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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

nlpinspiration April 12th, 2016

Im feeling happy because I found way to control my emotion. Also Im happy because I faund that I can support other during hard periods

AshaCeleste April 12th, 2016

I feel stressed and scared because of the complications and costs that come with being transgender.

Tabby1212 April 13th, 2016

I don't feel well and want to leave work early, but have a ton of work to do. Someone is putting something in my box every time I turn around.

babyblue1377 April 14th, 2016

@Tabby1212 Sad

Lynlyn April 14th, 2016

I don't feel good at all. I feel sad. I don't know why but I just get sad all the time and it's awful I just get so sad and just want to die

LiliansRoom April 15th, 2016


AeroRoze3 April 14th, 2016

I feel sad today. Tried talking to a friend about some things that have stressing me out and the fragility of my mental state and it was just brushed aside. really hurt my feelings.

pluckyTree9287 April 15th, 2016


fucki g happens to me all the to me all the time. I just keep stuff to myself now

Reaching April 14th, 2016

Alone forever

April 14th, 2016

@Reaching you're not alone here

April 15th, 2016

I've been tired all day today, I just stayed in bed until I had class. I'm back in bed now and I feel like a piece of shit for not doing work but I can't get myself to do it

Kaylcbe April 15th, 2016

I feel so alone right now I have no one to talk to and I just feel like a burden and I don't want to feel this way anymore, I'm sick of being like this sadcrying

Marcusokc April 15th, 2016

I didn't get a job that I interviewed for. I felt like I wasn't good enough. I hate putting myself and my feelings out on the line to only be crushed. I really wanted this new job. I then think about my current job and I am thankful to have it and I can improve my job so that I'll be ready for the next interview. I have to continue to love myself and I know that God will set me up with something perfect. I can't be so hard on myself! I'm an amazing person and I have to keep trying. I feel a little blue now but that will pass! I'm excited to improve my current job and be the best worker I can be. I have to!

MidniteWolf April 15th, 2016

Hello everybody, I am new here, and I have depression along with suicidal thoughts :( I want to start being happy but it's kind of difficult when I get bullied as well.

tidyLunch4100 April 15th, 2016

I'm getting ready to graduate from medical school. But I don't really feel like celebrating or doing anything special to commemorate my achievement. The people I want there the most, besides my family, won't be there...It's been almost 5 months, but I still wish my ex-boyfriend and his family could be there. I love them so much.

sympatheticsymphony April 15th, 2016

I feel like im gonna cry or scream but I can't like is getting caught in my throat

BellaZcas April 15th, 2016

Ive cried... Deeply😊

surfsup95 April 15th, 2016

@BellaZcas Happy tears?

bestrong123 April 15th, 2016

I cried earlier because I was missing someone and didn't do( or have the urge really badly ) anything to self harm so now feeling proud

Cajeff April 15th, 2016

@bestrong123 so happy for you!

pluckyTree9287 April 16th, 2016

I feel like shit. My boyfriend is at a prom party right now . It's our 5th month anniversary and he didn't even tell me happy anniversary. He's out at the party and prom parties are crazy. I feel like he's cheating on me or getting twerking on or something. I wanna cut so bad and my anxiety is getting worse. If there's a listener reading this..please help me.

energeticSpring4866 April 16th, 2016

It feels futile like most other days. I have accomplished nothing today. I have more homework than ever and I don't know why it's worth it. Every weekend is the same. Nothing changes. I wake up at noon, do my work, go back to sleep or sit in bed. I wish I had energy to appreciate anything. Maybe then, I could have friends or do things like normal people. Today was depressing. Today was the usual.

kindHand83 April 16th, 2016

I feel okay. Not too bad and not too good. I am also feeling slightly anxious and worried about my future. But these feelings are not overwhelming. I feel in control of my thoughts and feelings.

Emyng April 16th, 2016

I don't know if I'll ever be able to let go what's hurting me. crying Its been 5 years and nothing has changed. Just one blink, Im already a mother of 2 and I'm only 21. I just don't understand...... Why would you even messed up a womans life?? ......... Why would you even do that???

Barefootsoul April 17th, 2016

I feel just as I do every day. Overwhelming totally alone and if I am not feeling that I can't feel anything at all.

Zaynab April 17th, 2016

How do I actually feel today

I feel incredibly confused. Why you may wonder? Because I can't understand why I can't have common happiness, I can't understand what I've don't to deserve such misery; I can't understand why I can't just be happy.

Why is my life so difficult? I cry and cry... Constantly. I cry myself to sleep daily. I really cannot control the raging emotions. I just feel helpless.

I feel really unmotivated and I just can't do anything productive. I have ambition but I just can't achieve anything. I felt as though I will never be successful, ever. Thoughts about my future flood my mind.

Overall, I just feel fed up.

Dreamofx April 17th, 2016

I feel like if I never did anything productive again, it wouldnt be that bad. If I just ran away from everything it wouldnt bother me. I feel no obligation to acomplish anything or to acheive the goals I once had. And today I feel like anything more than staring into space is just too much effort for what its worth.

Lemons2000 April 17th, 2016

So this is my first post... How do I actually feel today? I feel like I'm about to lose my balance while walking on a balancing beam. I've been trying to keep my thoughts in line. I've been trying to be positive. I've been trying to accept things I can't change. But I feel like I'm on the edge again. I feel like this often. Most of the time I recover from my wobble. But I don't know how many more times I can recover. Its tiring. I kinda feel like I just want to let go and fall. I've been fighting the urge to cut very often lately. I've been trying to convince myself that my depression isn't so bad. I can deal with it. But I don't know. I want to talk to someone I know but I don't want them to worry or think less of me. I feel quite alone. I've been so unproductive and work is just piling up. Every week it's the same. I feel so hopeless.

CeeceeManu April 17th, 2016

It's hard to say what I am actually feeling as I am not quite so sure myself. I feel as though my depression is taking over everything I do. I always convince myself that my depression is either non existent or is not that bad but lately it's been harder and harder to convince myself of that. I haven't cut myself in a very long time, from somewhere last year and yesterday was the first time I had done so since and although it felt calming the regret soon followed and everything I was feeling came rushing back. Right at this moment I feel almost numb. I know that I should speak to someone, however it is not always easy doing so. This is the first time I have posted online about my depression and its almost as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Letting everything out in the open. Though the days have been bad I'm still hopeful of trying to get better.

Kataramina April 21st, 2016


im going through kind of the same thing as well but I'm really been trying to push through and sometimes when I'm starting to feel depressed again I try to turn my attention to something else that is positive. I know it's hard but we must pull through and still have hope to silence our mind from thinking negative. Although I have bad manic depression I know we are not alone and one can help each other to help ourselves!!

CeeceeManu April 22nd, 2016

@Kataramina I appreciate how positive you are, I'm trying to adopt that into my lifestyle but as you said it's not easy. Your post is much appreciated as it made me know I am not alone & you're definitely right about helping others!

Kataramina April 23rd, 2016

@CeeceeManu just keep it up and dats will be better

Tatety23 April 17th, 2016

I feel lost.

I changed a lot in the past few months, I changed my diet and include exercices. I'm trying really hard and training everyday for at least 2 months. I feel energised but more empty than before. Doesn't seem that I'm living, looks like I just living in auto pilot. I'm tired, I hate this routine and I can't find anything that could bring me some joy.

I just want to feel something I'm tired to feel so empty all the time.

April 18th, 2016

So I've always kinda known part of my depression was linked with my father issues but today I know his actually a huge part of my depression. His always putting me down while claiming he cares and like he did today, he lives his life on how people from the outside see him and his always pretending and when he gets home his just a horrible person to be around

DeAngelis31 April 23rd, 2016

@peachSailboat2974 i am sorry to hear that, it happens to me too. My dad is a gay and he ignores me,it break me down

generousPenny4828 April 19th, 2016


creativeCamp2095 April 22nd, 2016

Physically unwell, emotionally drained and fairly empty

7fullcups April 22nd, 2016

Empty , restless , uncontrollable worrying and alot of despaire and also a lack of hope for the future ......

Cavekid01 April 23rd, 2016

I had hard night last night and I can't seem to shake the feeling today. My EX and I split less than a month ago. she is now with the girl she cheated on me with when we were in a relationship. It took so little time to move on. We were together 3 years. I saw her last night and a that stuff I have been fight on the inside came bubbling up. I want to leave me house with out feeling like I could break if I she her.

April 24th, 2016

my life sucks, I'm alone and just don't know how to connect with people in a real way ,my whole world is based on lies