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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

MorganLee34 September 22nd, 2015

Recently, I lost someone to suicide. I've been mourning his death, crying, screaming, blaming myself. But now I just feel numb. I feel empty. I don't know why but I just don't feel anything inside.

intelligentSpring4014 September 23rd, 2015

Going through all of those emotions is a part of the grieving process. Losing someone who takes their own life is a very difficult thing to handle. You have to remember that there was nothing you could have done to change what has been done or all the what if I did this what if I did that. You need to mourn and go through all the stages and remember the one you lost as they are in a better place and would want you to remember them in a positive way

RaspberryKitten September 22nd, 2015

I'm not sure. I feel lost. I feel broken. I feel numb. I need help. I want to be happy.

Glimmer001 September 22nd, 2015

Emotional pain gone physical.

intelligentSpring4014 September 23rd, 2015

Self harm is a way of releasing that physical pain. I use to self harm you need to look deep down inside what is causing all of the emotional pain and then move forward how you can better cope and move forward to a positive lifestyle

lovingPine3496 September 22nd, 2015

I've been a lot better. I've had a rough time emotionally since school started back, but I'm trying to overcome that. This weekend was my new starting point. I am trying to get to a point where when I hear about a certain person..or something related to them that I'm not just overwhelmed with all those years of abuse and emotions all over again.

mjiyn2010 September 23rd, 2015

Glad to hear you're feeling better! Keep moving forward, one day at a time.

Elinxs27 September 22nd, 2015

Like a pulsing throb in the head, a confused heart pulled by thread.

lovingPine3496 September 23rd, 2015

I feel...I actually don't know. I'm sad..angry...but I don't actually feel anything. I was doing so well for about a day and a half. I tried not letting all that bull**** get to me. I failed miserably. I wanna give up all over again. Would it really be so bad?

mimameid September 23rd, 2015

I honestly feel like I'm not truly living my days. What I mean is I'm just going through the motions of living: having to eat, go to class, sleep, etc. But I can't necessarily say I am feeling happy or content, or even sad. It's almost like a numbness I can't break out of.

mjiyn2010 September 24th, 2015

Just make sure you don't stop going through the motions! Keep getting yourself out of bed and doing the things you have to do in life. Stopping makes it so much worse. Deep breath, you'll get there.

Monarda September 23rd, 2015

Anxious, stressed, depressed, self-loathing, and guilty. But no, I have to act like it's all fine. Yeah, I'm just peachy. ugh

cookies2955 September 23rd, 2015

I feel depressed, angry, anxiety, and sad but I'll get through it eventually

mjiyn2010 September 23rd, 2015

Today I feel...terrified. I'm so scared of what will happen if i step away from my commitments in order to focus on my recovery and perhaps more scared of what will happen if I don't step away because I'm afraid to let people down.

redCake9095 September 23rd, 2015

Anxious. I feel like I felt years ago. Weak and vulnerable. I never want to feel this way again but here I am. I feel like I want to run away. I feel very anxious and I'm trying to control it. I never thought my past could have effected me this much.

Dreamer02 September 23rd, 2015

Irritated; tired; over it

dynamicWater7652 September 23rd, 2015

I feel tired and nostalgic. And angry

bringm3th3horizon September 23rd, 2015

I feel like dying. I feel tired, hurt, depressed. ._.

QuietlyDreaming September 23rd, 2015

I'm really really really tired. And stressed. So much. I just want my homework to do itself so I can sleeep.

LovePom September 24th, 2015

There's way too much to discuss what I'm feeling right now and what I've been through so far. I'm just waiting for that empty feeling. I don't want to cry, hurt, endure emotional pain. I just want to no longer have emotions and never have to deal with any of this again.

LovelyLes13 September 24th, 2015

I want to not feel anything anymore. I don't want to be happy nor sad. I just don't want to care anymore. I want to be invisible.

easyWater4109 September 24th, 2015

I don't know how to get better. I don't know what else to do.

HopefulRainfall September 24th, 2015

Absolutely sad and absolutely depressed.

xiuminlatte September 24th, 2015

I feel numb and tired.

I have schizophrenia and I have a voice talking to me all the time and I can't sleep I can't do anything without him criticising me, saying I'm not doing well. He's always telling me bad things. I'm so tired of him talking not stop, but I'm also not getting enough sleep because he talks all the time, never stopping. I can't deal with it anymore. He keeps telling me to cut and everything, I've been trying to stop but it's getting harder and harder. I can't cope anymore.

Luxsifi September 24th, 2015

It hurts hearing from your own mother that she has favorites and your not one of them. Also when she tells you that your adopted and when she goes only against you when you do everything in the house and love her. I feel worthless, hurt, and miserable.

Elinxs27 September 24th, 2015

I feel betrayed. Like everyone is always talking behind my back. I can't trust anyone because they go and talk to everyone else.

willingOrange1694 September 24th, 2015

I feel really lonely, how I can't make new friends easily since I am just unable of socializing, and how no one really texts me, or asks me to go out, how everyone seems busy when I ask, how I will always be the second option to everyone, and I don't exactly have someone I can call my best friend, and vise versa...

username314 September 24th, 2015

I feel like I'll never be good enough.

niceVillage8008 September 24th, 2015

I just wanted to stay home and curl up in a blanket and cry, I'm sick of all the bullying attention I'm getting lately

Konfuzed227 September 24th, 2015

I feel like my brain is going to explode. I can't stop it from thinking, I constantly want answers for anything I can think of. I just can't stop my brain from thinking and it's driving me crazy.....

mjiyn2010 September 25th, 2015

Ever tried doing yoga? That's the on of the best things I've found to get my brain to shut up.

YellowDogBlackCat September 24th, 2015

I feel empty.

ABlessedwife September 24th, 2015

Sad, lost, lonely and unworthy. Scared and very tired.

easyWater4109 September 24th, 2015

My eyes are swollen today from tears. I have to face the world with my face...just want to get thru the work day in tact. When I walk out my door, I have to be "on"-a walking, talking, smiling human being. My insides are torn but all that matters for today at work is that I keep it together, appear confident, smart and able to do my job. And the second it's over, I can exhale and find somewhere quiet to retreat and get ready for tomorrow. That's how I feel.

LovePom September 25th, 2015

I was trying not to cry in front of a group of eleven other people after they made fun of me for a LONG while. They're supposed to be my friends, but I've gotten tired of how they treat me. I can't even get away from them. I've got waaaay too many issues for this right now.

littleSouth6763 September 25th, 2015

I feel sad. It hurts thats all at once everything falls apart. Then man i gave evrything to myself to.h ad a child with just up leaves. I know im not easy to always get along with but im hurting so much.. Ive put up with so much from him but i dont know how to be without him.. Im terrifed no one will ever love me

stirringinsilence September 25th, 2015

That is not true. I went through a similar situation. The first thing to do is find yourself, discover who you are as you, and figure out how to cast your shadow without having to be in someone elses. And I know the lost of love is hard we all know that. But no one said life would be easy and if it really was easy would it still be worth it. Cherish the life you have created and now depends souly on you and loves you with no measure. And smile ,even when you fight back tears. Smile. And stay strong.

stirringinsilence September 25th, 2015

What is conversation without communication. When all my words fall on deaf ears. I try and open up, let you in and I turn to see you aren't even here. Your presence is ghostly. Forever lost is the comfort I seek. Words. Simple words that all that stands between.

RaspberryKitten September 25th, 2015

I'm not sure how I feel anymore. I don't know how I got to be this bad. I just don't know anymore.

Devilishnephilim September 25th, 2015

I don't really feel much right now