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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

Volantduck May 10th, 2020

If my depression were a person it would be the a very controlling and manipulative person. The kind of person to go out if their way to make sure that you do what they want. The one who would convince you that everyone you know is only trying to hurt you more so you slowly start to separate yourself from everyone close. And after they get you to be completely alone they would turn it right back around on you and make sure you know it was completely your fault that you distanced yourself from everyone

lazyKatz May 12th, 2020

If my depression where a person it would be a loner......capable and used to being alone.....never having to explain how you feeling even if you felt able to share with someone willing to listen.

lazyKatz May 15th, 2020


Sounds like I'd had one over the eight when I left this message

calmHand123 June 13th, 2020

@lazyKatz aww.

MarryDoe May 22nd, 2020

If my depression was a person it would be a Dolores Umbridge - she washes my brain from time to time.

Something that is bad is associated with chaos. For me depression is very well-ordered. Comes in from time to time, every time it goes through similar stages. Until at some point I give it up so that I believe what it tells me. Just like Dolores she is super organised pedant who will try to show that what she does is good for you. But the turth is that she is very bad. But as we know we can beat her.

lycan9826 June 11th, 2020

My twin best friends

I have made mistakes in my life that have hurt them both significantly :( My depression would look like both of them standing over me putting me down, calling me every name in the book, making me feel like even bigger crap than I already do :(

Adhamgaming June 11th, 2020

if my depression was depicted by a person it would be all warm and fuzzy and supportive until you open up to it then it stabs you in the back and hangs you by a chain to hang in pain (not suicidal) I just want my depression to end I want to be able to just live my life without being sad all the time I am constantly thinking about my future and if I pass next semester if I gained weight I am more scared of a scale than jumping off a cliff (again not suicidal) I feel like I am a viewer to my own life like I can't control myself

RealTree3 June 11th, 2020

An oppressive demon with an organized strategy to make me as miserable as possible until i die.

calmHand123 June 13th, 2020

if my depression was a person it would be the most loyal and trustworthy friend of mine. We would set BFF goals! It would never leave my side no matter how happy I am and would always be by my side when I am feeling down. I would be glad to have it.

RealTree3 June 13th, 2020


can you re-literate that?

calmHand123 June 14th, 2020

@RealTree3 what does that mean, kind sir?

RealTree3 June 14th, 2020



calmHand123 June 14th, 2020

@RealTree3 why though? it's sarcastically put not in the real sense. if that's okay.

Raya501 June 14th, 2020

If my depression were a human it would be a clingy, lazy person my age that wants us to just sit facing the wall and complain about how boring life is. When I want to do something that makes us feel better, she would try to stop me because it's too much effort and probably wouldn't work. She'd prefer doing nothing and staring at the wall over anything

VampiricSpirit June 14th, 2020

My depression is a dark cloud that curls up on me during times of stress. It's a good friend of mine, albeit an annoying one. I gave it a name. I imagine this person to be beautiful but ultimately, a destructive parasite. This person is very much like a cunning creature, however, not a traditional one. Many forms and shapes can be taken with this individual. He's ruthless, he's cunning, but at the end of the day, he is draining. I sometimes spend hours away from him, happy. However, I sometimes miss him. That's the allure and familiarity of depression. While I hate depression, depression likes to claw back and entice me further, because I am used to this.

However, I have the upper hand. I can muffle the voice of the creature temporarily, enough so that I have enough emotional clarity to do other things. That is my story, and my story to bear.

swizzleapple75 June 19th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be like a fake friend. Someone who does nothing but put me down, makes me feel bad about myself, and never ackowedges the good choices I make and the success I have accomplished. But they make me feel guilty for expressing how I feel, and disregard every chance I try to stand up for myself. If my depression were a person, I would want to cut them out of my life so that I could feel more free, no matter how hard it may be. I'm hoping to gain the courage and strength to eventually do that.

emerijourney June 19th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be extremely judgemental. It would be someone who is clever, ruthless, and put together-- constantly one step ahead of you. To me, it would be someone who expects a lot and is constantly disappointed-- someone who always discourages you from trying because you're already failing.

greyjedi77 June 27th, 2020

If my depression was a person, they would be the most balanced person in the world.... Balanced in that for every aspect of his life, there is always an equal and direct opposite. When he yells at you, it's follow by love. When he hits you, it's follow by a hug. When he offers you hope, it's followed by disappointment. When he offers a tissue, it's followed by reminders of why you cry.

JaneEyre29 July 3rd, 2020

If my depression was a person it would be very judgmental, very negative and impossible to be around, basically a big mean bully. It would make everyone uncomfortable. I would avoid being around them at all cost.

fearofthelark July 8th, 2020

If my depression were a person, they would look like me and people would point out how similar we were, because they would seem cheerful at the outside but very hateful and toxic on the inside. I would be stuck in this relationship with them as if we were frenemies who would want each other gone. They'd gaslight me into thinking that only because I'm feeling good at one point, the bad stuff hasn't happened in the first place.

ajw99 July 12th, 2020

I would wonder why they stay around me so long

Ginevra962 August 2nd, 2020

She would be my worst bully. She would hurt my feelings all the time. She would be a mean beautiful skinny girl

lonelykitten24 August 12th, 2020

they would be a shadow looming over me in my room they would be inky and would have a sick smile and when i feel particularly bad they would whisper in my ear about all the things that cause me depression and make it worse and then they would laugh at me as i sit their in misery

MyNameIsNicole August 12th, 2020


My depression would be very smart. This person would know my weaknesses and my strengths. Dep. would be a stalker and follow me everywhere I go. He would always nag and disagree with every decision I make.

beloved143 October 6th, 2020


if my depression was a person it wouldve been dead

MyNameIsNicole October 6th, 2020


Wow. Is that a way of saying you're depression is reducing or getting better?

pluckyNickel4291 August 14th, 2020

My depression is a lonely little girl, who sits next to me. She's doesn't talk, she just watches me with a sad, apathetic expression. She doesn't pity me per se. She's just a disappointed in a sad sort of way. She knew this didn't have to happen, but it did and now it always will have.

dancingKoala5679 August 15th, 2020

If my depression were a person, the person would be very slow, and scared. She wouldn't leave the house, and she would need everyone in her life to give her reassurance

MyNameIsNicole August 15th, 2020


Hmm. Thought provoking. Is there a reason for making this person female? ♀️

dancingKoala5679 August 15th, 2020

Honestly I didn't even realize I did that! I recently had a breakthrough regarding some past trauma from when I was little, and think because of that I'm able to connect more to my depression/PTSD. So I guess I connect my depression to that scared little girl.

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

if my depression were a person, it would be the embodiment of patronizing and condescending, walking around with a superiority complex designed as promoting aid and growth. My depression needed me to be truly down to continue satisfying its needed image of itself.

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would need to tear me down to vindicate their own insecurities

applepersona August 15th, 2020

@wontwakewontsleep If my depression were a person, it would be my depressed, lonely twin who constantly tells me that nobody likes me and that I'm undeserving of love and life itself.

MyNameIsNicole August 15th, 2020


Basically a mirror to reflect your thoughts? 💭😔

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

if my depression was a person, it would be a group of people, actually -- people with unmitigated cruelty and a need to hurt someone in the deepest, most scarring way. Regardless of how they feel, they would go about it in the worst possible way, rather than distancing themselves or having a direct conversation. They would surround me with their cruel assessments and harsh assessments until i felt worthless, but tell me they wanted to help whenever I asked. They would treat me like a doormat, then blame me when I grew angry and resentful. They would refuse to acknowledge the harm they do themselves, the part they play in the dynamic. They would not rest until I took full and ultimate responsibility for the emotions, pains, and mishaps of every even that unfolded. They would nto rest until I accepted what they say as the truth and see myself how they see me. Perhaps depression, personified, does truly want me to change, hoping my good qualities will outweigh the bad. In reality, depression couldn't handle a dark time in my life, or the complexities and nuances of the situations at hand. They become the embodiment ( and worse ) of everything they fear and hate. And depression makes me believe their worst assessments. Depression doesn't care how far it has gone, or the reality that all I needed was time and some space from tragedy/ good events unfolding. Depression will push harder and harder until I give in.

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

@dworth257 depression would take my worst habit and turn it into a horrific nightmare, much worse than necessary. Depression makes no effort to understand or empathize. Depression doesn't have to -- but at least, then, don't do irreversible harm. We all make mistakes, but intention to do serious, life-changing harm to somebody cannot be justified, no matter how that person has hurt or annoyed you. Depression doesn't care, and sees itself as a merciless, heroic embodiment of justice itself. But far too often in human history, what looks like justice quickly turns into villainy.

MyNameIsNicole August 15th, 2020


You really put some thought into this💭❤️

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

Final : my depression is a sad, jealous, vindictive woman, who couldn't stand to see somebody "fool" her. She didn't take the time to see the situation or empathize, she just went with the typical pattern of her life -- spoiled, never without money to help or save her from strife, never without the upper hand given to her by her powerful family. Her vast luck was that her victim had actually made legitimate mistakes. Of course, depression underestimated me. A lion will always crush a scorpion, in the end. Poison is temporary, strength is forever.

MyNameIsNicole August 15th, 2020


I love the way you wrote this. Pure and raw♥️

VirgilAndOthers September 19th, 2020


very poetic