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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Aryana23 October 21st, 2015

I feel lonely as fuck, empty, I have no emotions. I wish I could disappear, I'm a waist of time and oxygen.

Monarda October 22nd, 2015

@Aryana23 I know just how you feel. I know that you're going through a lot of stress and pain right now, right? It's so hard to deal with, especially with the negative and sometimes intrusive thoughts that depression brings.

There's a song called "Nella Fantasia", and one of the lines was: "In my fantasies I see a bright world/Where each night there is less darkness". That line resonated with me, and it's helped me through these past few weeks.

Depression is so, very hard and you are so strong even if all you did today was breathe. Because you lived through those horrible thoughts and the weight of your emotions. That's not something that just anyone can do. You are worth everything to someone and all you need to do is find them. Even if it's a friend, or a partner, or simply someone online, there is someone that cares. I can assure you that you are not a waste of space. You may think that but it's your depression, clouding your judgement and shrinking your perception. It is so hard to go through that, and I know you can do it.

fairmindedMoon5701 October 21st, 2015

I felt pretty stressed and awful all day. Especially at home, with my parents lecturing me on staying in school and other stuff about my attitude and my depression. Which resulted in me bruising my face yet again... Just due to our stupid arguments that get us nowhere. I feel awful and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. I have so much stress and hardly any effective coping skills. I'm questioning my existence again, sad to say.

creativeLemon1361 October 22nd, 2015

Hi fair minded, I'm worried about your comment about bruising your face again. Did someone hit you? Let's not allowed, from a parent or anyone. You also write about not having coping skills. This is very encouraging actually because it shows you already know what you need. The most important thing to find out is if you are being abused. This will make anyone depressed. Please write back and tell us what is going on in your home. Do you feel safe?

Bluebird333 October 21st, 2015

Today I just wish I could stop everything. I don't have the energy to pretend anymore.

Celaeno October 24th, 2015

@Bluebird333, those days are the most horrid ones. I really hope that you feel a bit better. Surviving them are most challenging at times. I hope to hear from you, lovely.

Best wishes!

warmheartedTree6277 October 21st, 2015

I don't really know how I feel I mean it's always the same thing I mean I wake up and act like I'm happy but I really feel like I'm useless, sad and lonely I know I have friends but they don't really care about me or wouldn't understand. The fact that I'm like this all the fuckin time makes me tired I just want it to end. Even if it takes another life.

creativeLemon1361 October 21st, 2015

Hi warmhearted,

when we are depressed it's like we are wearing glasses with foggy lenses and we can't see clearly. Because of this we make inaccurate evaluations. This is why it is best not to make any major decisions during a major depression. When depression causes suicidal or homicidal thoughts a doctor needs to be visited. If the doctor is not available today please go to hospital. It would be great if someone might be available to go with you but if they're not available we are her for support'. Please send us an update on what the doctor or hospital decides to do ok? Lots of love, friend from Canada

NoScreenName October 21st, 2015

Texted the Suicide Prevention Hotline, this morning only to be validated that I really don't matter. The specialist wouldn't respond for minutes at a time and then gave short, trite answers. So, thanks Universe for, once again, reaffirming that I'm a worthless piece of shit that shouldn't exist. I have only one friend and go for days without anyone calling me. I text people and they ignore me. I give up.

creativeLemon1361 October 21st, 2015

Hi no screen name

I'm glad you wrote. Sometimes it takes a little while to find someone to help. Sounds like the person you encountered was having problems of their own and shouldn't have been working that day'. You are here for a reason and often it takes a very long time to find out what the reason is. If you needed to call the suicide hotline you need to see a doctor right away or go to hospital. Do you have someone who could go with you? If not please go by yourself right away. Lots of love, friend from Canada

Celaeno October 21st, 2015

Tagging @NoScreenName, so he could see your reply, @creativeLemon1361, don't mind me ^^;

Celaeno October 21st, 2015

@NoScreenName, I am so sorry that you received such a rush treatment. You definitely don't deserve it. You feel really dreadful and you should received support and understanding. You are a strong, wonderful person who is tired of their fight and just want to rest.

Reaching out in times of despair is hard. But you have already done it. It is hard, but you still managed to do it and it was courageous of you, and I'm so proud! You can overcome anything. You can reach out, trust me. Or trust yourself, trust your voice and your past. You are fighting for so long, you are stronger than you believe. But you don't have to show inhuman persistence anymore. You can ask for help, you can receive it, and you can recover. You really don't have to suffer.

There are a lot of people who can help, better people who will give you the attention you need. Here, in this community, we can listen to you, but sometimes it's not enough. Please, click here to chat with someone who cares. I've personally used it in my own times of hopelessness and I cannot recommend it enough. They will not abandon you, I can guarantee you that.

You don't deserve this pain. You deserve to live your life, and not merely to exist. You are wonderful. I care about you. Give yourself another week, or even one day - don't give in just yet.

*hugs tightly and strokes your hair in a comforting way*

Chiaroscuro1 October 21st, 2015

Tired. I feel so tired that it hurts. It feels like my insides are raw, like all my little alarms are going off and my nerve endings are open and raw, without skin.

Celaeno October 21st, 2015

@Chiaroscuro1, this image is so vivid and gut-wrenching, still I can fully relate to this pain.

I'm sorry that you are experiencing such an exhaustion. Sending you all of my strength, as little as it lefts in me. Keep holding on, my friend. We can make it through it. We can endure.

*hugs tightly*

CharlotteC97 October 21st, 2015

Sertaline 50mg vs citaloptam 40mg??

My doctor has prescribed me sertaline 50mg, however having looked at the side affects it is definitely putting me off and I am much more persuaded to citalopram. Does anyone have previous experience on these meds? I was on citalopram 20mg 2 years a go, but did not find the dosage strong enough.

Any help appreciated.

Celaeno October 21st, 2015

Hi @CharlotteC97! I didn't ever take Citolopram (I think there was a typo in your post, am I correct?), but I have experiences with Sertaline.

3 years ago I was on Sertaline for 16 months and it worked the best in my case. At first I had a violent reaction to Fluoxetine, and my doctor prescribed it instead. It was very effective.

Few side effects - headaches and waking up at 3a.m. during first 2nd and 3rd week of taking, but I didn't have any problems with falling asleep. I also didn't want to eat, but I think it was more, because of my depression, not a side effect. None withdrawal symptoms afterwards. So far, it was the best antidepressants treatment I've received.

I understand your worries. I find that reading leaflets are always pretty terrifying, but you need to remember that medical companies are mostly putting everything down in there just in case, so you could have great difficulties to sue them. It is a form of insurance for them.

Also, I tend to pass all of my concerns regarding medication to my doctor, because depression skews my perception and often I am acting as a big hypochondriac, listing all of new symptoms I'm experiencing since taking anything. Still, it is my own health at risk here and I want to be fully aware of the treatment I received. It is better to ask than to suffer, and often I received full understanding of my situation. If you have any medical question, I encourage you to contact your doctor (or ask someone to do that in your name) - one phone call can bring you such a relief and peaceful sleep. ^^;

If you have any questions regarding my experiences with Sertaline, feel free to ask me - I'm not a professional in any way, but still, I'd be more than glad to help you.

Best wishes, lovely!

CharlotteC97 October 21st, 2015

Thanks for the reply! My doctor is supposed to be calling me today, so I will discuss it with him then. I did make a typo it's called Citalopram 40mg but obviously has different medical terms too.

Having read all the reviews online I am terrified to take it, people were saying they were sick for over a week, I really cannot be dealing with coming down ill at the moment!

Will wait and see what the doctor says, thanks again :)

Celaeno October 21st, 2015

@CharlotteC97, oh, okay, thanks for educating me on the topic (The More You Know...) ^^; And that's a good news about your doctor's calling you. Glad you have a professional support.

The thing about the Internet is that you will find more negative opinions in general, because more people who had experienced negative symptoms will express it on the Interweb in order to look for similar enquiries than people who had positive interactions. It just the way human works ^^;

Still, side effects are inevitable with antidepressants treatment and everyone is different and will be affected in their own way. I look forward to your doctor's opinion and to your own's. All the best!

LazyBum October 22nd, 2015

useless. sad. lonely.

Betterdaughter October 22nd, 2015

Today I'm just feeling lost and hollow. I'm lonely and sick of being single which sounds so ridiculously childish in my head. But I'm 30, and I've been single for nearly my entire life. I really hate my job. I was forced into it, then written up for seeming miserable. In my old role, if I had a day where I just cried on and off nobody bothered me. Now I have to explain myself every 5 minutes. I'm forever lying that my allergies are bad or I listened to a moving podcast. I'm sick of lying.

delasy October 22nd, 2015

I felt pretty ok during the day, smiled a lot but most of it I was really anxious. it's when I get home that everything kicks in. Been laying in bed crying for the past hour or two because I made a stupid decision to try and make myself happier and it just made everything worse. So right now I'd say probably a 2 out of 10

Lemontime20 October 22nd, 2015

It's not a stupid decision to make yourself happier, it's a very good decision. Maybe today's attempt went a little haywire but that's okay, try again tomorrow or whenever you are ready :) take baby steps and a little at a time if you need to but you are on the right path!

jenniferlobsinger77 October 22nd, 2015

i know how that fills never force your self to be happy if peopile dont like it thats there problum@delasy

energeticSpring4866 October 22nd, 2015

Today, I feel sad. I can't really say why because I don't know myself. The world just looks gray and boring. It's a lonely place.

Drie16 October 22nd, 2015

I feel empty. And sad. Today is the worst day ever. I don't know me now...

mjiyn2010 October 23rd, 2015

@Drie16 sorry yesterday was so rough for you. I sincerely hope today has been much better! Take some time to relax and just breathe. Hopefully talking to people on here can help you figure things out and lead you back to the you that you know. Best of luck, you can do this!

xxgonerxx October 22nd, 2015

I was pretty decent earlier today, just stressed out. But over the progress of the night I've gotten worse. I was pretty productive, as I got most of an essay written and one of my animal's cages cleaned, but its still not enough, and it never will be enough, and thats making me feel hopeless.

AnxiousFruit27 October 22nd, 2015

Dead. I feel dead. I can't feel anything anymore. I just want to lie down and sleep forever. crying Im so done

leanasalvatore9 October 22nd, 2015

I feel the same, I can relate ... If you need to talk...

lovingPine3496 October 22nd, 2015

I've been feeling better at school...but when i go home i just wanna get in my bed and go to sleep. even getting out of my bed has gotten harder. I don't eat nearly as much...ive skipped dinner for the past few days. my mom doesnt seem to notice how much im not eating or how late i stay up. or the fact i could sleep at 4 and be done for the day. then again she claims that im not depressed..though she dragged me to therapy and to a psyhciatrist.

mjiyn2010 October 23rd, 2015

@lovingPine3496 I'm sorry to hear that your mom doesn't seem to believe you. But it's so good that she took you to therapy! You can get the help you need there. I'm glad to hear you feel better at school but understand how very exhausting it can be to be around people all day, it catches up with you when you get home I suppose. Take care of you and let the therapist and psychiatrist do their jobs to help you out.

lovingPine3496 October 23rd, 2015

@mjiyn2010 its been almost a year or so since I've had therapy. And I went to a psychiatrist once..just wanted me to take meds..I was willing but mom said I didn't need them...tho she brought it up. And he was so rude. I did nothing but lie to my therapist anyway...I couldn't find it in me to even trust him. He reminded me of my dad..but that's s whole different story..

mjiyn2010 October 23rd, 2015

Oh, well that's a different story, I suppose. Do you think your mom would be interested in helping you find a therapist you do trust? If not, have you watched Kati Morton's videos? I don't currently have access to a therapist and her videos help...even though I'm not doing any talking, she usually has something to say for almost everything I would talk about anyway.

lovingPine3496 October 24th, 2015

@mjiyn2010 that sounds great actually.

mjiyn2010 October 24th, 2015

@lovingPine3496 There's the link to her youtube page. I hope you find something helpful there! She's even really good about getting back to you pretty quickly if you comment with a question or anything you might want to say on her Monday videos.

jenniferlobsinger77 October 22nd, 2015

i am very depressed right now. fill like i need to brake down

NTLNTM October 22nd, 2015

I started getting more sleep as prescribed, which worked for Two days, today I just fell of the wagon again, it's 01:01 over here, and I have work in 5 hours again.

I don't want to sleep even though I know I should.

I'm overwhelmed by thoughts of him again... I close my eyes and keep thinking that he is going to text or call soon.. That this was just another silly fight and it will blow over soon

Then I open my eyes and realize he won't, can't, he's not here anymore he's gone - forever and nothing I do will ever bring him back he's dead my sweetheart is dead. I'm left with nothing but cold nights, and memories

And it scares me all I know Is what I remember, what if I forget..

easyWater4109 October 23rd, 2015


im so sorry for your loss. I know you are suffering....I hope you can find some comfort and regain your strength again.

ScreamingForSanity October 22nd, 2015

Really, really not good. I want to take painkiller so I don't hurt anymore. But I know it doesn't work like that. It doesn't kill mental pain, unless you take enough to erase thinking altogether. Sounds fine with me.

mjiyn2010 October 23rd, 2015

@ScreamingForSanity I'm sorry you're having such a tough day. I know how you feel. But hold on. The hard days will pass and all of us will see the light again. Yes, I realize you think I'm full of it, but I really believe that the darkness will eventually clear. And you deserve to see the day that it does.