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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Monarda October 6th, 2015

I just want to stop trying. I want to be locked in my room until I feel okay. I'm sick of people and I'm sick of giving a crap about everything, really.

You8are8worth8it October 7th, 2015

I don't feel like anything today

TatumTatum October 7th, 2015

I feel like even on this website full of "listeners" i am ignored

mjiyn2010 October 7th, 2015

@TatumTatum You aren't being ignored! Everyone is here for you! I know it may not feel that way, but the more you interact, the more you'll get feedback. Open up and let people know what's going on in different parts of the site.

xXBeccaXx October 7th, 2015

I was all good until news started going around about an eighth grader that went to my school. Turns out she committed last night by moving out in front of moving traffic... Rest her soul.

But I'm irritated because people on social media are posting things about depression now. Its not even original thoughts or anything. Its this long paragraph about a made up girl ending her life. Her little brother finds her and doesn't understand why his parents are a wreck. The people in school that bullied her or talked about her behind her back start hating themselves or start breaking down because they lost someone and felt bad. And just a whole bunch of stuff mashed up into one thing. All the people on social media do is copy and paste it.

I'm irritated because it took one girl to act on the feeling that she had nothing left to live for for people to actually start paying attention to something big that is happening. And they don't even put there own thoughts about it out there! They copy and paste a made up story that they'll probably forget 5 minutes later!

It's aggravating and sad how people only notice when something traumatic happens....

I may not have known her, but I hope she's in a better place..

secretCity1012 October 7th, 2015

I can't trust anyone I hate myself I hate my life and I don't know I why I wanna cry but I just wanna cuz I know it hurts but I don't know why I'm sad

Kitkatx3 October 7th, 2015

I feel lost. I've been feeling like this for a while. Today was bad. I had a pregnancy scare with a friend and it was torture. I felt never ending guilt and shame. I had feelings for him. I regret having sex with him. I think I was very lonely and desperate. It's painful knowing that he's already after someone else. My head is messed up. That was the last thing I needed. It's already hard with depression and anxiety. I can't really call myself the victim. I was the one with feelings for him and chose to have sex. It's my fault for thinking that it was more.

School is tiring. I had enough today. After school, it was perfect. No one was home and I could do whatever I wanted. I was smiling and dancing. I went to find the pills in my parents' room. I took one and then another. I was still smiling, but I got frustrated and started to cry. I took another one and another. I eventually gave up. I'm fine now.

Help me.

confusedlittlegirl01 October 7th, 2015
I'm confused, worried, and scared.
easyWater4109 October 7th, 2015

I had a humiliating experience today. I did all I could to sit there and be still & calm till I could leave. I made it to the parking lot before my tears came. I'm extremely confused....I want to disappear.

RoseDiana4 October 7th, 2015

I couldn't get out of bed today to go to school, eat or do anything. Finding out that the person I look up to the most is on drugs affected me really bad. Seeing him get worse daily has just slipped me right back into depression..

easyWater4109 October 7th, 2015

I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I don't take meds.

I need something to take me away. I desperately don't want to feel this way right now.

I don't want to be me right now.

Monarda October 7th, 2015

I feel terrible today. I'm sick of this. I have to act happy when in reality, the facade I have is starting to slip and I'm panicking. I just want my friends to understand that I'm not happy, and I don't want them to judge me either. They won't do either though.

goodThinker7328 October 7th, 2015

I just want to kick depressions ass, instill breathing so I know I'm winning but the battles still ongoing

mjiyn2010 October 8th, 2015

@goodThinker7328 you want to fight and that's a great sign!! Don't ever lose that will to fight.

RaspberryKitten October 8th, 2015

worthless. useless. bourdon. I want to have fun and be happy but I hate myself and I hate my anxiety and I hate my weight. I just want to sleep

brightCranberry5320 October 8th, 2015

My chest hurts and I want to cry. I thought I was having a good day but I'm really not. I miss my friends

Andosta October 8th, 2015

I'm feeling worthless, unaccomplished, down. It's one of those weeks. If I could disappear I would.

Jdow040897 October 8th, 2015

I am super confused and don't know where I'm heading. Things were fine(I thought) but I feel myself getting to that place again. That dark and scary place.

Elinxs27 October 8th, 2015

Back and forth, i saw this quote on Tumblr talking about how it comes in waves and how some days it's a tsunami.

AeroRoze3 October 8th, 2015

Today I've been very withdrawn. Just sad and not wanting to be bothered by anyone or thing

mjiyn2010 October 11th, 2015

@AeroRoze3 I have those days a lot and that's ok if sometimes you just need to be by yourself. Just don't forget that there are people out there who care and want to know how you're doing. So take the time to be by yourself, but always come back and join the rest of world. People need other people.

neatPeach7697 October 8th, 2015

I feel very alone today and just want to be happy

AmayOkami14 October 8th, 2015

I don't even know how I feel. I've felt so many expressions in the last few moments I don't even know what I am. All I know is that there is something wrong with me, and I can't be fixed. I shouldn't be here.

struggler64 October 8th, 2015

I am doing well today. Feel like I am coming out of the darkness, at least got my toes out of the bleak tunnel I've been in for the last six months. The sun is shining out here, inviting me to come out further.

SympatheticSummer October 8th, 2015

Lonely, Hurt, Broken inside.....

Shiro54 October 8th, 2015

lonely, very depressed, afraid

InsprationalCity October 8th, 2015

I feel as though I'm drowning in life's ocean. I'm overloaded and over stressed all the time. Today I just kids felt that I couldn't do anything right

lavenderFarm4174 October 8th, 2015

Found out my older half-sister who hasn't spoken to me or my family in 4 years is now engaged. Makes me sad as I don't feel excited as I should do. It's a massive thing and it's just getting me down and I can't bring myself to talk to her :(

LovePom October 8th, 2015

I don't want to do this anymore, but I'm too scared to end it. I'm losing everything.

want277 October 8th, 2015

How do I feel....hmm....angry as usual (this happens imo after frustrating YEARS of depression, because I didn't used to be), anxious and angry. Always that, so it's not upsetting to the extreme. I am used to those but it may be a little more than ever.

sylviaplathora88 October 8th, 2015

I feel alright... Not particularly happy or sad, but okay enough to function. I just keep hearing in my mind the mantra that is often associated with recovery, "God please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change." There are things in my life I can alter if I simply take the initiative. And others that I am completely powerless over. And that's okay. That's life. But how I handle it is up to me. So I'm really trying to keep pushing.

mjiyn2010 October 9th, 2015

Today it was all I could do just to get out of bed. I can't keep doing this.

Spes October 9th, 2015

@mjiyn2010, sometimes it is the only thing we can do. And that's enough, lovely.

If our brain screams at us and makes it impossible to perform even the easiest thing, the "mere" survival is an incredible achievement.

Breathe and wait. Just hang on it, wonderful. You can do it, because you already survived the hardest days in your life. You have 100% rate of success and that's amazing.

Please, let us know how are you feeling today. We care about you.


mjiyn2010 October 9th, 2015

@Spes Thank you so so much for your kind words!

Spes October 9th, 2015

@mjiyn2010, anytime, wonderful. I really hope you feel a bit lighter right now.

mjiyn2010 October 9th, 2015

@Spes Today is actually a pretty good day so far :)

Spes October 9th, 2015

@mjiyn2010, that's great to hear! I hope it won't stop for you, even for a second ^^

Monarda October 9th, 2015

Intrusive thoughts pushed me to the point of nearly getting 2 anxiety attacks. In school. I can't do this much longer, I'm going to crack and I don't want that to happen.

jessiexoxo October 9th, 2015

In school I tune out and over think about why all my friends don't like me anymore. They leave me out in school and if they do talk to me it's very distant and I hate it. I keep thinking about how much easier it would be to be dead...

kaze3000 October 9th, 2015

I feel like I'm running on empty, I wanna die