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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

Dear @SimplySunshine7, I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be really hard for you.

Can I hug you, lovely?

*hugs gently*

I'm so proud of you, darling. You are doing such a great job, fighting no matter of the depth of your heartaches, You're wonderful, did you know that?

Sending lots of love!

August 31st, 2015

Exhausted. I can feel you all, people.

Adrim August 31st, 2015


Celaeno September 1st, 2015

Thank you for your compassion, @alexlove. It's a great feeling to be understood by others.

Take a good care of yourself, you're worth it, lovely!

Lostandconfused66 August 31st, 2015

I stopped crying now all I feel is numb and hollow, I've become very good at my laughs. So far no one suspects anything, I feel so alone. Nothing seems bright anymore, I can't sleep or eat. I'm surviving.

Adrim September 1st, 2015

I see that you're too sad right now, but you're not alone! This community (including me) are here to support you<3

Adrim August 31st, 2015

I feel stressed. I'm kinda scared bc in a few days school is gonna start and... ugh. But at the same time I'm feeling safe, bc I'm in home rn where nobody can hurt me. (I know it's strange but sometimes I feel two totally different emotions at the same time, or first one then just in a few moments another)

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

@Adrim, I feel the same! I try to enjoy my peace in my home, the company of people who love me and care for me, but at the same time I am having a hard time hiding from my anxiety. Vision of school scares me a bit. I'm glad I am not alone.

You are not alone. We can make it through, darling. This stressful times will pass eventually, but you and I will survive. We will stand strong on the ground, tall as oaks in the forest.


Hollywoodglitter September 1st, 2015

I feel so broken. I feel so lost. I just want to feel something different. Just for a moment.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

@Hollywoodglitter, did you try to watch a movie or a TV show?

I find that it helps me shift focus from my pain, and distract myself. Even if its only for a little while, it can bring you so much relief.

Sending lots of love!

doublerainbow September 1st, 2015

I feel happier. I'm functioning a lot better than I did 3 months ago. I could barely talk to anyone back then. Now I'm going to therapy weekly and engaging in my favorite hobbies.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

I'm so happy to hear that, @doublerainbow! You are doing a great job! I'm so glad you too your time to tell us about it - it gave me hope, lovely ^^

Wishing you all the best on the rest of your recovery journey!


Hollywoodglitter September 1st, 2015

I feel like life is taking me in a new direction at full force and I want I go there but it's to fast and to strong. I need more time to prepare for the journey.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

@Hollywoodglitter, I am proud of you. You can sense the current, you know you need to be better equipped. Self-awareness is rare and precious, and you are doing so well.

Take your time to educate yourself about depression. Learn how to embrace anxiety, how to ease the pain, how to put your emotions into words, how to distract yourself in times of stress.

You are a wonderful, brave warrior. You can overcome anything in life, even if you feel you don't have time. You have all the time you allow yourself, in the spaces of the life.


Donmac September 1st, 2015

I feel the same and I feel as if I must leave certain family members behind to progress there only holding me back

bravestwarrior September 1st, 2015

Feel safe and loved after having out to friends and family members about the abusive, manipulative relationship I just got out of.

It's kind of shocking, this feeling of having so many people care about my well-being and supporting me. Some have offered to be there if I need to talk, some have offered to defend me from him if he ever tries to weasel his way back into my life again.

I am just awed and stunned by the amount of love I feel. I can feel again after having been so numb these past couple months. I feel like I can go to sleep right now without the lingering thoughts and fears keeping me up all night.

I'm safe now. I can get by and hopefully learn to manage crippling feelings of self doubt with the people in my life who's support me.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

@bravestwarrior, I'm so glad! ^^

Please, enjoy this feeling and all the days it will follow.

A big hug for you!

Xxchloeexx September 1st, 2015

I feel like I'm stuck in this dark room and I can't get out of it and I feel worthless not worth living life anymore tired if lying to my friends that I'm fine when really I'm not

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

Oh, yes! The feeling of being locked in the room, and the walls slowy... I'd like to say I don't it know this feeling, @Xxchloeexx. because it's so dreadful, but unfortunately it's not possible. I know the depth of this despair.

Let me just say that we are here for you, lovely, all the way trough your struggle. You can talk to us anytime you want. We are here to keep holding onto you, so you won't drown in your despair. We have strong arms, we won't let you go.

You can do it, wonderful. Just hold on and survive this day. Not the years, just the passing minutes. Every storm ends eventually, and you will feel the calm of waters once again. That's the truth.

Sending you all my strength!


Celaeno September 1st, 2015

Feeling... meh, I guess. A bit of tired, a bit of lost, a bit of lazy, a bit of judgemental with myself. I have this feeling I'm stuck.

I think I take this day to focus on myself. I will go outside to the sun, try to read a bit, and listen closely to my emotions. I need more rest, even if I secretly think I had plenty of it already. I will try to be gentle with myself.

MandyCandy0512 September 1st, 2015

I think that is a great idea - to enjoy the weather. Sometimes we need to be alone and selfish to clear our minds. I hope I can do the same.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

Absolutely, @MandyCandy0512.

For me just sensing the feeling of wind in my hair can bring me a bit of relief.

Mutelock September 1st, 2015

This reminds me of what I do during a panic attack. It works best when it's cold outside; I open a window and stick my head outside, feeling the cold air on my skin. It works especially when it's cold enough to get goosebumps. It puts me back in the moment. I've been using this trick for years now. Wind is definitely a grounding factor!

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

Great tip, @Mutelock! Would you like sharing it the anxiety thread, for example in here? I think many people would find it useful.

Mutelock September 1st, 2015

That's a good idea, @Celaeno! I'll do that! c:

yzzil September 1st, 2015

Oh my dear Celaeno, I do hope you can find some kindness for yourself today. You give away so much of it and I appreciate you for that. My wish for you today is bright sun, warm breezes and a rainbow over your head! Hugs.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

What to talk? Don't know where to start?

Here's a full list of listeners who deal with issues of depression, all of them are verified:


Sometimes just being heard makes a difference.

Take care, lovelies!

practicalWillow1766 September 1st, 2015

I feel like I'm stuck. I have lots of good things in my life but can't seem to enjoy them as my anxiety gets the the way. My work is getting me down and although I only have to do it for another couple of years sometimes I can barely get out of bed to go I dread it so much. Just feel weighed down and that I have to fight to be happy

MandyCandy0512 September 1st, 2015

I know how you feel. I feel like I shouldn't be so depressed but I have no hope or will to feel better. There are many days where I wish things would just stop. I'm not sure how to push through either.

practicalWillow1766 September 1st, 2015

Yes that's exactly how I feel. Like I'm wandering around in a bubble not really there. I know it needs to stop but....

MandyCandy0512 September 1st, 2015

I'm trying this thing where I try to go with it. Anxiety is controlling, so maybe if we release a little anxiety and just 'go with the flow', we'll go to where we need to be...? I'm not sure but the anxiety is literrally driving me mad. And I want to stop feeling that way. So I'm trying to get through each day without thinking about everything by distracting myself (such as talking to people, playing games on my phone)...

practicalWillow1766 September 1st, 2015

I'm trying a few things too but I find as time progresses and I go deeper into it I'm less able to distract myself. Sometimes this ends up in depression for me so it's scary feeling like I could feel that low again

MandyCandy0512 September 1st, 2015

It's a terrible cycle and I feel like things will never get better. Right now I'm getting very anxious because there's so much going through my mind. I really don't know what to do anymore.

practicalWillow1766 September 1st, 2015

I know like your my is constantly buzzing with stuff and you just want to switch it off for a while!

practicalWillow1766 September 1st, 2015


paigeisdeadinside September 1st, 2015

I feel like nobody cares and i should just end it all

MandyCandy0512 September 1st, 2015

I'm too much of a coward to do that.

Celaeno September 1st, 2015
TW: suicide

@paigeisdeadinside and @MandyCandy0512, I'm so sorry you both are in such despair. It must be difficult for you to insisting to keep going, like it seems it's pointless to even try. I know you are in so much pain, it feels like the only solution who is left is to end it all. You just want for your sufferings to disappear.

Both of you are so brave and strong, darlings, even if you don't believe it. You feel desperate to find a solutions. My lovelies let me point you to it:

please, click here.

You can do it. I know you want to ease your sufferings, I understand it. My bravest, I just ask you for 5 minutes to give yourself the opportunity to read it. You can do it. You are so strong, you survived all of the hardships. Give yourself 5 minutes, my love.

I can understand how hard it is to reach out in times of despair. But you both have already done it. It is hard, but you still managed to do it and it was courageous of you. I'm so proud! You can overcome anything, trust me. Or trust yourself, trust your voices and your pasts. You are fighting for so long, you are stronger than you believe - or don't at all.

You want to cease to exists. I assume, it's because your pain seems unbearable, and you just don't have a strength to carry one. You just want to find a solution, to break out from this prison in your minds. Still, you're thoughts are the important indicators for something else. When you want to end it all, or even if you don't want to follow on this thoughts, even if you were just contemplating deaths, even if you feel stronger now and think you will never go through with your just-for-fun-created plans, it's a big red flag that something is really wrong. These thoughts are signalizing that you are looking for a way to outlet your pain. No living creature wants to die, we instinctively do everything to help us cope with a given situation. But depression is sneaky and mostly uses our own brain against us.

Please, I encourage you to visit this website and make a simple call. Or if you don't like to call, chat in here. There are a lot of people who can help. We can stay with you while you are doing contacting someone - just come to the support chatroom. Or connect with a listener - either click a button "Need support immediately?" or choose a specific listener and send him a message. We are here for you, darlings. We care for you.

You are strong, and even if you feel terrified, you are still reaching out, still fighting, still trying. I'm so proud of you, darlings. You both are doing a great job. You don't have to show inhuman persistence anymore. You can ask for help, you can receive it, and you can recover. You really don't have to suffer in silence, my loves.

Sending you all of my strength!

Celaeno September 1st, 2015

@paigeisdeadinside and @MandyCandy0512,

today at 11 AM EDT (in 30 minutes) in the depression support room for members, @MissZ and @Acinonyx will be leading a depression support session on the subject: Depression and Social Interactions.

I encourage you to come - this meetings helps me a lot, and I believe they can also do the same for you.

I really hope to see you there.


Acinonyx September 1st, 2015

@paigeisdeadinside, @MandyCandy0512, we would be absolutely delighted to see you if you decided to turn up for the discussion! The discussions are a really amazing way for people to connect, share how they're feeling and find others who are feeling similarly, but are also like-minded. I really hope we get to see you today, but if not, that's okay--we have several sessions a week if you're interested! =]