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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Amalgamation December 13th, 2014

I'm so very sorry you feel you are in so much pain that you don't want to keep going. I know it is difficult to remind yourself of good things worth going through when you're having a really rough time. Depending on the kind of pain your in, there could be some methods you haven't thought of trying yet that could be a great solution. You just never know what is out there unless you try, perhaps explain a little more and see if anyone can proffer a valid possible alternative?

Kendallbrown December 12th, 2014

horrible finding my friends talk behind my back

mbceltic70 December 13th, 2014

I have been dealing with depression for over ten years, after all medications and counseling, still feel numb like nothing works! I also try to be around people that are positive, but that's a rare quality to find! Definitely can't count on my family! Ever since my parents passed away a few years ago I feel like I'm completely alone even though I'm married and have four kids! It's the worst feeling when you're with somebody and theymake you feel alone!

Apricorn72 December 14th, 2014


brightJet96 December 14th, 2014

I wish i was dead but i am too afraid to try, im scared that i wont succeedand my mother would get mad at me.

faeriechyld68 December 15th, 2014

Sounds like you are in a sad lonely place. Please talk to someone you trust - a friend or teacher, even your parents. And don't do anything you can't take back. I've been where you are and it's rough, but IT WILL GET BETTER. You are stronger than you can even imagine. Check in again , ok? I do care and am worried about you. (((((HUGS))))))

simplybeex3 December 15th, 2014

I told my dad about my depression and he didn't take it so well so now I feel so hurt, and like I'm a disappointment, and extremely embarrassed. and regretful.

Thistooshallpass91 December 15th, 2014

I have started a course of antidepressants to help me through this difficult period of time in my life. Since beginning the medication I have been miserable! I mean, I was struggling before but now I find the medications have nearly made life unbearable. I don't feel like myself at all and the meds have given new life tomy anxiety. I am so very lost and sad these days...please tell me it gets better. I am starting to regret having started taking medication.

faeriechyld68 December 15th, 2014

Give it time. I just started 4 meds. The side effects are horrible, but it does get better . You may have to adjust the dosages or even change meds, but you will something that works for you. Hang in there.

sorryaboutmyfeelings December 15th, 2014

It's really frustrating to go to your parents and have them invalidate your feelings. To reach for help and to be told you're drowning for attention. I'm sick of being told that I can go to these trustedpeople who are supposed to love me, when when I needed them most, they told me I'm being over dramatic. What am I supposed to do now?

JustAnotherOne1603 December 15th, 2014

Alone, sad, angry. I was getting better but now it's worse then before.

brightJet96 December 15th, 2014

To say the least, i wish i was dead. nothing new. but i wish that all of this pain would go away.

SamanthaAa December 17th, 2014

I got tired of not being able to express myself . I don't know what I want I don't know what to do . I hate myself I hate my thoughts I hate being negative . I'm a lazy ass

avery13 December 16th, 2014

Im tired of acting

SugarSpice7845 December 16th, 2014

I was asleep. Someone kept calling my name, yelling for me to get up. Sleep was so much better. They threatened to throw a book at me. They did. I felt no pain, but a hardback book hit my nose. "She's bleeding" someone said casually. I pulled my hand up to my nose and pulled back. A small pool of blood had formed in my hand. I went to the bathroom. I kept hearing someone call my name. I woke up, for real this time. I clutched the sheets. I let go.

This has been my dream. And lately I've been angry and so lonely and sad. I cannot stand to be touched and the harsh judgements of those around me are beginning to dance around in my head. I feel empty, mostly. A worthless person on this earth.

brightJet96 December 16th, 2014

wow that sounds alot like a dream ivebeen having lately. but remember we are here for youheart

diplomaticTriangle42 December 16th, 2014

I am so mad at myself and life well first of all I have ADHD I try so hard to remembersomething I can't rememberit I just can't I feel depressed then for so long I can't rememberwhat I read,study,learn etc. excusemy language but it really pisses me off! I'm a very negative person about myself I'm honestly a stupid idiot who as ADHD and no life at all I need help and fast or I might explode and only say negative thing a for the rest of my life.

0kay December 16th, 2014

Darling, I'm really sorry that you feel this way. I could never imagine what it's like to go through something like this. But hey, I know it sucks and it's frustrating but the truth? It gets better. It really does. I know it might not seem like it right now, but it does. You need to remember to breathe and take life's challenges because you're strong enough to handle them. You are. You need to keep your head up and smile because you look really good with one on :)

diplomaticTriangle42 December 16th, 2014

Are u taking to me?

Monarda May 28th, 2015

@diplomaticTriangle42,Watch this TED Talk about ADHD, it made me smile( By the way, I have ADHD as well and Iknow exactly how you feel <3 Stay safe and take care. It'll get better

hellofriends December 16th, 2014

Sad. Sad being a general term for an enveloping feeling of self-hatred, loathing, and internal aching. I want to disappear and not exist anymore. It would be so much easier for those around me and for me. I don't even want to be anymore, you know? Just don't want to live.

Tai98 December 16th, 2014

The darkthoughts andnegativitystopped for about a week, which was kind of nice,but I felt like something was missing and that I didn't deserve to be happy. Now the monsters are back along with the rapid thoughts and random moments of panic and exams are this week...i just feel like i should get over myself, but i just can't. I'm not suicidal or anything now, but i have been, and i just hope i don't sink back to that.

Tai98 December 16th, 2014

The darkthoughts andnegativitystopped for about a week, which was kind of nice,but I felt like something was missing and that I didn't deserve to be happy. Now the monsters are back along with the rapid thoughts and random moments of panic and exams are this week...i just feel like i should get over myself, but i just can't. I'm not suicidal or anything now, but i have been, and i just hope i don't sink back to that.

CierraMistttt December 16th, 2014

All this stress and anxiety is getting too much for me to handle. I can't stand being alive, my life is crashing downhill too fast..

maddie19 December 16th, 2014

Every time I talk to my parents they tell me how proud they are of me, and ask me if I'm doing okay and taking care of myself. I always tell them yes because I don't know what else to say. I don't know how to tell them that I'm depressed, or that I want to cut myself, or that I've battled with OCD, or that I sometimes just want to die.

Tai98 December 16th, 2014

Its the exact same for me. Some days its awful, but there are good days here and there. I know its ridiculously hard, and most days completely impossible, I would know, but sometimes the little good things in the day, or even music, can turn things around a little bit. I'm really sorry that you feel the way you do. But don't feel like you have to keep smiling. Sometimes, its just best to tell a friend who you know can be your rock and who will listen to. I'm sorry you feel like this, but we're all here to help :)

brightJet96 December 16th, 2014

i am waiting for my parents to leave, so i could call the suicide hotline.....

brightJet96 December 17th, 2014

i want to die

thoughtfulLion39 December 17th, 2014

Cold--it's winter here.

MeghanGrace December 17th, 2014

very down, told my friend i was thinking about suicide and a police officer shows up to my door about it :/

sixandahalffootman18 December 19th, 2014

I can't wait to kill myself. It just wasn't meant to be

sixandahalffootman18 December 19th, 2014

Jk. Life is all I got... I suppose. A hug might becool though

communicativePlum99 December 19th, 2014

I always underestimate how nice hugs can be when life sucks. I hope you get one.

Swiftulous December 21st, 2014

hugs increase dopamine levels and make you feel better all round :)

brightWatermelon30 December 19th, 2014

Struggling to make ends meet with my 2 kids, all alone.....I don't even have a friend or someone I can talk to or gimme a hug........was just trying to get into a relationship but I was badly avoided......what is wrong with me? Every time everything is wrong.... I am a caring and loving person but I m lonely....depressed.....don't like this life but keep moving on bcoz of the two innocent souls...,,

0kay December 19th, 2014

I'm so sorry to hear about that, darling. I understand how hard all of that can be. But you know what? You're so, so strong. You can keep going. I know it's hard and your tired but you've come so far to give up now. I promise you that things will change one day and things will turn out okay. You have to go through the worst days to get the best days, darling. Just keep going, those good days are just around the corner. Smile, you're to lovely to have anything other than a smile on you're face. Hugs and good luck

Tortoise December 20th, 2014

I wish I could go to rapture and let the splicers disembowl me

Cadence December 21st, 2014

I actually get that reference.

I'm really sorry you're feeling this way, however. I've seen you around on the forums a bit, and I just want you to know, if you ever need to talk to someone, my door is always open.

Tortoise December 21st, 2014


Chloe01 December 21st, 2014

To all of you on this thread: You're strong and amazing people. IT must be so hard to go through these unexpected things in life, yet you make it. Keep doing it and keep spreading your goodness. You're strong and no one can break you. We all at7cupsare here to support you through everything and we love you all. Be strong like you have always been