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another day of tricking my arfid into thinking food is not my enemy

sadcat13 December 21st, 2023

Hi. I´m cat and for those i haven´t crossed path with before, I have arfid with the fear of aversive consequences subtype. In a nutshell, food makes me scared of having an allergic reaction based on past negative experiences what turned out to be due to histamine intolerance years later. Part of my recovery involves learning that food is not my enemy. I found that engaging with food content helps me a lot when i struggle. Today, i took my usual coping strategy a step further, and since been in mood to journal a little, i decided to make myself a nutrition cheat sheet of vitamins and minerals and what foods i am ok with eating can i find them in to encourage myself with eating. Attaching a page of my entry, despite it not being a masterpiece, but oh well. I just feel happy about opening a door for myself to a better recovery by this new tool for additional motivation, and just throwing it out here in case it inspires someone to try it too as a way of reframing the way how we think of food.


KristenHR December 21st, 2023


Welcome!  What a great idea that you did this.  Thanks for sharing and giving us an idea of a way to journal about foods that might help.

May you continue to find healthy ways to deal with ARFID as well, that bring you strength and power.

sadcat13 OP December 21st, 2023

@KristenHR thank you, hope it helps to someone else too

TheMadHatterWasHere December 22nd, 2023

@sadcat13 Good job! :D

sadcat13 OP December 22nd, 2023

@TheMadHatterWasHere thank youuu

WeEarth December 27th, 2023


Did you create this chart yourself?

sadcat13 OP December 27th, 2023

@WeEarth yesss, based on a research I did. Then just had fun journaling about it

WeEarth December 27th, 2023


Its amazing🤓


sadcat13 OP December 27th, 2023

@WeEarth thank you. I have a huge fear of having an allergic reaction to food. So I need to continuously trick myself with food positive content and materials, for my brain to see that food is not dangerous for me by looking at food pictures, hearing people talk positively about food, or in this case showing myself how good food is for my body. If you want to help me out, I made a thread for food pics, you can find it on my profile Here😊

WeEarth December 27th, 2023


Sure, will check it out!