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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

CarryOn5676 April 3rd, 2016

@Chrissuicorodriguezz thank you, I'll try relaxing! I'm not very good with sleeping so I'll try meditating :)

amell April 3rd, 2016


I can really relate. My depression has also gotten worse in recent months. I go to work but nothing else. Really hard time getting out of bed. Isolating. And not taking care of myself at all. Haven't been suicidal but feel like part of me has just given up on getting better. I've joined a few online recovery and support groups to try and get more motivated to do the things I need to do, like exercise, go to meetings, talk to people, just make an effort. Good luck to you, hope this group helps. heart

CarryOn5676 April 4th, 2016

@amell thank you, good luck to you too :)

safeandsoundta April 3rd, 2016

I feel good. I started a mediation program called "What is Meditation? 7 Days of Calm" on the Calm mobile application. But, I feel anxious that my ride for church bailed on me. . .

MadelineW April 3rd, 2016

Today i'm feeling me optimist and motivated thanks to my friend. I have a lot of things to do but i know that one day that optimist will gone and just for that, i'm fighting with this depression and anxiety.

Chrissuicorodriguezz April 3rd, 2016

@MadelineW keep fighting because one day you will win I believe in you stay strong :)

PieCorsini April 3rd, 2016

I've planned to go outside but I stayed home. I can't handle my emotions and I almost cried. Tomorrow starts a new week and I want to go out for a bike ride everyday. Hope for the best.

sensibleShip4444 April 3rd, 2016

I haven't Been The Greatest. Im Not one To Tell People My Problems, but this Helps Me. I've Felt like Giving Up, Not Caring. But this has helped, slow process but getting there

supergee April 3rd, 2016

One of the things my therapist told me was to spend at least 15 minutes in the sun.. Something about vitamin D and depression so I did. I came back in after 15 minutes and I feel surprisingly better.

Tardisblue10 April 3rd, 2016

Today has felt like a complete waste. I'm having a hard time connecting with my children and partner. All I've wanted to do all day is sleep but I know when I wake up I'll still feel the same way. I need to get out of my head for awhil but nothing seems to be working today.

jopesy April 3rd, 2016

I feel alone, stressed and scared. I feel like my biggest opportunity to improve my life is about to pass by if I don't get better in class but I'm so stressed with work and assignments that I just can't do everything at once and I have no idea what to do

Ash234 April 4th, 2016

I feel sick and I feel tired, I feel no motivation for anything, it's a bit worrying...

bigjumpersbighearts April 4th, 2016

like i'm worthless and pathetic and i'm a waste of space and oxygen hah, but then i have episodes of being on top of the world and since i'm avoiding going to counselling i don't know what i'm going through or if it's another mental illness

neonTree839 April 4th, 2016


same. But then I wonder if counseling is worth the money, or will even help. Then I struggle with taking to people.

Willow63 April 4th, 2016

I been so overwhelmed. .I feel I can't breathe. .my heart hurts I can't sleep can't eat so much as been going on am confused I do what ever I can to keep life together but I realize I need help I need my family to get along.....

SashMair April 4th, 2016

@Willow63 Family worries can play a huge role in how one feels. I hope things work for you. Take it slow and take it bit by bit. Allow yourself to feel whatever you do. Fighting or resisting would only mae it worse.

Know we are here for you. Feel free to message me if you ever need a shoulder.

Take care.

Skydiva April 4th, 2016

@Willow63 you aren't alone in this. I feel the same or even worse. But we and only we can pull ourselves out of this misery. We have be strong.

disconsolate April 4th, 2016

i feel hopeless. i thought i was getting better but things just keep happening. every bad thought and every irrational fear i had back when i was doing really bad, theyre becoming reality. i cant help but think that im truly broken beyond repair.

MissMandy9102 April 4th, 2016


I know what that feels like. It's a crushing feeling that no matter what you do, it doesn't get better. It's hard, VERY hard, to remember that it's just a feeling. 😊 it's not a reality. God has you here for a reason; at least that is what I believe! I'll say some prayers for you. I know it's hard...I myself am going through similar feelings at the moment. But that's what I love about 7Cups. You don't have to do it alone! 😊 take care my dear!

disconsolate April 4th, 2016

@MissMandy9102 thank you for the prayers and support and kind words. 🙏 thank you so much.

ConnectingOne April 4th, 2016

I am sorry you are feeling bad. I totally understand. I have been completely immobilized by depression and have been advioiding everyone and everything. Everything seems overwhelming. @disconsolate

perfectlyhearted April 4th, 2016

I feel horrible...

straightforwardSpring3116 April 4th, 2016

I feel stupid and unwanted. Why am i like this? I don't choose to be like this. Why are all the negative things happening to me? I know that i have sinned, I'm sorry okay? Can you go easy with the punishment?

April 4th, 2016

I don't know how to express myself properly, the are things I want to say but really can't find the words .my greatest fear is to die, I feel it's a eternal emptiness, a darkness but a few moments a day I forgot this fear and that makes me feel uneasy

Beautifulbyheart April 4th, 2016

It is life nd u have to live it, with a smile on face or a tear in eyes its your choice..!!

BStrong April 4th, 2016

Am barely able to inhale, I hold each breath like it's the last. My chest is so tight, mind is full of depressive thoughts. Trying to get out of bed is a serious struggle beyond belief. I feel alone, insignificant, unworthy, Sick to my stomach and do not want to face my shit To-do list. But job is riding on it 2 day and homes in foreclosure. Boss/HR is forcing me 2 explain times Out Of Office (OOO) back to last Nov. I checked wrong boxes on FMLA forms, now called on carpet n jobs riding on explanations for leave. FUCKING freaking out. Daughter was raped by brother in law for YEARS, SHE IS STRONGER THAN I will ever b, she's only 13. She's a self-harmer got the help she needed he's doing so good I'm so impressed good job kid . I just want to tell her I'm so sorry for my moods, adhd, depression anxiety and sorry God gave her me as a mom. She didn't ask for this yet here we are. Someday I hope to be as strong as she is because right now I'm falling apart. What a loser right? I'm on that drawing strength from her child , that's just wrong . It should be the other way around . But since I'm the only provider in the family got to find strength somewhere. And I will. She set me up w/this app. What A GR8DAY kiddo, I'm very lucky. OK time to stop avoiding my work number face the piper. Oh this is my first time on the site & 1st post. I feel bit better, thx.

ConnectingOne April 4th, 2016

Wow. Your daughter sounds amazing. You sound like a loving Mom. Sorry for all you are dealing with. It's a lot. I just found this site today and as a result, feel hopeful. We are not alone.@BStrong

lionkingralph April 4th, 2016

I just feel so hopeless and lonely, as though I don't deserve to be happy. I feel like an overwhelming burden to my family. It hurts me to know how much they worry about me. And I have no motivation or confidence to do anything. I just can't find a way out of this hole I've dug for myself.

Wicket51 April 4th, 2016

I feel like I can't move, I have so much to do but no motivation :(

HappyPuppyTippy April 4th, 2016

Like I'm a total failure. I have been trying to take care of my dog this whole time and I thought I was helping her but in reality I was just making her worse. Now it's so bad besides giving her an antibiotic and hoping for the best all I can do is wait.

Tabby1212 April 4th, 2016

Empty, but also like I have too many emotions to control. Unmotivated.

Jess1353 April 4th, 2016


nalara337 April 4th, 2016

Confused.. Like I'm walking in a fog.

Pippa199492 April 4th, 2016

Upset worried about life, wanting to do something to improve my way of life but the lack of motivation is awfuk

Nosidamm08 April 4th, 2016

Empty and worthless, but my motivation is getting a little bit better

Silvermist33 April 4th, 2016


Tealchip10 April 5th, 2016

I feel drained feel like I'm failing at everything I've been doing. I feel like even when I try I still don't do a good job. I want to crawl into a hole and stay there at least I know I can't fail.

Lovepaigedel April 5th, 2016

Stressed about grown up things like getting a health card and figuring out my future. Between my depression and anxiety, sometimes I'm anxious about things that actually exist rather than my depression making me feel bad for no reason.

DepressiveDementor April 5th, 2016

I feel furious for no reason. I can't stand anyone talking to me today, yet I feel consuming emptiness.

Summerlain April 5th, 2016

I feel like it's a good day to be alive