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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

Are u ok

capricornxo June 29th, 2015

I feel like there's no point in living anymore. Every day it's just the same routine over and over again, and with each day it becomes harder. People started to complain about me being unhappy, so I try to hide it as best as I can but it's getting hard.

miraclebaby July 11th, 2015

it will get better I promise you. I have been through exactly what you described and now, two years later, it is such a good feeling that I can pass on what I know and have expriencedto others who are beginning to or are going through the same thing. I wish the same for you. stay strong (:

musiclover37 June 29th, 2015

it just keeps getting harder each day because I know that no one cares about me. I feel really lonely.

Briana98 July 11th, 2015

People care, you just don't see it. There's a whole network of people to talk to to make you feel less lonely right here. Stay strong, you can do this.

pinkdaisies July 9th, 2015

Irritated and judged.People are condescending when they feel like you don't measure up to them. I shouldn't care but it makes me angry to be talked down to by people who draw you weaker than you are. How am I supposed to talk to anyone about anythingThat was the problem in the first place.

Ginger323 July 9th, 2015

I loss another friend. I'm beginning to think my friends are killing themselves because of me. I'm not good enough. I want to die so bad. I just want to end the pain.

Briana98 July 12th, 2015

Your friends are not killing themselves because of you. You are good enough. You're a wonderful person with a ton of potential. You're trying and that's tough but you're so strong. It won't always be like this.I was going to start a chat with you, but apparently that's not an option. But if you want to talk, you can chat with me.

lara8383 July 9th, 2015

Today, I'm feeling very emotional. . Like I will never be happy Lara again :( x

Briana98 July 9th, 2015

I'm feeling pretty good today. Like things are kind of starting to fall into place. It feels shaky though, like it won't last long. I hope everyone here is okay today. I'm here to talk, as always.

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

I will help you solve your poblumes

miraclebaby July 11th, 2015

that's amazing you feel good! I hope it continues! feel free to start a chat with me on here if you ever need anything (:

Briana98 July 11th, 2015

Same here, thank you!

easyTortoise20 July 9th, 2015

I feel tired

PlanetSpace July 10th, 2015

I'm feeling really sad and lonely. I feel like my family doesn't care or turns a blind eye to it. They act like it's something I can just snap out of. They just don't understand.

Briana98 July 11th, 2015

Hey there, we're in the same position. I've been trying to get professional help for seven years, but my parents don't see it as an issue. You're not alone. You can do this.

PlanetSpace July 13th, 2015

I'm starting to think I can't be helped at all.

moonxlwt July 10th, 2015

I feel horrible

Ariell July 10th, 2015

Today I feel especially alone , and I've started about doing the dark things again. It's been really been on my mind since yesterday.

afc12 July 10th, 2015

Me too.. I'm here if you need to talk!!

Briana98 July 10th, 2015

You're not alone; if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

afc12 July 10th, 2015

I feel like nobody in my life caressad

Briana98 July 10th, 2015

I'm sure someone does care. If not, I care. If you'd like someone to talk to, I'm always here.

rae13 July 10th, 2015

I feel like this is a forum to post, and not read the posts of others. Like I live in the loneliest place on earth, with so many people around. Like I want to start cutting again. Like I never want to eat again. Like my life is on hold and my days are being wasted by "I could do this" instead of spending them doing those things. Like I want to go far away and see how long it takes people to actually notice. Like I need to go into hospital to feel safe. Like it's all pointless. I feel like it doesn't matter what I post here, because no-one reads it anyway.

Briana98 July 10th, 2015

I'm reading. It matters and you matter. I've found that if you don't like the way that your life is going, you usually need to change something or change your expectations of things. Take it a little at a time. You say you want to start cutting again, meaning you've stopped. That's amazing, stick with it. You've made it really far and you're doing a great job just breathing and being here.

rae13 July 14th, 2015

Thankyou. I have days when I'm quite positive, but then biology takes over and I struggle, and all my negative behaviours seem like viable options. I haven't cut in so long, and I don't truly want to start again. Still taking it a day at a time even after 2 years. Thankyou :-)

sammyorclo05 July 10th, 2015

Feeling a bit better today than I have in the last few weeks. It's been rough and stressful in every way possible for me though. I'm wishing for a few up days so I can do things properly.

Briana98 July 10th, 2015

I'm glad you're feeling better. Great job getting though it all. Make sure you take time to rest as well.

CrystalPaladin July 10th, 2015

Terrible, forgotten, the usual. Parents smacked me for 'breaking a hole in a wall' when I didn't even do it. It sucks being the oldest and having everything being blamed on you. :/

Briana98 July 10th, 2015

I'm sorry that happened. I know the feeling. If you wanna talk about anything, I'm here.

decisiveSail5944 July 11th, 2015

I feel bad about myself!! I want to cry

Briana98 July 11th, 2015

We're all here for you. You can always connect to a listener for help!

courageousZebra4730 July 12th, 2015

I feel myself question my purpose in this world. I feel sad and have cried today as I did yesterday as I probably will tomorrow. I'm worried about school on tuesday

Briana98 July 12th, 2015

I think we all question our purpose sometimes. You don't have to know your purpose, though. You're here, and you're alive, and you're doing such a great job.

Jessica797 July 12th, 2015

This week has been turbulent for me... I feel whatever little things I do are not sufficient enough. What with a family bereavement, my anxieties overwhelming me, and my old nemesis depression returning with vengeance... I don't know if I'll ever feel the way I once did only but two months ago. For the last two years someone changed my life for the better and I had gained not only a beautiful friendship with him, but also inspired me so much. But sadly he too has been tested, and it hurts me so much to see the change in him... That this once joyful, radiant person reduced someone I hardly recognise. And what makes it worse is that he lives in America and I'm in the UK... I love him with all my heart... But I fear nothing will ever be the same again.

TheStrange July 12th, 2015

I hate that you moan I don't do anything. I hate that you mumble under your breath. I hate that you make me feel guilty and lazy when you know full well I cant physically do the things that you ask. I hate that you know all this and carry on regardless. And most of all I hate that you make others think I'm bone idle and I can't stand up for myself.

54dgirl July 12th, 2015

I'm so tired of crying. My eyes hurt and now become puffy eyes. My whole life is disappointing, you know? I can't, I mean. There is not a single moment in my life when I can be happy and kept the feeling of happiness. I instantly got depressed again. And ruined the moment to the others. I wanna build a new me but everytime I try boom! I failed. My whole life is bullshit. Last Friday I was more depressed than ever. I was gathering strength to kill myself. But I just ended up crying all night. When my grandmother came, she was looking for all over the house. So I decided to appear and when my grandma saw me, she began to mourn. At that moment I felt tied to life by my grandmother and my brother. How can I make to them something like this? But how do you suppose I'm going to keep me alive? I can't.

rowenaravenclaw July 13th, 2015

Frustrated and empty. There are so many things I want to do, that technically are acceptable and normal but I can't because of someone who has the ability to and will make my life very difficult if I do them; who doesn't understand and refuse to try to listen to anyone who says otherwise. Truth be told I'm not necessarily angry at (person) because even after everything, I can see (the person) is acting out because of the way others have treated (aforementioned person). It makes me feel so trapped and empty though because I feel so limited in what I can do right now as I feel my life passing by.. I don't want to live a life of regret.

Briana98 July 13th, 2015

I'm just tired.

Kurt789 July 13th, 2015

I would be too if I responded so well to the posts you did. It's not easy listening and trying to be helpful to other people. You are human too. But congratulate yourself on some great posts and for trying.