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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Bigmandown December 31st, 2014

Anxious. Severely depressed. Scared.

cazoo January 18th, 2015

Feel the same, been to a family gathering today...its was awful, could hardly talk to anyone felt anxious nervous and really scared

philosophicalOrange73 December 31st, 2014

Same sh*t as always (sorry 4 cursing) I feel like I'm worthless and alone like I don't fit in anywhere :/

DepressedVirgin December 31st, 2014

I hate myself and want to die. There is no reason to live, no purpose. There is only depression.

Hand me the gun...

hottamale007 December 31st, 2014

I feel self conscious,empty, scared, at fault for everything wrong in the world, alone, unloved,stupid, pointless the list goes on

cazoo January 6th, 2015

Yes i feel the same......awful just awful i just so want it to go away..... i hate this cant eat sleep nothing....just sit and watch the clock

ontheotherside December 31st, 2014

hey there, im lindsay. im a listener. im 19 and have had a long time struggle with depression. i dont know when it started but i was finally diagnosed with MDD major depressive disorder almost 2 years ago. it was really hard figuring out that my depression went onfor some time which made it worse but i got the help i needed and eventually started feeling comfortable with taking medication. it took playing around with medications and adjusting to them to figure out the one that was right for me, along with a great therapist who provided me with the utmost support. if anyone is still unsure about medications, that's ok. talk therapy is something really good to take use of, when you can, from a professional. or there's sites like these :) to this day, i'm still taking my medication. i have my days here and there.and i learned that that's ok! so never beat yourself up because depression takes a while to get the hang of and be able to deal with. take it day by day. today was a good day, despite me having a broken foot. honestly, it's been getting me down ever since i got this cast on haha -_- but more time to be on this site! :) if anyone wants to chat about how they're feeling and needs some support, message me anytime! take care all! x

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

your storyis really inspirational and i hope i can get over mine and be able to talk about it just like you have been able to do,hope your foot gets better:)

your awesomexx

ontheotherside January 8th, 2015

i just saw this, thank you my love! :) you will be able to get past the hard times believe me. if you ever need me, im here!

Tai98 December 31st, 2014

I feel like I don't deserve any emotion I feel, and it is ridiculously annoying.

dragonfire0731 December 31st, 2014

I feel beyong useless, like I shouldn't even exist. I'm so tired and I just want it all to end.

Jegsu01 December 31st, 2014

I am feeling terrible and very tired. Things are just not going very well for me rigt now. I am very depressed and get very angry and frustrated all the time.

brightJet96 December 31st, 2014

I feel okay today... Its a nice change :D

STAY STRONG everyone.

Everything will be okay in the end, if its not okay its not the end.

I <3 you all :)

Tortoise December 31st, 2014

Why do I even bother with life. It's horrible and putrid. No one cares about me or will even remember who I was when I die and no one will care. I don't have any here for me now. So I might as well kill myself now. Building a guillotineor gallows in my back garden will give me something to do before I kick the bucket.

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

I dont know what to do with my life anymore,i just want to crawl in a whole and die,i don't fit in anywhere

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

I dont know what to do with my life anymore,i just want to crawl in a whole and die,i don't fit in anywhere

HomeAlone68 January 10th, 2015

Hey. You posted 5 times. I've typed the same long post twice and lost it both times and gave up.Maybe it balances out.

Hope your day balanced out a little, too. I hope something or someone made you laugh or at least smile.

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

I dont know what to do with my life anymore,i just want to crawl in a whole and die,i don't fit in anywhere

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

I dont know what to do with my life anymore,i just want to crawl in a whole and die,i don't fit in anywhere

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

I dont know what to do with my life anymore,i just want to crawl in a whole and die,i don't fit in anywhere

christopher135 December 31st, 2014

I feel empty,sad and in pain,i feel guilty posting this because i don't want people wasting part of their life to read about how i'm feeling,i want it to end.

HomeAlone68 January 10th, 2015

It's not a waste of my time. I've got nothing but time. I hope you are feeling a bit better.

hellofriends January 6th, 2015

What I've realized is that people see me as some type of troubled kid who needs help. My pastor, my counselor, and my parents have all seen me in the past week...They haven't realized that a) Nothing is going to help, and b) I don't even want their help.

I know, I know. I shouldn't be complaining about what I feel if I won't accept help. I don't even care anymore. Like everything's gone to bullshit.

Bullshit is actually my favorite word.

It can sum up a lot of things: What I am, what this life is, what people tell me, how humans treat most things.

But still, I deserve it. I know that inside, part of me is satisfied that I'm getting what I deserve.

resourcefulSky44 January 6th, 2015

I have no motivation. I don't really feel anything right now and I don't want to ever do anything. I wish I could lay in my bed forever and listen to Hozier and MyChemical Romance.

resourcefulSky44 January 6th, 2015

I have no motivation. I don't really feel anything right now and I don't want to ever do anything. I wish I could lay in my bed forever and listen to Hozier and MyChemical Romance.

littlebird92 January 6th, 2015

Numb. I can't seem to find motivation these days. I just sit in bed all day. Waiting. What I am waiting for I don't know. I'm so lost.

brightJet96 January 6th, 2015

I dont know why, but i feel worthless and unwanted. I felt fine yesterday, butnow... I want to be dead

babyimdrowning January 6th, 2015

I don't know, I feel worthless and lonely. I had a fight with my mom, she actually acts like I'm 7 years old girl, i have feel that she hates me. I have problems with self-harm, I cut myself almost every night, I have no friends, I have no one to talk to.. I feel so worthless and helpless...

caringfireworks42 January 8th, 2015

I'm not good at posting daily, actually this is my first time on the daily check in. Today I felt pretty good, little stressed between college tuition and my car brakes giving out, but I wasn't crying and wishing I was dead, so that's good enough for me.

musicmaniac January 8th, 2015

I feel awful. I just don't like myself and I feel like everything I do is a mistake. People poont out all of my flaws and it makes me feel self conscious which brings me down even more. All I want are some friends but nobody seems to like me. Grades are dropping and I'm stressed about midterms. It's too much

Sarahwhatamievendoing January 8th, 2015

I cant sleep fuck, my life feels like a fucking dream,

Like everthing is just a fucking permatrip.

I dont even know how to explain this weight in mygoddamn forehead.

Im sorry that im cursing, but thats the only way i cant vent out my emotions properly when im not working or bored just jerking my attention span off, i feel like a pile of shit and ahmfuckgoddamnit.

HomeAlone68 January 10th, 2015

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I hope we both get some fucking sleep tonight.

Ndigogrl7 January 8th, 2015

Feeling better than usual. Been feeling hope and making plans. Worried it's just a peak and I will descend again and not be able to get out.

HomeAlone68 January 10th, 2015

Here's to it being a steady upward trend. 💓

MehIguess January 8th, 2015

I don't know. I feel lost I don't know who I am, what I want or even if I care. I feel empty and alone.

Tai98 January 9th, 2015

Its getting easier to lie about feeling good, but it hurts so much more these days.I feel like I don't deserve to feel anything, happy or sad, and I can't think myself out of this.

amiableVillage47 January 9th, 2015

It makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one going through this... I feel empty and nothing exactly make me happy anymore. I feel like I'm only faking a smile and its not my true feelings... Is this depression or not?... I'm sorry I posted here... I can clearly see a lot more people need help than I do...

patrick12 January 9th, 2015

Today I feel really good. I am doing well.

Mana1723 January 10th, 2015

I feel numb for the most part. I think I cried it all out to the point where I can't feel anything. The military is stressing me out. I want to go home but I can't. I have to remind myself to eat otherwise I won't. I can't sleep without drinking or using pills (over the counter of course) it's become a daily routine. I don't know anymore.

ember64 January 11th, 2015

I feel like an emotional wreck today. I have an appointment with a professional tomorrow and I'm super nervous for it :( my mind is all over the place and I just don't feel like myself