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Is it jealousy?
Relationship Stress / by Dancingwithnoone
Last post
December 30th, 2022
...See more Hi! I have been with my bf for a few years now and just recently he has gotten reaally close with his girl best friend. Normally i wouldn't mind but I have felt like things have been different lately. Like for instance they call each other every single day, and so does my boyfriend with me. But he talks longer to her. Also they hang out alone a lot and when they do, they cuddle the same way that we cuddle. For me, even my best friend in the whole wild world, i dont cuddle with when I'm alone with them. I cuddle with my friends when we are in a group and then everyone is cuddling everyone. They also hold hands. They also text all the time: I love you with lots of hearts. He has also said on several occasions that she is attractive, cute and what not. And when we have arguments he compares me to her and says that she never does this. When she hangs out at our apartment he only gives her psysical attention and not me. My heart hurts when i enter the door and he doesn't even stand up to greet me but is lying on the couch with her. The worst thing is that I have told him about this. He knows my insecurity with her. Not her as a person but their dynamic. And he doesn't change anything. He sort of turned it on me.
Im afraid of getting dumped
Relationship Stress / by Dancingwithnoone
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December 23rd, 2020
...See more This is the first time ive opened up my heart to someone. Tomorrow is out 1 year aniversary and im just scared. I dont want my heart broken. What if he decides tomorrow that he doesnt wanna be with me. Idk maybe im crazy
Moving in together???
Relationship Stress / by Dancingwithnoone
Last post
November 27th, 2020
...See more I have been with my partner for a year and I really want us to move in together. Mostly it is because i am always at his place anyways and we can hang out by doing completely different things. I think we have great communication and i just want to live with him you know? Since we both are so young and I have never lived on my own before I am questioning this entire thing. Also I do not know if he wants to move in with me yet. He has hinted that he wanted to live with me someday but I am cunfused. What do you think?
Is this toxic?
Relationship Stress / by Dancingwithnoone
Last post
June 27th, 2020
...See more I have a friend who is depressed, so am I. I am dealing with a lot right now and so is she. She always reaches ou to me to talk and I wanna be there for her, but some times it's a bit much for me. I don't have any experience what so ever in psychology and i don't feel like I'm the one who is supposed to take care of her weight. She is really sensetive and i feel like if i tell her that i need to focus on my mental health, she will do something to herself. She always say stuff about her being gone and such and I dont really know what to say. Please give me some advice.
When are you too clingy?
Relationship Stress / by Dancingwithnoone
Last post
May 4th, 2020
...See more My bf is really bad at reaching out to me so I'm often the one who calls. Sometimes I really wanna call him but I feel like I'm too much, any advice?
Hey people, let's share some love
Anxiety Support / by Dancingwithnoone
Last post
May 3rd, 2020
...See more I created this event just to spread some love. Everyone is so amazingly brave to openly talk about these issues! Remember you are all strong and beautiful❤ Hope everyone stays safe!
Don't want to bother my boyfriend
Depression Support / by Dancingwithnoone
Last post
May 3rd, 2020
...See more There are a lot of times when I'm alone and lonely, I just wanna call my boyfriend but I don't wanna be too anoying. He knows about my depression and says that he doesn't mind, but what if he really doesn't tell me that he'd rather do something else and feels forced to talk to me?
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