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Whats some advice you d give urself if u could go back in time

flowlikewater07 August 23rd

Could be a letter to ur past self.. could be wt u wish someone would hv told u back then.. smtg u wish other people in similar situations get to know.. here's ur outlet

BlueDarkAurora August 24th

@flowlikewater07 I think I'll write a thank you note^^

The burden of all the struggle and pain we endure goes straight to the past self cause the present most time is just consumed in the blaming and fear of what's next. 

The past self was newer to all that was thrown, was the first one to make a quick decision on how to tackle the attack. With time we realise how limited our understanding was and how great we did with all that was available to us at that time. 

And if we still got a kind and gentle soul then it's the past self that's to be thanked for it, so I guess I'll say "You're doing okay, thank you for holding a flower even in the rain"<3

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@BlueDarkAurora So eloquently expressed.. and yes we did the best we cud with wt we knew and wt were going thru

thanks, hugs

BlueDarkAurora August 25th

@flowlikewater07 aw thank you <3 

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@BlueDarkAurora you are nothing short of amazing, a inspiration to us all ❤❤ Thank you for being you ❤

BlueDarkAurora August 26th

@Tinywhisper11 no you<3 Thank you tho ^-^ very sweet of you to say that. Means a lot coming from a wonderful soul like you.

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@BlueDarkAurora ❤❤❤

abPenguin4227 August 24th

Me tell my self - dont neglect or ignore health, relationships, career. continue doing efforts in that important aspect of life , take some breaks but is it need to break progress.

Doing something right for ourselve without harming others this not wrong thing, so do for your self.

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@abPenguin4227 Thats valuable advice penguin, we deserve to be taken care of too by ourselves<3 

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@abPenguin4227 your message is a very wise one ❤ learn from the past mistajes, and make sure we take care of ourselves ❤ that could be a message to everyone else here at cups ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

sophiedixon1902 August 24th


flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@sophiedixon1902 yea soph?

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@sophiedixon1902 are you ok?

ivoryCake9599 August 24th

Put yourself first, not others. People pleasing will only drain you and make you live in regret, guilt, and shame. Speak your truth always, never be afraid to speak your truth even if it upsets others. Be yourself always, and you will be happy and attract everything you need in life.

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@ivoryCake9599 Oh Ivory this one hits home, i learnt this one the hard way two years back. its so true and thanks for this 

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@ivoryCake9599 another great message that could benefit not only yourself, but every one else here at cups ❤ I hope you've found your happiness ❤❤

reliablebunny23 August 24th

If I could go back in time, I would advice myself - 

Don't change yourself for anyone, you're perfect the way you are, you might not be good at something, but better at 10 other things, don't compare yourself, you're unique, don't let others ignorance and behaviour affect you, it's their fault, not yours, don't judge yourself, don't overthink about everything. Relax, enjoy your life, you have a lot of talents, don't let them go waste, don't waste your time, spend it wisely, do everything you love, don't let others harm your mental peace, stay away from people who are ruining your mental peace. Love yourself!

To all those reading these comments, these aren't just words, I feel these things deeply, only I know how badly I wish to go back in time, just to advice myself these things, because now it's too late, I have lost things very precious.

I hope you all learn something from my experience, and don't repeat the mistake I did.

You're perfect. ❤️ It's important to realize this before it's too late. 

Take care & stay safe y'all.✨ 

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@reliablebunny23 bunny we all make mistakes and yes sometimes all we can do is live with the consequences. warmth from me to you in the form of the next rays of sunshine u bask under (hopefully u don't live in the arctic lmao).. those experiences did make this wise person u seem to be today :)

reliablebunny23 August 26th


Thank you so much for your kind words. <3 💗

It's just that it is hard & painful to live with the consequences. 

I maybe became more wise than before but I lost the childish side I had, the joyful, innocent me.. that's why I wish I hadn't made that mistake. 

flowlikewater07 OP August 26th

@reliablebunny23 You ll get through this bunny, and u still have an inner child who will come out when he/she/they think its safe given the environment situation and people around

Dont beat urself over ur mistakes okay.. you re allowed to move on from them and be as better as you can be, all of us are work in progress.. that means chipping parts of ourselves in and out, and back in sometimes. However, it is true mistakes cost consequences but you will find a way to live through them 

reliablebunny23 August 26th


Thank you so much!💗✨


Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@reliablebunny23 I think I might be stuck in the younger you phase. But I'm trying very hard ❤❤

It's a beautiful message, gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

reliablebunny23 August 26th


I'm proud of you for trying so hard. 💗

Keep pushing forward - progress takes time, but you're doing amazing.

Sending you a big, warm hug back 💙 ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ 

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@reliablebunny23 ❤❤thankyou ❤❤

Lilypad5 August 29th

Thank you for this message. Each day, I am building a foundation of trust in my relationships. I am worthy of trust and give trust cautiously yet openly. Peace and love always! :)

reliablebunny23 August 29th


Yes, you're 100 percent worthy of trust & I'm glad you're building a foundation of trust in your relationships. 💞

secretBalsam6965 August 31st

@reliablebunny23Oh, my God, I loved this so much. It's the same lesson I learned after I broke up with my best friend, and she was toxic.

reliablebunny23 September 1st

@secretBalsam6965 I'm sorry to hear that your bestfriend was toxic, but I'm glad that you learnt a lesson from it. ❤️ 

supportiveUnicorn6658 August 24th

Those girls aren’t your friends

dont let your mum convince you to stay at that school

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@supportiveUnicorn6658 Oooh the bad eggs in friendships yeaa... can be draining

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@supportiveUnicorn6658 Also- u deserve more kindness love and support than what those girls gave u.. sending my wishes for u to find better friends and girlies

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@supportiveUnicorn6658 😥 that's a sad one. I'm guessing you stayed at that school, with those toxic people🙁 are you doing ok now?

supportiveUnicorn6658 August 30th

Yes doing alright now .. studying psychology so I know a lot of protective behaviours and stuff.

Aurelius121 August 24th


I used to wonder how different my life would be had I made certain decisions quite a bit. Since this is a feat beyond my ability to perform, I determined this activity is just a means for me to beat myself up. To feel guilty. To feel inadequate.

With that in mind, I sat down for a little while and wrote it all out. What exactly would I do differently? I did this to see if I could find patterns. I did. They quickly became evident. I saw what I found most important to me, and determined the only thing I could really do was to take action and see how I could manifest those desires into reality.

One more personal example. I should have hung out with a different group of people. What is important to me? To surround myself with positive individuals. The characteristics of those I spent time with were fairly abrasive. Video games, weed, alcohol. I reasoned that perhaps if I knew then what I know now, I might have fallen in with a better crowd. Perhaps I'd have friends in my adult life instead of acquaintances.

But that is the benefit of an expectation. The allure of a fantasy. It can look however one wishes.

In any case, I now have a better idea of what to do going forward.

You've done your best. You've made mistakes. That's fine. You're human. It's okay to make mistakes. Failure is still an opportunity for growth. What did you learn? What will you do differently? Change is painful. How will you endure it?

Good luck.

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@Aurelius121 Wisely said, and you writing it down is excellent advice it does help figure out patterns and root causes.. n u did the best u cud with wt u had and wt u went thru, u know better now but past u didn't..  some of the choices u wish u had made in the past can still be made in tinier ways in ur life

Also, if u hv time, check out a book called the Midnight library by Matt Haig, I have a feeling u may connect to it

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@Aurelius121 well said ❤ ❤

hopefuloutlook August 25th

@flowlikewater07 Don't get angry.... 

flowlikewater07 OP August 25th

@hopefuloutlook anger is one powerful emotion that makes us act in ways

And if it cost u smtg, I'm sorry for the pain you and whoever it impacted put u through.. we all sometimes make choices we wish we hadn't or react in ways we now know we shouldn't have.. all we can do is *** hopefully make tiny better decisions in similar situations going forward

hopefuloutlook August 26th

@flowlikewater07 One day at a time. I hope I can be really mindful of it everytime the situation arise. Thank you.

Tinywhisper11 August 26th

@hopefuloutlook anger is just one thing away from danger. And is feared by me and many, although some people can't help it, they could perhaps have anger issues. I don't think getting angry is bad, as long as it's released in a good, safe way. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ I hope your ok

hopefuloutlook August 26th

@Tinywhisper11 Sadly, my anger has gone off on people that matter the most. Has done nothing good for me. It's been an endless struggle all these years. Hugs back. Thanks