Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?
I feel awful. Had a really bad day for no reason and tried to make my boyfriend understand why I'm starting therapy. He is all against meds./antidepressivs and told me if i started on them he would break up with me. He stopped talking to me when I ask what was best, me wanting to kill my self or taking medicaton. So now I'm alone in the bedroom and he seem to be all okay with not talking to me anymore. Don't know what to do, I have no one in real life to talk to and I'm so tired of all of this.
Was feeling good as just went out with friends today to sort of get my mind of things. But been home for around one hour now and just feel so low and down regarding something that has made me feel so depressed and stressed for the past couple of weeks to a point I was so weak I couldn't even function. It felt weird smiling and laughing because I felt so low.
That I overcame not staying in bed all day.
I feel like I want to cry. I feel like I am crying. But it's like silent tears. I feel empty. My heart hurts. I feel broken.
I feel like no one wants me, feel like I'm invisible and no one notices me like I'm clear and I feel broken.
I feel like there is no point in trying, I take 1 step forward and get kicked back 2 steps. I'm not suicidal but I just feel like giving up. If that even makes sense.
I've been trying and trying and trying to get better, but nothing's changing. I tried to come to my closest friend to talk, I got ignored. I'm just tired, but I'm fine.
I'm at an all time low