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6) Ensuring Best Writing Practices

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

After understanding the general requirements to keep in mind whilst submitting your content articles for 7 Cups publication, this discussion highlights some general writing tips to keep in mind when writing content that relates to mental health.

Things to Do:

  • Make sure the article is empathetic, kind, helpful & informative (it fulfills the reader who found it), empowering. Replace mental “illness” or “disease” with “condition” or “issue” and soften any other mental health stigma language that might pop up. This helps ensure that your tone is supportive.

  • Think of story ideas that will be sharable in social media

  • Be concise

  • Be conversational and accessible in your writing

  • Back up statements with research or facts if applicable (cite sources) - try to confirm facts by ensuring at least 2 different sources mentioning them.

  • Include expert quotes and insights -- you can reach out to a psychologist or expert about your story and offer a quote and link to their practice for the collaboration. Make sure their title/expertise is attributed in the article

  • Be thorough, don’t gloss over specifics

  • Give the reader empathy and hope

  • Put yourself in the reader’s shoes: ask yourself what they need out of reading your piece and then deliver that

  • Try to combine personal experiences with expert insight to strengthen your piece.

  • Consider including friends and family members of people impacted by your topic in your audience.

For more tips on reporting mental health conditions and choosing words carefully, read the American Psychiatric Association’s article here

Other Tips:

The following are general guidelines to help find facts, help link things with 7 Cups as well as outreaching tips for personal stories and expert insight:

  • Always try to hyperlink some of your main sources.

  • Use authentic reporting websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization, or American Psychological Association, etc. for facts and up-to-date statistics. (Can be hyperlinked as mentioned above)

  • Use Google Scholar to search for relevant research work. Abstracts usually summarize research findings.

  • When outlining your article, consider asking yourself which information and what type of information can be added as a priority. For example, an article about mental health during the pandemic would likely report authentic global statistics and could use published research information.

  • When reviewing other resources that cover your topic or something close to it, always ask yourself what can help enhance that available content. How can you ensure you are providing a unique take on the topic? Consider thinking about what is missing that could be worth mentioning.

  • 7 Cups has lots of free services, including available self-help guides, subcommunities with forums, and other areas - generally, editorial assistants at 7 Cups help backlink to these resources, but you are welcome to directly mention them if it applies, for instance, mentioning how Sharing Circles can help users cope with loneliness or the lack of support in their daily lives.

  • Outreaching for both personal or expert quotes can be done via social media, contact forms of blog posts, or even email considering which information is available. You are welcome to PM @SoulfullyAButterfly if you think a 7 Cups Expert can help provide you the quote or required insight.

  • When outreaching for personal stories, introduce yourself and 7 Cups and explain your article topic briefly, and why you think their personal experience could help. Share how you can back-link (link back) to the person’s blog or other resources if they would like that in return for sharing their quote. Ensure that you ask them if they would like their name to be disclosed, or if they would like a pseudonym. Finally, let them know you will share the final published version so they can also share it with their acquaintances.

  • When requiring an expert quote, use the same procedure discussed, but consider asking for the expert’s availability. Mention how the expert’s work can aid your write-up and any questions you have. Ask for the expert’s professional practice page link and if they are interested, mention how they can have a published expert profile at 7 Cups (you can CC if needed).

Things To Avoid:

  • The overuse of cliches or corny language

  • Making it overly formal or using references most wouldn’t understand

  • Using extraneous words/phrases. For example, you don’t have to write, “it’s important to…” If you’re writing it, the reader will assume it’s important. Unless, of course, it really is a surprise that this piece of advice is important - in which case say that

  • Forgetting to explain the “why”

  • Repeating the same word or phrase often (unless intentional, i.e. in an article about a mantra you might repeat the mantra several times)

  • Overusing exclamation points


Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

Bonus: Consider using previous discussions to research and use keywords.

Additionally, reply to at least one other student and highlight the strengths of their work as well as areas for improvement.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

WeEarth January 20th


Thank you for the suggestion light😊

Yes, I should ensure the same 🤗

ThoughtLight January 19th

Section 6 Assignment: “Coping with Loneliness During the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Some Ways to Cope with Loneliness During the Covid-19 Pandemic

ThoughtLight January 19th

@ThoughtLight Just a note. When trying to just post the whole paragraph it was flagged and wouldn't post. So, it I had to do it in link form. 

ThoughtLight January 19th

@ThoughtLight also @SoulfullyAButterfly

CocoaCassie January 28th


Hi, I couldn't open the link to the doc you will need to allow open access so that people can read it, if that is what you want of course.

ThoughtLight January 29th

@CocoaCassie ok. I've never shared a Google Doc link, so I didn't know about that feature. I will get on there and figure it out. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. It is weird that it gets flagged when I copy and paste it. Even when I put it on Word it did the same thing. 

CocoaCassie January 31st

@ThoughtLight maybe some of your words are triggering the censor, you know like talking about deep depression and crisis stuff? Maybe ask your mentor to read it and suggest why too?

ThoughtLight January 31st

@CocoaCassie I thought about that. But I wrote it in a non-triggering way. I should have written down the error code it kept giving me. Maybe one of the keywords on the list set it off. 

CocoaCassie January 28th


Ways to improve feelings of loneliness post COVID-19

Since the COVID-19 pandemic recent studies have shown that loneliness has dramatically increased. That in itself is probably not surprising when we take into account the lockdowns and the fear of illness leading to a reduction in socialization of any kind, with even trips to the shops or taking exercise outdoors leading to avoidance and social distancing.
One report ( suggests that ”36% of all Americans - including 61% of young adults (up from 40% in 2018) and 51% of mothers with young children - feel “serious loneliness.” can be a lifeline during times such as this, helping to reduce loneliness and increase positivity and hope by boosting useful online connections and social interactions. Users can connect for free and chat with a ‘Listener’ who is trained in active listening skills, connect to others who feel the same way in one of the group support chatrooms, post on the forums and make friends, or read one of the self-help dialogues. 

creativeTime4251 February 5th

@CocoaCassie I love it! its concise, you get directly to the point and you did a great job of including resources : )

Bunnylovesyou March 10th


very nice and well written! 

My only feed back is maybe relate a little more? It seemed more article proof not application to real life if that makes sense 

ThoughtLight January 29th


Was just brought to my attention I had my first link set to private. This should work. I still find it strange that when I try to post the full content it is flagged. 

creativeTime4251 February 5th


Because of covid, we've all had to distance ourselves from our peers and it can take a huge toll on our mental health. Social distancing has caused us to be isolated for long periods of time, more than we can handle. There is no doubt we feel like we have no one to turn to, a lack of emotional support has emerged from this pandemic. Loneliness can be very hard to cope with but rest assured, you are not alone. The article by PubMed Central named "Loneliness and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic" goes in depth about the changes Covid made concerning loneliness while providing help for those struggling to cope with it.

[114 words]

CupcakeCaring February 13th


This paragraph is effectively conveying the emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health. The language used is relatable and empathetic, helping readers connect with the shared experience of loneliness. So for me this is really nice. 💙

CupcakeCaring February 13th


Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, coping with loneliness has become a shared journey for many. It's essential to acknowledge that feeling lonely is a valid and universal experience during these times. Simple yet powerful strategies can make a significant difference. Cultivating new hobbies or revisiting old ones not only fills your time but also nurtures personal growth. Stay connected virtually; a friendly video call or a heartfelt message can bridge the physical gap and offer emotional support. Embrace the opportunity for self-reflection and self-care, recognizing that your well-being matters. Engaging in acts of kindness, even small ones, can create a positive ripple effect for both you and others. Remember, you're not alone in feeling alone, and by embracing resilience and kindness, you contribute to building a stronger, interconnected community that we all need in these challenging times. 🌻

If you like to go through more information this link will be helpful. 

walkalot February 16th

@CupcakeCaring very nice message

CupcakeCaring February 16th


thank you 💙

MarwaneB March 3rd


It was concise, conversational and accessible, giving the reader empathy and hope. However, the link you mentionned seemed like a continuity of your post rather than citing a source.

CupcakeCaring March 12th


thank you 💙

sky2Ocean20 March 19th



- followed writing practice guidelines

area of improvement according to me:

- a sentence regarding the posted link could be added.


overall, I loved that your paragraph was validating and had an empathetic tone. It was very comforting to read. 💝

CupcakeCaring March 24th


Thank you for these lovely opinions 💙

MarwaneB February 18th


Strategies for Combating Loneliness Amidst COVID-19 Restrictions

Since the emergence of the coronavirus, strict policies have been implemented both nationally and internationally to limit its spread, with social distancing being among the most significant measures. While these measures have been successful in reducing the number of COVID-19 cases, they have also led to an increase in loneliness rates.

However, it's important to note that social distancing does not equate to isolation. It is still possible for individuals to feel connected while adhering to distancing guidelines. Virtual connections, such as checking in with friends and relatives online, can significantly reduce feelings of disconnection. Another way is through support platforms, which offer resources on dealing with issues related to COVID-19, as well as interacting with real listeners, the COVID-19 Support @ 7 Cups for example. 

Additionally, as stated in Aging & Mental Health Journal, engaging in group activities while maintaining a safe distance of at least one meter, ensuring everyone wears masks correctly, and monitoring for any signs of illness, can provide a sense of companionship while prioritizing safety.

Moreover, aside from community connections, individuals can combat loneliness even when alone by staying busy, setting goals, and working towards achieving them. Maintaining a positive mindset and adopting a healthy lifestyle can also contribute to reducing feelings of loneliness.


Lena Dahlberg (2021) Loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic, Aging & Mental Health, 25:7, 1161-1164, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1875195

Pew Research Center. (2018). Teens’ social media habits and experiences (tech. rep.). Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech.




- The article is relevant and timely, addressing a common challenge that many people face due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

- The article is informative and helpful, offering various strategies and resources for combating loneliness and staying connected.

- The article is empathetic and supportive, acknowledging the feelings and experiences of the readers and offering hope and encouragement.

- The article is well-structured and organized, using subheadings and paragraphs to break up the text and guide the reader.

- The article is well-researched and cited, using reliable sources and providing references for the facts and studies quoted.

Constructive feedback: Created Feedback using: 


Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism checker result:

- The plagiarism checker tool detected no plagiarism in the article. The originality score was 100%, indicating that the article was written in the author's own words and did not contain any duplicate content from other sources.

Grammarly result:

- The grammarly tool detected some writing issues in the article. The overall score was 86/100, indicating that the article was mostly clear and effective, but had some room for improvement. The tool provided suggestions for the following issues:

    - Punctuation: There were some missing commas and periods in the article. For example, "However, it's important to note that social distancing does not equate to isolation." should have a comma after "However".

    - Word choice: There were some words or phrases that could be replaced with more precise or appropriate alternatives. For example, "can significantly reduce feelings of disconnection" could be changed to "can help reduce feelings of isolation".

    - Clarity: There were some sentences that could be simplified or rephrased to make them more clear and concise. For example, "Another way is through support platforms, which offer resources on dealing with issues related to COVID-19, as well as interacting with real listeners, the COVID-19 Support @ 7 Cups for example." could be rewritten as "Support platforms, such as the COVID-19 Support @ 7 Cups, also offer resources and interactions with real listeners to help with COVID-19 related issues."

    - Tone: There were some sentences that could be adjusted to match the tone and style of the article. For example, "Moreover, aside from community connections, individuals can combat loneliness even when alone by staying busy, setting goals, and working towards achieving them." could be modified to "Besides community connections, you can also combat loneliness when you are alone by staying busy, setting goals, and working towards achieving them." to make it more personal and friendly.

MarwaneB March 6th


Thank you so much for all the tips and valuable advice you gave me. You were of great help!


@MarwaneB you're welcome 😊 Glad to help! you-are.gif

Countrygirl095 March 3rd

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19  with a Disability Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant challenges for everyone, but individuals with disabilities face additional challenges and loneliness due to social distancing measures and the isolation they often experience. This essay aims to provide an overview of the impact of loneliness on individuals with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss some strategies for coping.

Impact of Loneliness on Individuals with Disabilities

Loneliness is a significant issue for individuals with disabilities, even before the pandemic. According to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), individuals with disabilities are twice as likely to experience loneliness compared to the general population. With social distancing measures in place, this feeling of loneliness has been further exacerbated.

Challenges Faced by Individuals with Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities often face barriers to accessing social support and participating in social activities. The closure of physical rehabilitation centers, support groups, and community events has limited access to these crucial sources of connection and support. Additionally, the reliance on virtual platforms for social engagement has presented additional challenges for individuals with disabilities, who may require additional accommodations or assistive technologies to participate fully.

Coping Strategies

While loneliness can be disheartening, there are strategies that can help individuals with disabilities cope with feelings of isolation and loneliness during the pandemic. Here are some suggestions:

1. Stay Connected: Utilize virtual platforms, such as video calls, social media, and online support groups to connect with others. Maintaining regular social interactions can help combat loneliness and provide a sense of belonging.

2. Create a Routine: Establish a routine that includes activities you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or practicing a hobby. Structure your day to provide a sense of predictability and purpose.

3. Engage in Physical Activity: Physical activity has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Engage in exercises that suit your abilities, such as yoga, swimming, or walking, to boost your mood and improve your overall well-being.

4. Seek Professional Support: If you are struggling with feelings of loneliness, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or a disability counselor. They can provide specific strategies and recommendations tailored to your individual needs.

5. Volunteer: Consider volunteering for causes that align with your interests and values. Helping others can provide a sense of purpose and connection, even from a distance.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented levels of loneliness for individuals with disabilities. However, by implementing coping strategies such as staying connected, creating a routine, engaging in physical activity, seeking professional help, and volunteering, individuals can find ways to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. It is crucial for policymakers and healthcare professionals to prioritize the well-being and mental health of people with disabilities during this challenging time.




The Psychological Impact of Loneliness During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased feelings of loneliness worldwide. According to a study by Loades et al. (2020), young people aged 16 to 24 years experienced loneliness more often and more intensely during the pandemic. This age group reported feeling lonely often or always 44% of the time compared to 16% before the pandemic. The prolonged periods of isolation and lack of social interaction have led to an increase in mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It's crucial to understand that these feelings are a normal response to the abnormal situation we find ourselves in. Remember, it's okay to seek help and reach out to others, even if it's virtually.


: Loades, M.E., Chatburn, E., Higson-Sweeney, N. et al. (2020). Rapid Systematic Review: The Impact of Social Isolation and Loneliness on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in the Context of COVID-19. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. [Link](

: Mental Health Foundation. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic, financial inequality and mental health. [Link](

Thank you for sharing these helpful tips, @SoulfullyAButterfly. I appreciate the clarity and detail of the guidelines, and I look forward to writing an article for 7 Cups. I have a question about the citation style. Is there a preferred format for citing sources, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago? I want to make sure my article is consistent and professional. Thank you for your help.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP March 7th

@ThoughtsBubbleExpress you can use the APA style for in text citations with some external linking where appropriate. We do not publish the biography citations, but you can make notes of them for your own reference as well as editorial needs.


@SoulfullyAButterfly I understand now, thank you for the explanation 😊

Bunnylovesyou March 10th

Affects of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Isolation on Childhood Development

Covid 19 was a time of fear and isolation for everyone, especially children. I am happy to say that as of now the pandemic is over, but it seemed like it would never end. The pandemic had a great lasting affect on all of us, but how did it effect children more? According to an article published in 2023 by the National Library of Medicine, children under the age of 2 need more face-to-face contact for their development. The pandemic deprived them of that. Later in the article it was mentioned that fine motor skills such as handwriting, and coordination decreased, as well as physical activity. Not only did this effect the physical development of these children, but it also caused a decline in mental health. The Children's Hospital of Colorado says that physical exercise is essential to the development of a children's brain, often time decreasing the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. As the children born in the pandemic get ready to go to school for the first time, we do have to wonder, what lasting affect will this have? What kind of issues will the children who never stepped foot into school until 3rd grade have when they become adults? Who knows? Only time will tell. 

brightDayFairy March 10th

@Bunnylovesyou I love that you focused on children, as it is an important situation to consider as well. And I really liked reading your text due to the flow of your text.

Bunnylovesyou March 10th


awww thanks! I was celebrating my 12th birthday when covid hit so I felt more connected to the child aspect ❤️

brightDayFairy March 10th


6) Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Heading: Impact of Loneliness During COVID-19 and How You Can Overcome It

COVID-19 has presented us with new challenges, especially when considering the aspect of loneliness and its negative impact on our well-being. It is now more important than ever to find solutions to address this issue. The following steps are intended to motivate you and help you deal with it in a healthy way:

  • Humor: Watch funny shows or movies to lighten your mood; a good laugh with friends over a video call can also make a big difference in how you feel.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity, whether it's a home workout, yoga, or a walk in nature, can significantly improve your mental health and reduce feelings of loneliness.
  • Sharing Feelings: What can help against loneliness? Expressing it and counteracting it. On 7 Cups, you have the opportunity to share your feelings with an active listener.
  • Seeking Help: Lastly, please seek help if you feel like you can't deal with loneliness on your own. You might consider contacting us at 7 Cups, where we offer group chats, chats with trained listeners, as well as therapists who can assist you with the situation.



I really loved the motivating side of this piece along with the tips :) great one!


"Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic"

Feeling Disconnected? You're Not Alone

Social distancing measures put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic have been essential for curbing the spread of the virus, but they've also had a significant impact on mental health. Loneliness, a common human condition characterized by feelings of isolation and a lack of social connection, has increased dramatically during this time. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that over 3 in 10 adults in the United States reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression during the pandemic, with loneliness being a contributing factor [1]. While feeling lonely can be a discouraging experience, it's important to remember that you're not alone in this. Many people are struggling with similar feelings, and there are steps you can take to build connection and combat loneliness during this challenging time.


[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, August 26). Percentage of Adults Who Reported Experiencing Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

sky2Ocean20 March 19th


Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Loneliness in Lockdown: how do we cope!

Covid-19 pandemic has very unexpectedly changed all of our lives. From gathering with friends, family, and colleagues in real life, our “real life” shifted to a virtual one. Physical isolation became a necessity and we seem to have slowly lost our connectedness. According to this article, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that mental health issues are rising with the pandemic. We have to address this issue and take care of our mental well-being in such a crucial situation. To cope with loneliness during this COVID era we should implement various self-care routines, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. It’s undeniable that we all need to seek support from time to time. But we don't know where to turn. I am here to tell you that is a platform where emotional support is offered by trained active volunteer listeners. Now you can reach out when you think about venting or need to talk.





lamimoon March 31st


STRENGHTS: You were empathetic, gave reader hope and you made it very concise and sharable in social media. 

IMPROVEMENTS: I would suggest to consider friends and family members of people impacted and consider including personal experiences and expert quotes.

I love your paragraph!

InsightfulPhoenix March 25th

Here is the spin I took on this project, I hope you all enjoy!
