having been able to so much as turn on as it did overnight was a fluke.

Let's try until next Easter-ish with this. Never nice to let go hardware you actually did find reliable. There's more to it beyond sluggish and hic-up like initial start up motions.

Archiver0 OP April 16th, 2023

*sigh* maybe, maybe, maybe next year El Salvador.

Archiver0 OP April 16th, 2023

I wonder if ppl who do lucid dreaming get to a point like this.. ..since sure, ppl imagine doing sexual stuff but there's also some thrill in lucid dreaming being exceedingly athletic including in combat sports

Archiver0 OP April 17th, 2023

Would I have liked this sort of thing ? (whether it be of contemporary make or something from somewhat far back)..

..~+5 yrs ago ?

..~+10 yrs ago ?

..~+15 yrs ago ?

..~+20 yrs ago ?

A question I can ask myself when I come across media that seems fun or appealing on some level.

Archiver0 OP April 17th, 2023

-Return pants with broken button for exchange

-(In the 90’s) if alt-rock was alternative rock what was the mainstream kind of rock at the time ?

-Rocky night, making worried if sour experiences lay in store for me in the next several days

Fond memory of a counselor saying that they appreciate my being vulnerable— f—k how this world makes it near impossible to believe that coming from anyone let alone authentic express it. F—k archaic ‘might makes right’ attitudes.

Spaghetti is set to cook, cabbage is present and memories of the penultimate f—khead cliche of a dentist still persist.

Archiver0 OP April 17th, 2023

I would almost ditch out of Netflix entirely if it weren't for one more final season of 'Cobra kai' plus seeing if 'Sweet tooth' can stay sweet.

Archiver0 OP April 17th, 2023

Didn't exercise before work b/c of porn use after effects

Archiver0 OP April 18th, 2023

Admittedly I can't think of too many uses for celery, chopped or otherwise. I could try to blend it into something of a juice but from experience I find that somewhat wasteful considering how much tough, fiborous aftermath is left which isn't part of the juice.

=_= ._. Found so much which went bad in my fridge (-gj)

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

this day *at all* due to that same d--n reason.


My 'careful observation' of a new (not permanent (?)) employee who in the intro msg said they had hobbies which included going to concerts, playing guitar *and boxing*

=_= `_` ...

My g.7 teacher, a friend of my sister's I had a crush on, a counselor of sorts I once knew and now this person whose long sleeve clothes covered. unremarkable and not conspiciously burly arms.. -_- -~- "you intrigue me" (Kaoru Hanayama to Andreanov Zagon ~2k03 Grappler Baki series)..the diversity of attitudes with ppl who practice boxing but when you get to anger and/or competition..

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

I'm going to try to not get too jealous of the possible fitness of that person if I see them today or begin to fume about whether I'll get along with them.

Modal0154 May 12th, 2023

They can have boxing as their fitness based hobby..

I can still have yoga, =_= with an added dimension of looking into postural health and adjustment much more.

The massage therapy place that does under $20 sessions for alumni of a specific community college is barely open for the season to my chagrin. To my chagrin this means needing to find a different place. The 'black horse' significance of the question of what our age differences might be actually does make for an agitating itch in this case

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

I have to say something while I'm still stupidly intrepid enough to say this: the 'novelty' of webstreaming performance makes me 'cling and come back' in a way which isn't quite there w/the 'more passive search for variability' which is looking up for static 'cut and dried' like videos,gif and pictures..there's also a more parasocial element in that it sates a parasocial craving in a sharply niche and quasi-deluded way.

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

You think yourself something like this

American Berserk Gatsu Bateman status [1 HOUR VERSION] - YouTube

after a bad episode of life, and while doing that you think to yourself the pressure to 'assemble yourself' like that time after time is so friggin exhausting, why not rest ?..the feeling of rest is so alien on one level that it puts you back into the lousy angst of mental unwellness and you are choiceless,short of say having holding your job compromised, obligated to put yourself together and rinse and repeat to look like that video again

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

even in standing up to your inner demons or fixations 'all is vanity' --

Archiver0 OP April 19th, 2023

Writing this is. is what's preventing me from going on to overidentify with some cryptic David Tibet song or poem whilst exercising..

Why do ppl go to grotesquely shock value laden*1 like variably unhealthy occultism, fantastically morbid aesthetics and (with variable commitment) demonic aesthetic shlock like Satanism and heavy metal music or (apparently more recently, somewhere btw Billie Eilish and Lil Nas X music videos*2) occasionely pop music, when if that s--t was actually effectual 'in inducing evil' I'd think that even law enforcement would overcome it's indifference if say it was a fact that some secret society infernal ritual was always responsible for the death toll in Russia Ukraine conflict ?.

It's what dimly, stupidly happens when ppl don't realize that you're suppose to cease rebelling at some point and f--g commit to the settled acheivements even if it's boring b/c at some point you realize (even if everything else around you is sorely unaccomodating to it or you easing your way into learning it--ex. this aftermath of mine after my recent upset into pornography overnight ), that's what truly there is something akin to a theory of mind which in foundationally indifferent but =_= can't even really say that b/c all around you is a ceaslessly stupidity of an existentialist hedonism which will painfully self-implode on itself if you make it practice the first duty of love (to listen, to introspect)

I've no sympathy for those who don't realize this. Maybe this my track to learning what no shame as they in English means, in a more proper way.

*1 a certain Jubilee video thumbnail and the fact that there are reaction videos to it come to mind-- and I put a link to this video with some reluctance as I don't veer to use what scant pre-work time I have to add my comments on the non-secular but will say an opinion in that ~'the answers lay in much more deeply looking into Judaism specifically and then examining the historical movements/ripple effects by other groups after'...frig, the way we as social creatures try to attribute credit or discredit onto the apparently inexplicable external and enter the apparent entailments bilateral pluralism of 'good and evil',give or take theism mainly b/c ultimately we profoundly s--k at our history of practising responsibility

*2 I'm not exactly immune to it either in one sense..ppl who actually know about Gorillaz lore would know that's actually the reason for the musical talent of the character Murdoc and it pops up from time to time, in the phases of the lore but maybe not so much in the recent (Phase 4 (?)) stuff even with all the cultish stuff which ends w/everyone try to gather themselves in the police station as per the 'Cracker island' music video

Modal0154 April 30th, 2023

Leon Thomas does good on expanding on the whole grotesque supernatural evoking contrarians/Satanists,esp. on the 20:55+ mark here

and (while I still am fond of Jubilee) Alice Cappelle’s criticism of the channel’s attempts for a sort of discursive centrism does have a few neat points