If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
I had two thoughts. 1) Words can hurt. 2) Try your best.
What would your note say?
do not get married!
Put mercy on your soul
Yeah mate, that girl you fell in love with and you thought would be the last person in your life. Yeah she left you. Get out of there and focus on guitar and work. They'll be someone out there, you just need to wait.
You’ll be ok 💕
We made it :)
You've always mattered
You are autistic
You got this!
Believe In Yourself✨
Trust your instinct
Things will get better. Try your best in school. You'll find love.
Put others concern above yours once in a while, don't be the selfish one on perspective
Quit lying to yourself it never gets any better. You are destined to be this miserable everyday for the rest of your miserable life
He’s not the love of your life : don’t let him see your underwear.
Be gentle with yourself
Everything takes time.
Friends are bad