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8) Content Categories and Topics of Interest at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

In this discussion, we will understand an overview of the current focus of content at 7 Cups through content categories as well as topics of interest for current and prospective content development.

Current Article Topics at 7 Cups can be found here

In addition, the content focus areas (alongside some ideas of sub-areas that can be focused on) include:

  1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

  2. Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, role of meditation, other coping skills)

  3. Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)

  4. PTSD (meaning, symptoms, types, therapies, causes, awareness, coping)

  5. Sleeping Disorders (symptoms, types, effects of deprivation, causes, coping, relationship of sleep and mental health)

  6. Eating Disorders (signs, types, causes, treatments, how to stop binge eating, statistics, recovery)

  7. OCD (meaning, symptoms, causes, types, thoughts, personality disorder)

  8. Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)

  9. Substance Abuse (definition, symptoms, effects, causes, risk factors, treatment)

  10. Physical Abuse (signs, effects, types)

  11. Emotional Abuse (signs, emotionally abusive relationships, parents, cycle, effects, role of gaslighting, types, healing)

  12. Sexual Abuse (signs, types, effects, survivor stories)

  13. Family (family therapy, family signs, family conflicts and resolutions)

  14. Couples (couples therapy, counseling, exercises)

  15. Sexual Disorders (sexual disorder information, therapies)

  16. Addictions (symptoms, types, treatment, how to break an addiction)

  17. Child and Adolescent (social media, substance abuse, anxiety, how to help teens)

  18. LGBT (counseling, support, coping with unsupportive people, coming out)

  19. COVID-19 (social distancing, loneliness, job loss, financial stress, coping)

  20. Maternal (postpartum depression, anxiety, maternal mental health)

  21. Coping Skills

  22. Stress (symptoms, management, coping)

  23. Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)

  24. Parenting (single parents, foster parents, parenting stress)

  25. Grief and Loss (types, symptoms, stages, coping)

  26. ADHD (symptoms, causes, statistics)

  27. Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

  28. Self-Esteem (signs, how to boost, affirmations, activities)

  29. CBT (definition, techniques, CBT for X (any) conditions)

  30. BIPOC (mental health, racism, stigma, coping)


After reading the content focus areas, mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why. Reflect and share feedback on at least one student’s shared reason too.


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greatfulPassion August 10th, 2021

I would love to develop my skills in Relationships because most of the time I meet people who have similar issues.

explore1000 August 11th, 2021

That's a really cool feild! I agree with you're reasoing behind it.

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

Agree. There's so many issues that fall under relationship topic. From friendship, romantic relationship, breakup/divorce, up to professional relationship.

What topic in relationship do you have in mind, if I may know?

explore1000 August 11th, 2021

Anxiety: I have related to it and find it intresting on how it impacts people in different ways

milkoreos August 16th, 2021

@explore1000 it's good to hear you will be supporting others <3

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

Hi @explore1000

Interesting. Would you give example on different ways it impact people?

All the best!

explore1000 August 22nd, 2021


Thank you Cherie for the reply ❤️
From my point of view, anxiety can impact almost anything in one's daily life. I'd like to belive it effects sleep scheduels, involment in activities, socializing in gatherings, and so much more!

Please let me know if you have any more questions 🙃

milkoreos August 16th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Self-Esteem. This is something I struggled with and feel strongly about, so I feel I can create to inspire others.

August 17th, 2021

I would like to write about Being Stuck and Letting Go. This has been a real challenge in my life and remains a daily conscious effort daily to remember and practice.

RainyThoughts August 18th, 2021


That's great that you want to write on these topics. I hope you will be able to learn more about them and help others in the future with your article or by other means :)

RainyThoughts August 18th, 2021


I would like to expore topics; Anxiety, Depression, and Self-esteem. Managing emotions would also be a good topic as well as Loneliness.
All of these topics in some way are related to my experience and life, and I want to learn more about each topic as it would help me heal more and educate me as well.

amomtessa August 19th, 2021

Looking forward to your content. I hope you will share your experiences.

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021


Great point there. We learn as we research and write about the topic. Hope the journey will have positive impact and help the healing process. All the best! 💜

amomtessa August 19th, 2021

I am interested in developing content for the topic "self-esteem" as I have been dealing with low self-esteem issues for a long time.

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

Self-esteem issue is indeed cause many life challenges.
Are you thinking to write tips on how to boost self-esteem, or how low self-esteem may impact someone? Other topic like hidden low self-esteem, perhaps?

twilight000 August 21st, 2021

I am interested in writing about LGBTQ, child or adolescent, or a mix. This is because I, along with many people my age, struggle with coming out and various other issues in our daily lives.

Pewley August 21st, 2021

it's great to know that

considerateOrange2567 September 7th, 2021

Those are fantastic reasons, I'm sure your content will be able to help many people with coming out and teen/child challenges!

Pewley August 21st, 2021

I am interested in producing content about Relationship cuz I think it's hard to maintain a relationship

secrecykhasya August 24th, 2021

@Pewley That's a good one and you got a point there. I'm rooting for you :)

SheAlwaysListens August 31st, 2021


It is good to know that you have chosen a content focus area. I wish you the best for your content development.

March 18th, 2022


This is a good topic you have chosen and I am sure your articles will be useful as this is a common problem faced by members of 7 Cups and also in real life. 👍

Brinaa101 August 24th, 2021


I would like to write on anxiety or self-esteem. This is because I've struggled with both of these areas in my life, and I have definitely improved in them, and want to help others too.

secrecykhasya August 24th, 2021

@Brinaa101 Those are good to write about. And the fact that you have experieced and want tto share your thoughts about it is admirable. I'm rooting for you :)

SheAlwaysListens August 31st, 2021


The area I am interested in developing content for is phobia and that is because I myself have experienced phobias as well as know people who suffer from them. It is an interesting topic and I would like to research the different types of phobias and how to cope with them.

Lannylistens September 3rd, 2021


Looking forward to your content soon! <333

alexandra0321 October 2nd, 2021

@SheAlwaysListens That sounds great! I'm sure you will have very good ideas about the topic 😊

Lannylistens September 1st, 2021


I'm interested in developing content in Family, Grief and Loss, Relationships, Covid-19, and Child & Adolescent. I chose these because i have first hand experience with each category.

explore1000 September 4th, 2021


Those are great topics to be involved in, especially since you have expirence!

considerateOrange2567 September 7th, 2021

I’m interested in creating LGBT content! As a bi trans guy who previously identified as a cis lesbian (don’t ask) I’ve officially identified as every letter in LGBT lol! So I have a lot of experience in LGBT topics. Also CBT, as I’ve been in CBT therapy for a few years so I’m familiar with a lot of the techniques and find them really helpful!

secrecykhasya September 10th, 2021

@considerateOrange2567 Wow, yes having many experiences and familiar with the topic helps a lot in our writing later. You seem to have many ideas to write about it. I wish you all the best ^^

azuladragon34 September 7th, 2021


That's alot of areas and I'm interested in all!!!. However I would go for autism as I'm personally going through it and would like to help others as well. It's a personal topic for me as well.

secrecykhasya September 10th, 2021

@azuladragon34 Glad that you found the one you're interested in. All the best ^^

Ninziesss August 29th, 2022

Awesome you've fund the one that interests you the most.

alexandra0321 October 2nd, 2021

Before reading this post, I was geared towards creating content for anxiety and depression, but now I'm starting to consider sexual disorders and sleeping disorders since they are not so talked about in social media and they have a scientific basis.

secrecykhasya October 27th, 2021

@alexandra0321 Hello!

sexual disorder and sleeping disorder are such an interesting topic to be written and to be read. We're rooting for you for whichever topic you choose to write about. All the best.

Textingpals October 5th, 2021


Mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why.

The areas I am interested in developing content for are:

1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

2. Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)

3. Self-Esteem (signs, how to boost, affirmations, activities)

because I believe these are the ones I am most familiar with and most fascinated with either due to personal experience or because I have seen my close friends, relatives, family members in a similar situation.

secrecykhasya October 9th, 2021

@Textingpals Wow you sure have so many options in your mind and those options look interesting. All the best for your article! 😊

MarinaLecubet November 12th, 2021


Self esteem is one I could of handled well in an article given my experience.

Daf8 September 7th, 2022

❤️ @Textingpals ❤️

❤️ Those are great topics to focus on (and an astounding writer that works on that). I admire the empathy and compassion you are exhibiting by developing content for topics your loved ones go/went through. I also am very proud of you for using your personal experience to help and support others. In short, Pals, you are wonderful, and your readers are lucky. ❤️