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Giving up on life

GoldieLox98 March 18th, 2016

I'm sick of not being good at anything. I'm sick of not being smart or pretty. I'm sick of knowing I have no potential. I'm sick of hurting everyone I care about. I'm sick of being pathetic. I'm sick of trying to be something I'm not. I'm sick of wasting oxygen. I'm sick of trying to be something I'm not. I'm just done. I give up on life.

GoldieLox98 OP March 18th, 2016

@Kasmith616 do you think people who are stupid deserve to live?

GoldieLox98 OP March 18th, 2016

@Kasmith616 then what do you call people who aren't good at anything, can't learn anything and can't understand what people are saying half the time?

GoldieLox98 OP March 18th, 2016

@Kasmith616 I don't know where to find people who are going through the same thing as me. There is no "special people" forum on 7 cups as far as I know.

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GoldieLox98 OP March 18th, 2016

@Kasmith616 by special I mean mentally disabled like me. Do you know of a forum like that? I'm asking seriously.

Lostboymarco March 19th, 2016

@GoldieLox98 I know exactly what you are feeling and going through. Much so that it kills me that most of the time I can't even tell my wife. I hope things start to get better for you. I will definitely be pulling for you

Cheshire94 March 19th, 2016


I know. How you feel, I feel this way some days. Idk if you're depressed but you sound like it. The shitty thing about it is that it lies to you and makes you feel bad and believe things that aren't true. I'm no supermodel but I can find things that I like about myself like my caring heart, or my green eyes and red hair, or my open mind, the fact that I've over come so much like not having an education but guess what? I taught myself. I'm 21 with no degrees or diplomas but I'm smarter than a lot of people my age. I'm not good at math (seriously I can't remember half of my multiplication tables) I have a hard time retaining the things I learned but I try to learn by reading things and then I think hmm I wonder if this is true and go research it and then it kind of rabbit trails from there. Find something that interests you even if you think it's not worth learning about like say Greek gods/mythology you can learn so much from that, culture and go from there learn about all the temples dedicated to these gods and learn about greek culture and food. People place WAY too much emphasis on degrees and diplomas. For instance if you had a degree in say... science, and you get a job as a scientist in a lab (but you really would rather be a florist) you may get paid well but at the end of the day money won't make you happy. Being a florist would fulfill you more because it's what you'd enjoy vs just money and hating your job for the rest of your life.

Cheshire94 March 19th, 2016


Also if you don't feel pretty maybe try changing your look. And try to embrace yourself, you are going to have to live with yourself the rest of your life. Try some make up tutorials onYouTube (I've been doing winged liner since I was 14 and I still have a hard time with it sometimes so it takes practice and lots of makeup wipes)

Try a new hairdo something as simple asparting your hair differently can make a difference. I used to part mine in the middle but changed it to a deep side part and it gives you a different look.

Also as lame as it sounds just get outside to a park or something and walk around or swing on a swing (you're not too old) and it can really help. I was just doing this this week with my kids. Basically anything that can take your mind off things will help. Take a step back and really think about what you like and things you'd like to try. Don't feel pressured to go to college right away, why be rushed into something you're not sure what you'd go for? If I can do it you can too! :) just focus on today not yesterday or tomorrow.

Cheshire94 March 19th, 2016

*parting your hair

Stupid auto correct

BestIcanbe March 19th, 2016


Hey hun, just hang on for today. Who knows what tomorrow may bring.

I've felt those things too, but I hung on, and now I'm glad I'm still here.

I'm right by your side, in thought, wishing you strength and love ❤️