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A break from depression and 7cups.

CallumKing2000 June 7th, 2023

Okay well here I am, back with another post, I know they are not the best when I post and they can get depressing but this time I have to do this. To those who may have forgotten me i was Kingburger23 but recently I got a name change to my real name which you all know me as CallumKing2000 these days, however that is not what this post is about, I am making this post to let people know and my cups friends, I hope they are my friends, that I am taking a small vacation break, you see some of you knew today that I went into the sharing circle to share and I shared my feelings and thoughts, and when I shared I went back and I got so so sooo anxious to ask again so I logged out had an anxiety attack and logged back in and shared a few hours after explaining I need a break in General, so if people can pass on the news to the mindfulness team and just explain I won't be there for a while. As of tomorrow I will be booking into a hotel for a week to clear my mind and have some me time as I am not used to being around people alot, I just wanted to let people know that I am okay I will be taking time and I'll be doing mindfulness while alone. I just wanted to let folks know around here that I'm thinking of them and what they may be going through, so I will take my leave for tonight and get some rest and be freshed up for tomorrow. Look after each other guys. And I'll see you all when I get back. I love you ❤️

Tags: @iampapaya @SolitaryBird @Patienceimpatient @Bestvase7265 @TinyWhisper11 @VictoriaLove7 @Accidentaltentacles @adventurousBranch3786 @amiablepeace77 @Kala @Mymelaninnarritive @compassionateOak202

P.S, I also wanted to tag goldenpear but she has numbers in her name and I was looking for her. Thanks 🤜🤛

amiablePeace77 June 8th, 2023


I wish you a mindful break and I hope it will help you gain balance again, hugs. Sending you lots of feel good vibes ❤️

CallumKing2000 OP September 23rd, 2023

@amiablePeace77 🤜

SolitaryBird June 8th, 2023


Thank you for letting us know. Recharge your batteries and come back even stronger. We will be here waiting for you.

CallumKing2000 OP September 23rd, 2023

@SolitaryBird 🤜

bestVase7265 June 8th, 2023

A mindful break sounds awesome! I am so glad you are taking one. We will be thinking about you and looking forward to when you feel up to returning. @CallumKing2000

Accidentaltentacles June 8th, 2023

Thanks so much for letting us know @CallumKing2000. I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time with anxiety and am really glad you are prioritising yourself and investing in some time for peaceful reflection. We'll be here when you're ready to return, take good care Callum 🤜🤛

compassionateOak202 June 8th, 2023

@CallumKing2000 thank you for tagging me King. I hope you'll be well soon. Having a break is good 💙. Take care. - Oak

adventurousBranch3786 June 8th, 2023

@CallumKing2000. Thanks for letting us know. I hope the break helps and you feel better soon ❤️.

Tinywhisper11 June 9th, 2023

@CallumKing2000 your going to a hotel?? A holiday??? Without me???? 😮😮😮😮 ok well make sure you pack plenty of underpants and take your suncream. Good boy ❤❤❤❤

CallumKing2000 OP June 13th, 2023

Just want to let everyone know that I'm gonna rest up for tomorrow and I'll be back at my mother's place and that I'm back but not full time so I'll be using the mindfulness room for sessions and I may be using the sharing circle. Thanks for sticking with me during this week journey and hopefully I can get back to myself soon

bestVase7265 June 14th, 2023

Glad to hear that you keep taking time for you! @CallumKing2000

CallumKing2000 OP June 17th, 2023

I think this site Is very unhealthy for me to be apart of. I really think I might leave here after posting this I just don't think this is for me anymore. I have made my decision and I will log out here. See ya 😀👋

bestVase7265 June 18th, 2023

Good luck. Choosing what is right for you is great. @CallumKing2000

adventurousBranch3786 June 18th, 2023

@CallumKing2000. Sorry to see you go but of course you should do what’s best for you.

amiablePeace77 June 23rd, 2023


Sorry to see you leaving. I hope one day we will meet again.

Have you thought about putting your account on break for a time and see how it goes?

CallumKing2000 OP June 27th, 2023

Hello I am back from being away here for a while, im not doing good, alot has happened I'm in a state where I'm knowing what's going on around me and such but when times get hard I tend to keep away and keep to myself but notice that I said 'see ya' that wasn't goodbye or anything just needed a break and I will just say something here, I just want peaceful days and such, alot has happened when I was away I nearly got attacked for looking and smiling at people and then having them wanting to hurt me and yesterday some women tried to drug me in my drink and act like nothing happened so this is not the 1st time someone has done this to me but i knew the signs so that has stopped me from going to a bars and they know I'm vulnerable, but moving away from my city to be far away from stuff like this is the better option and then I can get on with my life but this is just what has happened since I have been away just an update for those who are intrested to read. Thanks and take care

bestVase7265 June 30th, 2023

We are very much interested. I am so sorry that rough things keep happening to you in a new city. Sending strength and peace.

Do you want some help trying to develop some better contacts at your new location?@CallumKing2000

CallumKing2000 OP June 29th, 2023

I give up 😮‍💨

slowdecline48 June 29th, 2023

@CallumKing2000 If you need a break then take it. We do what we have to.

Be as well as you can.

PatienceImpatiens July 2nd, 2023

@CallumKing2000 Hey, King, I just got this because my name wasn't spelled right which is ok, and I'm glad I stumbled on this. I wrote on your other post where you said you give up and I realize I can't give you any good reasons for anything, but that I just want to assure you that no matter what you think of yourself right now, you are Good, you are Worthy, and you are Enough, and that I'm adding you to my list of people I pray for every day if that's ok with you.

CallumKing2000 OP July 30th, 2023

Back with another update post. And I ask to keep me in your thoughts during another hard time of depression bcuz it doesn't want to leave me alone it creeps back on me and I give up even fighting it, it's to a point where I'm just like 'whatever' and just can't be bothered at this point, all day today I've been in a foul mood and just been toxic to everyone and its not fair expecially with what I'm going through also and I know it's no excuse but I really think it's taking over me

PatienceImpatiens July 30th, 2023

Hey, King, you’ve been through so much. I wish your life could be easier. Love and Courage, Patience. I think about you friend and you’re on my list of people. Be careful. Call your people if you get stuck. Life can be a terrible struggle. You’re not alone and you’ve got people.

CallumKing2000 OP July 30th, 2023

@PatienceImpatiens Thanks cat ❤️🫂

bestVase7265 July 31st, 2023

Sending lots of strength and peace. Sometimes the acceptance can also be a little of a way to healing. I hope that it will be for you as well. You don't escape it but you learn to live better with it. @CallumKing2000

CalmRosebud July 31st, 2023

Hey, King, I knew you back when you were Death Row. Of course, my name was different toooooooo. What I want to say is: take the time you need to get back to who You are. You are important and worthy just as you are. A website ain't gonna do that for you. It can't "make" you feel any certain way. Your feelings come from inside. You've got a lot of people here who care about you and want you to be well, but sometimes taking that step away, especially from technology (see my 20-20-20 rule below) are the healthiest ones.

Much love, Tas


CallumKing2000 OP August 1st, 2023

Happy Yorkshire day 🌸

CalmRosebud August 1st, 2023

@CallumKing2000 Are you celebrating? Lolzzzzz, had to look that one up. But yeah, now I have an excuse to celebrate. The accounts can wait lol.

CallumKing2000 OP August 1st, 2023


CallumKing2000 OP August 19th, 2023

Just giving another update for those who have followed on with the post and stuff, I have been away 2x this month and taken on and off breaks, they have worked-ish, it's just I'm a very peaceful creature, I like to sit in silence with no noise whatsoever, I don't like to watch TV but bcuz of my situation I have to watch it bcuz it's not my home. I can't just say no to what other people enjoy, I have to go by the rules and such but I'm that guy that likes to close all the curtains shut the windows sit in darkness and silence, I don't know why but I just like it, it brings me comfort sitting here and not all the time I'm like that, u know I do like a bit of light from time to time just not all the time u know. I mean I've tried to get back into things I do but can't seem to do it but I started reading comic books and those on my phone too they've helped bit by bit and stuff so I'm just trying new things out to keep me going and my mind going. Also I went out to a nail salon place not for me but for my mother so I took the kingdom hearts comic series(based on the video game) I've been reading and literally finished it within 30 to 40 minutes which isn't bad and I'm not normally that excited to read but I did it and it was fun but yeah thats that. Thanks for reading again and take care for now 🥰

bestVase7265 August 20th, 2023

That stuff all sounds really great. Healing starts to happen in little fits and starts that almost appear unrecognizable at first. But all those things that you are doing are exactly those types of healing things. Being in silence, reading comics, etc. are all perfectly legitimate things to do. Now you just need to find some other comic series. @CallumKing2000

PatienceImpatiens August 20th, 2023

@CallumKing2000 Hey King! I've found taking a break here and there and some days with the curtains drawn is just the thing sometimes, but our pup won't let me take a break, so most days I have to walk here three times and just getting outside has a way of lifting up my mood --- we live around a lot of trees so I also have to stay away from ticks and spiders, which are really attracted to me because I'm so sweet lol. Quiet is definitely nice. Yesterday the team of guys -- there were like 9 of them -- were taking down a dead tree but they didn't just only take it down, they also made a trunkful of mulch so they had one of those grinder things, and instead of using a crane to put the log into the truck, they cut the trunk into rounds, so it was the buzzing of the chainsaw until deep into the night. I think they put their headlights on the truck on their work so they could see what they were doing. It was like dull mosquitoes all night through the walls.

Well, not gonna lie, I don't like when people leave or even take breaks, but I can't be two faced about it, since I like my breaks myself very very much. Anyway, I'm glad you are liking your comics and that you went to the nail salon with your mum. You're helping her out with your presence so there's that. Also, sounds like you're tearing through the comics, which is great.

Anyway, take care, and I hope you check back in here or I even see you around sometimes.

Love and Courage, Patience

goldenPearr August 20th, 2023

@CallumKing2000 Hey King, i just found this post. Hope u are doing good. Lots of tasty food for you 🍕🥤

Reading comics is so much fun. You too take care 💖 and dont forget the horses 🐴 hehehe 😁

goldenPearr August 20th, 2023

@CallumKing2000 Also, take as many breaks as you want, whatever helps u feel better. We are always here for you.

Sending you all the healing beams. ☺️💖

CallumKing2000 OP August 21st, 2023

Just to let everyone know, I am gonna be explain this the best way i can, u see around march time my mental health has gotten worse and worse to the point that I am severely mentally challenged, u see I had to find out myself what was getting worser and worser with my mind and I had to figure it out on my own and I did, I have realised why I am experiencing these very very dark thoughts and feelings and odd things happening, it's bcuz I've gone from depression to extreme depression and now know I've got bipolar you see, I had to find out myself bcuz the doctors or any medical professional think they know best and say no no no all the time and they think they know it all but WE all know our bodies and our emotions and feelings. So this is just to say that if I don't seem very cheary or happy or not talkative, it's bcuz im having an episode of bipolar or just not in the mood anymore. I need help but bcuz im a man they won't give me it. I've asked and tried but still get "we can't do anything" the whole system is corrupt. I really Am not having a great time with life at the moment and I'm scared it's gonna get even worse. I wasn't meant to be here this isn't right. I'm taking a break here I'll leave my account up but idk I keep taking breaks then getting worse and worse, I just want peace in my mind and let my demons leave me alone please just for 1 damn day please. I know I rant alot im sorry if I've put any pain on anyone I just don't know where else to go.

bestVase7265 August 22nd, 2023

There is no need to ever apologize for the rants or for needing to take breaks or for any of it. You are facing a difficult, frustrating situation and you are allowed to be mad and want something better for yourself.

We are here to help you on the path not to judge you. Whenever you come back we are ready to listen. @CallumKing2000

CallumKing2000 OP August 22nd, 2023

@bestVase7265 thank you I really appreciate your words

bestVase7265 August 23rd, 2023

I really mean them.@CallumKing2000

PatienceImpatiens August 23rd, 2023


Dear King, You indeed know yourself best and you know how you are feeling the best. Also, being treated badly or not taken seriously ("doffed off" someone taught me that expression) by professionals hurts very deeply when you know yourself and you are trying so hard to chase away your demons that are haunting you. Shoo, shoo, demons! Go away from King! It's devastating and isolating to have to do all that work yourself. And yet still you will always have a safe place to land here whenever you are ready to be back or even to check your messages. Just know that. You have people who care about you, even the messy and depressing parts. Here for ya, buddy. Ok! You're gonna figure this out. I just know it. I have a great belief in you, that you are a good person, because I've seen it, and so I know that's who you truly are and I remember you this way. Plus someday I'll have real grandchildren and I'll have to tell you about them, right? Their little fingers and toes. Their cute little faces. In the meantime, you're gonna have to do what you gotta do. Super huge hugs friend. Love and Courage, Patience

CallumKing2000 OP August 23rd, 2023

@PatienceImpatiens thanks cat I appreciate it

CallumKing2000 OP August 30th, 2023

If listeners say 1 more damn thing to me to ruin my day then you keep doing it bcuz your ruining my mood and mental state your doing a DAMN GOOD JOB AT MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY. I've had enough ain't nobody riding with me on my enemies I realise I'm the only person I'm down with here so yeah to those listeners who keep pestering me thanks, THANKS A DAMN LOT, I'm mentally ill as it is 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡