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8) Content Categories and Topics of Interest at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

In this discussion, we will understand an overview of the current focus of content at 7 Cups through content categories as well as topics of interest for current and prospective content development.

Current Article Topics at 7 Cups can be found here

In addition, the content focus areas (alongside some ideas of sub-areas that can be focused on) include:

  1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

  2. Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, role of meditation, other coping skills)

  3. Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)

  4. PTSD (meaning, symptoms, types, therapies, causes, awareness, coping)

  5. Sleeping Disorders (symptoms, types, effects of deprivation, causes, coping, relationship of sleep and mental health)

  6. Eating Disorders (signs, types, causes, treatments, how to stop binge eating, statistics, recovery)

  7. OCD (meaning, symptoms, causes, types, thoughts, personality disorder)

  8. Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)

  9. Substance Abuse (definition, symptoms, effects, causes, risk factors, treatment)

  10. Physical Abuse (signs, effects, types)

  11. Emotional Abuse (signs, emotionally abusive relationships, parents, cycle, effects, role of gaslighting, types, healing)

  12. Sexual Abuse (signs, types, effects, survivor stories)

  13. Family (family therapy, family signs, family conflicts and resolutions)

  14. Couples (couples therapy, counseling, exercises)

  15. Sexual Disorders (sexual disorder information, therapies)

  16. Addictions (symptoms, types, treatment, how to break an addiction)

  17. Child and Adolescent (social media, substance abuse, anxiety, how to help teens)

  18. LGBT (counseling, support, coping with unsupportive people, coming out)

  19. COVID-19 (social distancing, loneliness, job loss, financial stress, coping)

  20. Maternal (postpartum depression, anxiety, maternal mental health)

  21. Coping Skills

  22. Stress (symptoms, management, coping)

  23. Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)

  24. Parenting (single parents, foster parents, parenting stress)

  25. Grief and Loss (types, symptoms, stages, coping)

  26. ADHD (symptoms, causes, statistics)

  27. Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

  28. Self-Esteem (signs, how to boost, affirmations, activities)

  29. CBT (definition, techniques, CBT for X (any) conditions)

  30. BIPOC (mental health, racism, stigma, coping)


After reading the content focus areas, mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why. Reflect and share feedback on at least one student’s shared reason too.


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SynSavory March 26th, 2021

@DonaldDraper Yes

Zahraa000 January 16th, 2022

You are right that self-esteem is sometimes misunderstood, but it is necessary to maintain boundaries between individuals and to keep self-esteem the most important.

BlueCup55 April 27th, 2022


It is so brave of you to write about such important and powerful topics.

April 29th, 2022

The article is now published. 7cups took almost one year to proofread, edit, publish. etc.

It can be found here

@Matej45678 , @KACOSMIC , @greatfulPassion , @twilight000 , @Brinaa101 , @Textingpals , @11820Read , @WendinCaring , @Zahraa000 , @Fristo , @Excitingeasting , @dreamRainbows3245 , @DonaldDraper , @AnisiaCocanTherapist , @FinleyTews , @CaringBrit , @SynSavory , @azureOwl6812 , @BlueCup55

SynSavory May 14th, 2022


Nice article--glad to hear you're a fellow online writer. :)

FinleyTews March 3rd, 2021

I am considering the topics of LGBTQ+, DID/OSDD and psychosis/schizophrenia, because I am queer and have supported loved ones with DID and psychosis. I have also greatly enjoyed learning about DID/OSDD in support groups.

Clarisse29 April 5th, 2021


personal experience and having supported someone with conditions does prove to be a great asset when writing content about such conditions! you're so kind!

IceCream4IceCream April 24th, 2021


I hear you <3 I too have loved ones/friends with DID or psychosis spectrum conditions. I'm demi + have friends/loved ones from the LGBTQA+ community.

All of these are really important topics to address which can often be very stigmatised.

CaringBrit March 5th, 2021


PTSD (meaning, symptoms, types, therapies, causes, awareness, coping)

Sleeping Disorders (symptoms, types, effects of deprivation, causes, coping, relationship of sleep and mental health)

Physical Abuse (signs, effects, types)

Emotional Abuse (signs, emotionally abusive relationships, parents, cycle, effects, role of gaslighting, types, healing)

Sexual Abuse (signs, types, effects, survivor stories)

Grief and Loss (types, symptoms, stages, coping)

Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

any of the above listed I would love to develop content for some of these I've personally experienced some I havebnt but being on both trauma team and disability those topics are my stronger points its is why I chose them as I can connect with them easier

lyricalAngel70 March 14th, 2021


These are some of the great topics to write content on. I am personally interested in Emotional Abuse & Grief/Loss among these. Thank you for sharing your list of interests. All the very best. heart

Lugi123 May 23rd, 2021

I love how you want to venture into different areas with your writing. It's great that you mentioned autism as this neurodiversity consist of a pretty large spectrum and usually still has some stereotypes attached to it.

SynSavory March 7th, 2021


I might be interested in writing about relationships. This is because I'm doing a full-time practicum/internship thing and my supervisor has made us read a lot about couples and families in general.

MizuKagami May 6th, 2021


I think it was a good idea to just pick a few topics you researched well. All aspects related to mental health are equally important and I'm sure you'll have some great insights to share with all of us.

SynSavory June 20th, 2021

Thank you!

SupportiveSpace8282 June 18th, 2021

@SynSavory You sound like you have a strong research base to write your articles from! It is always great to take information extracted from empirical research articles and translate them into a more accessible format for a more general audience. Great topic choice!

SynSavory June 20th, 2021

Thank you! I am in school so we are definitely researching a lot!

KristinHelps March 9th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly The area I am interested in developing content for is Self-Esteem because this is important to myself, as I had the most difficulty learning how crucial building self-esteem is. I now want to spread the importance of self-esteem and creating activities.

March 12th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am interesting in developing content for Anxiety, because I have lived experience of dealing with it.

shoag March 14th, 2021

Personally, I am interested in developing content for children and adolsescents, since I am myself a teen, and feel like I could relate better to the audience I am trying to reach.

optimisticMoment4139 December 21st, 2021

great idea

lyricalAngel70 March 14th, 2021


Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).
Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, the role of meditation, other coping skills)
Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)
Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)
Stress (symptoms, management, coping)
Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)
BIPOC (mental health, racism, stigma, coping)

I would love to develop content in these areas because either some of my relatives or friends are suffering from issues such as toxic relationships, stigmas, stress, anxiety & schizophrenia.

March 15th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly I would like to write an article on Self-esteem. As other topics seem that they might require either more experience or more professional background.

RationalMe7 July 23rd, 2021


Self-Esteem is quite an underrated topic. Because that forms the basis for a lot of other aspects of life & also determines one's attitude and approach towards problems.

AnisiaCocanMA March 15th, 2021

From some of the topics I would like to contribute with content are Couples, LGBT, Family, Anxiety, Self Esteem, Sexual Disorders.

I chose these topics because are related to my area of expertise and i know that even just some words from the heart can help a bit the situation for the reader.

blindHeart12 June 10th, 2021


Good choice of topic which you had good expertise and anything written from heart reach to heart.

azureOwl6812 March 22nd, 2021


I'm interested in writing about the following topics since I've been through a few of these issues and seen people close to me deal with them too. I am also curious to learn about these topics more and understand them better ,as well as articulate my understanding as well as research based understandings in the form of articles. :)

Sleeping disorders
Emotional abuse
Child and adolescent

sunlightspirit March 22nd, 2021


It looks like you have a lot of interests and are committed to writing interesting articles. Great job and I wish you well in accomplishing your goals!

azureOwl6812 April 23rd, 2021

Thank you 💗

FrenchToast April 19th, 2021

@azureOwl6812 Those are some important topics - it's exciting that you want to write about them all. Thanks for sharing!

sunlightspirit March 22nd, 2021


I am interested in developing content in these areas:

Sexual health: because there are no articles currently available and I feel very comfortable talking about sexual behaviors, thoughts and feelings. I have worked successfully with several members in regards to sexual health issues and would be delighted to contribute to some articles for 7cups.

Relationship Stress & Break ups: because much of my degree focused on marriage and family therapy and I enjoy working with members through their stressful relationships as well as having a solid background in the subject matter.

Spirituality: because again, there are no current articles on this subject and I am fascinated by different types of spirituality and would love to guide individuals on their spiritual journey.

Self-harm: because I have worked with a lot of individuals over the last 5 years with self harm and have valuable insight and resources that have helped.

The content focus areas include:

ADHD, sexual disorders, coping skills, relationships, and eating disorders

optimisticDay8079 March 29th, 2021

@sunlightspirit amazing topic choices :)

optimisticDay8079 March 29th, 2021

I'm interested in LGBT, COVID-19, Relationships, Self-Esteem

optimisticDay8079 March 29th, 2021

@optimisticDay8079 Because Im part of the LGBT community and i feel i have the most knowledge in the other 3

Clarisse29 April 5th, 2021


hello! i am interested in developing content for multiple categories and I'll list my reasons for each:

1. depression: my mother has had clinical depression in the past and i was the primary caretaker for her. i have closely seen what it's like (at least what hers was like) and i want to be developing any resources for people who are dealing with it or those who have to take care of a loved one struggling with it because it was not easy at all and i do not want anyone to feel as helpless as i did.

2. LGBT: i am genuinely interested in knowing more and more about this community and helping them in their struggle for acceptance and equal rights. i feel that one powerful way to do it would be developing content about LGBT issues here for the use of everyone.

3. Schizophrenia: it is one of the most complex mental health conditions and it is tragic that an almost negligible percentage of people struggling with it get the help they need. By developing content for it, i want to be helping such people and their caretakers.

thanks! these were my reasons!

FinleyTews April 5th, 2021

@Clarisse29 All great reasons to create, looking forward to your articles! And thanks for your sweet comment on my post.

Clarisse29 April 6th, 2021


thankyou! and no worries <3

FrenchToast April 19th, 2021

Topic(s) of interest: Managing Emotions, Breakups, or Social anxiety. Mostly social anxiety though, because I am someone who goes through that and being able to use my experience to create content that helps others will be the biggest inspiration.

IceCream4IceCream April 24th, 2021


I'm open to most things because I'm passionate about mental health and do my best to engage in advocacy.

Happy to contribute to:

(1) ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression sections because I have all 3, eating Disorders because I've had one in the past, and sleep issues because I struggle with them myself. I am also dealing with grief and loss.

(2) OCD, Bipolar, and DID articles because I have loved ones/friends with these conditions. Also, I have loved ones/friends friend the LGBTQA+ community or come under the BIPOC group. I myself am an Indian + Asian who has experienced racism.

(3) I'm currently doing a course about Deaddiction and Substance Use Management, so I'd love to help with addiction and substance use articles.

(4) As a member of the trauma support, disability support, support +, and general support leadership teams, I want to help with topics such as physical/emotional abuse, PTSD, BRFB, BDD, disability, hoarding, and general mental health including: Coping Skills, Stress, and Self-Esteem. I've also struggled with coping skills, stress, and self-esteem.

(5) Child and Adolescent because I'm an ATL.

(6) Schizophrenia and psychosis spectrum conditions because they are highly misunderstood, and I have loved ones/friends who've experienced psychosis symptoms.

(7) Covid-19 because I'm struggling, many in the world are struggling, and so are most people I know.

BeamsOfHope00 May 4th, 2021


It sounds like you have a lot of personal experience with mental health. It's awesome that you want to help people in so many situations! I think it really helps knowing people who are in situations you help with too. You seem like you would be very happy helping with lots of different things. You sound like someone I'd like to have listening to me, if I was feeling down!

BeamsOfHope00 May 4th, 2021

I'm really interested in depression because I have had experience with it. I actually kind of feel called to help people with depression just because of my depression. During some of the hardest days I was always able to get though with the thought that I could someday help people going through the same thing. So that's why I'm interested in depression.