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All kinds of exhausted

WolfOwl May 2nd, 2019

I don't know if I'm even posting in the right community but recently I'm just exhausted with myself and everything around. Things have been absolutely hell, I try not to worry too much but end up overworrying. I hate that I'm a coward, I hate that I get easily irritated, I hate that I get passive aggressive at times and I hate that I'm selfish. There're just so much that I hate about myself.

I tried thinking positive and getting myself motivated, which for the first week or so surprisingly worked, the negativity wasn't creeping up on me that much anymore, but things still came crushing down. I don't think that I'm worth it, I feel like everyone around me deserves way better, and if there's one person I hate the most in this world, it would be myself.

I'm exhausted emotionally and mentally, sometimes I wish I could just throw away my emotions so that I don't have to feel again. I've definitely thought about suicide, but I'm not the type to act on it for one, I'm deathly afraid, and two, there're so many things that I can't let go.

I'm a tired and confused mess. I'm unsure of how to keep going.

goodPineapple9781 May 2nd, 2019

@WolfOwl i suggest you listen to a preachers sermon joel osteen works really good when im feeling like that you can find his podcast on podcast addict just search his name and the podcast should load also try praying

Weisseguy May 3rd, 2019

@WolfOwl you sound like the me from three weeks ago. I didnt think things would or could get better but they eventually did. Positive thinking is very difficult when youre down but you should certainly give yourself credit for even trying it given how youre feeling. Im no doctor but Ive been through some s*** so if you need a friend or someone to talk to Im happy to help. Just by turning to this community you are taking steps in the right direction! 7-cups has been very helpful for me. The listener I had at my lowest point was fantastic so I encourage you to leverage them if you are interested. Take care my friend.

WolfOwl OP May 3rd, 2019


Hello, thank you for the advice and I do agree that postive thinking had honestly been the most difficult thing in such times. Negative thinking is harder to supress, and when I do think of something positive, my mind will eventually start conjuring up all the "what ifs" situations and things will start going downhill again. I'm aware that there's no point in thinking about so much what ifs in life, but these thoughts can't help but overpower the positive ones even though they are unlikely to happen.

Previously it did help with positive thinking, I had a more positive outlook towards life and actually had the motivation to do what I set myself up for. Currently I may be able to come up with a positive thought but it's difficult to keep it there for very long.

Weisseguy May 3rd, 2019


I may be about to ask too many personal questions but I really just want to help. Have you been diagnosed with any mental illnesses? Are you taking any medications? Are you currently involved in any therapy with a qualified therapist? Are you practicing any mindfulness activities (meditation etc.)? You can tell me to F off and mind my own business and I wont be offended haha!

WolfOwl OP May 3rd, 2019


WolfOwl OP May 3rd, 2019


No worries, it's all good. I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything yet, and quite frankly I don't really trust medicine cause though they can help in the short run, most important is still you yourself wanting to overcome it.

I haven't tried meditation (can't keep still and quiet for that long), but I do keep journals/diaries to document my thoughts as well as do self-reflection. If that counts.

Weisseguy May 3rd, 2019


I had a really nice long reply drafted and the app crashed. I

WolfOwl OP May 5th, 2019


No worries, take your time. I had the same issue before as well, drafted a long reply but when I temporarily locked my phone and came back a moment later, the entire thing was gone.

Take care yourself as well.