One thing I am feeling sad about today is....
Having to officially give up on a dream of mine :(
6 dreams/hopes/desires I have in my life.
1) To acquire and enjoy a stash of retro games and systems alone and with friends. 2) To visit as many amusement parks as I can before I die. 3) To fill pokedexes in all the Pokemon games. 4) For the group of friends I helped form over 20 years ago to be able to exist today in a more active form. 5) A career in my intended industry or similar. 6) A future with anyone my heart wants/wanted, someone I truly love.
Dreams 1-3 are possible, 4-5 are now near impossible, the last one is no longer possible :( giving up on it now and forever :(
and it hurts more than anything else.
I'm missing my parents and sister. I feel like I'm missing out on their lives. I moved an hour plus away from them to move in with my husband. Now I feel lonely and question where my life is going and how I got here.
My ex husband is spreading lies to his family. It upsets me because I dont want my son growing up with the ideas hes putting out to his family's heads. I have to acknowledge that I cant do anything to prevent this and focus on what I am actually dealing with in my life.
I just feel like I can
I dont know the truth. I want to know things but Im afraid of the answers and it makes me sad that the answers I dont want are probably the correct ones
Being insecure.
i don't know what i'm going to do with my life. i don't what i want for my life. i don't know what would make me happy. i don't know what to do.
i just resigned from a job i worked hard to get into after a month just because i don't appreciate it and for so many other factors, like i didn't literally have any human being to talk to, except my supervisor who i only talked to about work matters and kept on bullying me with mountain of works i can hardly breathe anymore but i also know that's how much work supposed to be. now i don't know. i'm scared for my life.
That I feel that everyone in my life is silently judging me and/or shaming me because of my employment status, more like unemployment. Doesn't help that I shame myself because of it too :(
Also feel that I don't deserve nor receive basic respect, or consideration because of that.
I feel so lonely and sad with no reason to be