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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Golduck1988 April 5th, 2016

Sad, lots of crying. Trying to make it though the day. :(

Tabby1212 April 5th, 2016

Lost. Like I don't know what to think or how to feel, but I don't have a reason to feel this way.

Lilrainone April 5th, 2016


I feel the same way often.

jkou April 5th, 2016

Extraordinarilly sad, but in control. I managed to get some things done and to put on a happy face.

saraxmclaughlin April 5th, 2016

my depression has only seemed to be getting worse. more bad days than good ones.

AlliAsh April 6th, 2016

@saraxmclaughlin I know the feeling all to well

MLW April 5th, 2016

lost and harmful. I don't want to bring others down with me.

LashBear April 5th, 2016

I'm actually feeling kind of manic. After 2 weeks of depression I feel almost hyper. I'm restless and I agitated, however, there's still this lingering sadness. How do I level out?

Bruinstreamsinger April 5th, 2016

I feel like a failure at life. Like my life will never get any better..

I'm tired, the kind of tired that sleep can not fix. I do not find joy anymore. Food used to be a comfort and now it's a hindrance. It causes more pain than comfort. I do not have any outside social interactions except for on my phone and my Bear says I'm pushing him away by being on my phone too much. Because of health issues I sleep alone, I'm emotionally & sexually starving! I am stuck at home. I have no life. I cook and clean and eat. Everyday same thing. My highlight is getting to leave the house even if is to grocery shop and pay bills. I suffer through everyday... Wanting the day to end so I can escape the pain and go back to sleep, if I can sleep. Everyday I want it to end quickly, not to get to the next day but to escape reality.

I'm just so tired... I just want to quit. I'm 468lbs of i'm broken life.

RomeTeigo April 5th, 2016

Like a failure. Nothing works.

I've tried my hardest to make myself happy and being successful to not avail. The world seems to go against me but no one notices. I write poetry to help but someone can see the true ink pouring out of my eyes before them. I know I have it better than many people around the world, but we all have problems. So,é times, it seems that not all of us are fixable. Sometimes I want to all just to end, but my friends are what pushes me, without them,....Imdomt know where I could be...

RomeTeigo April 5th, 2016



Kristeen69 April 6th, 2016

Sad cry all Day nothing does interest me

FeelsMoreLikeAMemory April 6th, 2016

I feel like 7 years of on and off employment (mostly off) have left me unable to appreciate finally getting a job, even if I enjoy it. It's like, this doesn't really matter big-picture-wise. Jobs seem trivial and hold none of the anxiety they did when I was desperate for one. Now it's just "Whatever, this one won't last either."

Tabby1212 April 6th, 2016


I could have written this. I miss being able to stay in bed all day doing nothing.

Helplesshopeful April 6th, 2016

Sad, really looking for hope and positivity in the future but can't seem to see the light.

Tosh April 6th, 2016

I'm not doing so well today.... I feel overwhelmed and I'm having a hard time holding myself together, which is made worse by the fact that I'm at work and I hate crying in public...

Tabby1212 April 6th, 2016

I'm feeling overwhelmed at work. Not because I'm busy, but because coworkers keep trying to teach me new things, but I hate that I don't learn as fast as others and I'm too nervous to ask questions because I don't want them to know that I can't do it right.

depressedastheyare April 6th, 2016

I feel so useless today. I'm feeling sad for no reason and all I've done is cry

ssreid01 April 6th, 2016

I feel as if I am reckless to other people's lives and have Noone who would actually care if I was gone. But I love my daughter and refuse to give up

KeatonTS April 6th, 2016

Ok. The meds put me on a smooth road, but my attitude is still swayed depending on who i deal with, and the weather.

derailments April 6th, 2016

Just really low on motivation. Feeling down no matter what I do. I've been in bed all day. It's like any time I try to do anything my brain tells me not to. I'm exhausted and haven't done anything.

NoSelfRespect April 6th, 2016

I told everyone at my school that I was fine when they asked if I was okay. I was literally wanting to die the whole entire time. I barely got home a little while ago and I'm already sitting in my bathroom, holding a bloody blade in one hand, and typing this with the other. But I hope the rest of you are doing fine, though.

KrisEAP April 6th, 2016

I feel pointless

daisylee April 6th, 2016

I feel like I am falling into a deep pit. I cannot catch myself, there is nothing to hold onto, no one to help me up. I have been in pain for about six weeks in my back neck and shoulder, it is constant unless I am sleeping. I have been told I have to cut down to part time at work, and I am losing my insurance. I have no idea what to do and I am super discouraged. I want to escape the pain and the trouble I am putting on everyone else. I feel like an utter failure to be honest.

Holidaysc April 6th, 2016

Heard my 8 year old sister feels suicidal just like me... So sad... Crying...

LovingLadybug April 6th, 2016

I feel like I have no motivation. I can't get myself to go to class or do my homework. All I can do is cuddle my boyfriend or play on my phone and even then I still feel empty inside.

LyonsMary April 7th, 2016

I feel like i'm worthless, fat person.

khouloud April 7th, 2016

@LyonsMary skinny doesn't mean beautiful or worthy

LyonsMary April 7th, 2016

Mad, sad, confused

Fashionfruit4 April 7th, 2016

Extremely sad, lazy and pessimistic

InternallyLactiad April 7th, 2016

I feel nothing.. Absolutly nothing. I don't feel bad,I don't feel good; I feel nothing.

Tabby1212 April 7th, 2016

I don't feel anything today.

bookerdewitt April 7th, 2016

Vaguely a big mess. Just sort of hollowed and achey kind of sad, and I hate myself

TheRealJakeD April 7th, 2016

I feel like I'm hopeless and that I'm not good enough to do anything right. I'm failing classes, I'm desperately alone, I have no friends, and I have no motivation to change any of that because I know I'm not worth the effort.

ThePrettyLies April 7th, 2016

Empty. I feel empty inside.

PotterFan25 April 7th, 2016

I feel like crap. I have all week, just so depressed all week. I've been wanting to cut, I've been skipping meals. I'm sprialing out of control again and I just don't know want to do anymore. Please help me....

Melloncollie1985 April 7th, 2016

Extremely confused, depressed, and upset with myself for letting myself get back into this funk.

BendyZebra129 April 7th, 2016


It's normal for depression to relapse and cycle. Don't beat yourself up over it. You're stronger than deprression

Melloncollie1985 April 8th, 2016


Thank you.

KLM3278 April 8th, 2016

@Melloncollie1985 I feel this way to!