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Hannahbethh July 17th, 2017

I work two jobs, so some of my days turn out to be 17 hour work days and I get about 3 hours of sleep before having to get back up and go to work again. Because of this I am extremely tired all the time. On the days when I'm that tired I can feel my depression getting stronger which in turn makes me even more fatigued. I drink coffee every morning but some days caffeine isn't strong enough to properly wake me up and make me feel ready to take on the day.

What are your tools you use to help wake you up and feel more energized?

SereneRecipe37 July 18th, 2017


Try superfoods...spirulinA,maca power...fruits really increase my energy!

Dellaa July 17th, 2017


Im really sorry to hear that! Here's a few tips which may help you. Having a shower really wakes me, even if its not a cold cold shower because I tend to feel releaxed and more alive, taking a nap if possible after your first job, having a short walk in the morning has the same affect as the shower as the cold morning air wakes you up even if its just walking in the garden and finally coffee. But make sure that in the end sleep is caught up on or else you're ability to mulitask and drive properly will decrease which isnt very safe!

Hope this helped and good luck!

JanahisHere July 24th, 2017


It sounds like you are working very hard! Other than getting as much sleep as you can, I know this sounds counter productive but exercise. When I can I do because it helps build my body up, making it stronger and able to deal with stress better. I hope you find something that works for you! Be safe <3

PromotingWellness July 24th, 2017

@Hannahbethh I'm so sorry to hear that you're so exhausted. sad At the end of the day though, all these fixes are temporary. Sleep is incredibly important for a healthy mind and body. I hope you'll take out some time to catch up on your sleep. heart