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1) Introduction to Content and Marketing at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

7 Cups currently has separate dedicated teams that focus on both Content and Marketing. This discussion outlines both teams and provides an overview of their current focus.

(A) Content Volunteer Team

The Content Volunteer Team was relaunched and redesigned in 2020 and is led by @SoulfullyAButterfly - more information including an application can be found here


The team works to improve site content in the following areas:

(i) Questions and Answers (Q&A Pages): Quality answers are researched and written in light of search engine optimization (SEO) and other best practices to ensure that the community gets verified, valuable information in response to common mental health questions and concerns. These answers are considered “short tasks” as they involve quicker content production.

(ii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Existing, published articles are reviewed to ensure up-to-date information, quality length, expert verified facts and other important topic categories by editors.

In addition, fresh content is produced for:

(iii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Alongside fresh content provided by experts, the team works to research and produce relevant fresh content articles that help boost information and awareness related to the categories that 7 Cups offers expertise in. Writers are welcome to collaborate with experts to publish co-authored articles or produce content individually to be published under the 7 Cups Community Account.

(iv) All other Content Needs: The team is ready to tackle and undertake content tasks that may come up as other needs. These content assignments can relate to listener guides, upcoming growth path playlists, improvement and support of online therapy-related information as well as many other possibilities!

(B) Team Lightship

As a revamp to the Social Soldiers Team at 7 Cups, Project Lightship was announced in late 2020 as the current volunteer-led marketing team for 7 Cups on Twitter. It is currently being led by @Rebecca947 and @Isentropic


The team intends to eliminate mental health stigma by identifying those who need support as presented by social media (Twitter) based messages. The team not only works on bringing awareness by using and promoting mental health-based content but actively outreaches to potential users in need of a safe haven to invite them to use 7 Cups.

The team currently has one track with a focus on:

(i) Outreaching to 20 people with compassionate messages and support per month

(ii) Generating content and posting 5 posts.

As the team is currently testing only one track, we can expect future opportunities with the growth of Team Lightship! Further information, including an application, can be found here

Other Social Media Platforms for Content:

In the meantime, 7 Cups has official accounts on social media platforms that are run by community admins. Students of this current course as well as the Content Team will prospectively add to these content and content marketing efforts!

Find and follow the 7 Cups Official Accounts on Social Media:

Instagram - @7Cups ​| Twitter - @7Cups & @7CupsTeen | Facebook - 7CupsOfTea | Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea

Question for Discussion:

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Note: If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the program’s requirements or electives, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read more about it here.

kindLemonade August 7th, 2021


Writing article is what I'm interested in too. It is definitely a bit of a challenge but the course provides useful tools and tips.

Welcome to CDM and hope you enjoy your time here 💜

LindenTea August 7th, 2021


Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

I find the Content Volunteer Team the most interesting to be a part of as I am pretty confident in myself that I can provide quality content articles on awareness about various mental health topics as well as well written and satisfying answers to many questions.

kindLemonade August 7th, 2021


Wow, another person interested in joining content team, that is exciting!
Welcome to CDM program and I hope the course will give you helpful tips to apply to both 7cups as well as overal writing skill in life.

explore1000 August 9th, 2021


As a social person, my goal is to spread awreness of 7 cups to many people around the world. Hence i would like to take part in Team Lightship. (in the future, i would like to help 7 cups make a Tiktok acount as it reaches many teens efficiantly.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 9th, 2021

@explore1000 great goals! Thank you for joining the Program, and I hope it will be very enjoyable and insightful for you

MarinaLecubet November 6th, 2021


That's great explore, being social and socially conscious looks to be important for team lightship.

amomtessa August 10th, 2021

I would like to join content volunteer team as it would help me to hone my writing skills and contibute to mental health awareness.

kindLemonade August 10th, 2021


Welcome to the CDM program! Thank you for your prompt post and cannot wait to see your future writings 😍

Lannylistens August 18th, 2021

Hi everyone! I would love to join the Volunteer Content Team. I would love to edit as well as write my own articles. I would also like to create social media posts as well.

kindLemonade August 18th, 2021


Welcome to the CDM program! I hope you have a wonderful time and have more experiences on the topic you chose!

AriadneLove August 19th, 2021

@Lannylistens I love your enthusiasm. It is so important to be excited about what you are doing, especially if it involves a creative process. I hope the program will enable you to reach all your content creating goals.💜💜💜

SheAlwaysListens August 18th, 2021


I am delighted to be a part of this content development and marketing internship. One area that interests me the most is Team Lightship. I would love to be a part of this team and promote content and invite potential users to join 7 Cups.

Kind regards,

kindLemonade August 19th, 2021


Warmest welcome to our Content Development and Marketing Program!

Team Lightship is quite exciting for sure! I hope you will get out many fruitful experiences to equip you both on 7cups as well as in your writing journey overall!

considerateOrange2567 August 24th, 2021

Of these choices offered, I'm currently most interested in the first track. I would like to write and edit articles for the Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section, as well as produce training guides for listeners. I'm excited to work on these areas because I enjoy writing articles and have experience in academic writing. I also think that additional training guides for topics that don't currently exist but I know plenty about could be very helpful!

kindLemonade August 24th, 2021


We would definitely be benefited from more editors on the team! Cannot wait to read your articles and welcome to CDM program! heart

azuladragon34 August 24th, 2021


I love to write articles and edit existing ones as well- so the Content Development Team would be a great fit!. I am interested in the marketing aspect of it as well but I'm not really for posting on social media much.

kindLemonade August 24th, 2021


Yayy to another prospective content volunteer team member! Thank you for your contribution and kind intention to spread mental health awareness through writing!

Healinghearts16 August 26th, 2021

the content volunteer team excites me the most !!

kindLemonade August 26th, 2021


Awesome to know, hearts! Can't wait to read your writing and welcome to CDM program heart

Renrg August 27th, 2021

I would like to join Content Volunteer Team and contribute to the community's content editing. I worked as an editor for 4 years, but unfortunately not in English. Still, I think this work experience will help me to finish the task.

kindLemonade August 30th, 2021


Oh wow! I also wrote stuff not in English either but hey since you have the mindset of an editor for 4 years, it can still be a transferable skill! Welcome to CDM program and cannot wait for you to join the content volunteer team!

August 30th, 2021

I am very interested in writing articles about subjects that 7cups provides help in.

kindLemonade August 30th, 2021


great to know that! Welcome to CDM and I look forward to reading your works!

aliceaspiringpsychiatrist August 30th, 2021

I'm most interested in the content developing aspect. I'd love to write mental health articles!

kindLemonade September 6th, 2021

That's awesome, Alice! there are many topics we can write about and there're good tips from the program to develop our ideas better. CDM's mentor leader, ouiCherie also made a wonderful post on skeleton outlines for faster writing, you can check it out HERE.

I hope that you will enjoy the program, welcome to CDM course!
Alwaysthereforyou28 September 12th, 2021

I'm interested in producing content articles to raise awareness of categories that 7 Cups is expert in, including also taking up assignments such as listener guides and online therapy-related information.

I'm quite curious about the "upcoming growth path playlists"; I wonder how that works?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 13th, 2021

@Alwaysthereforyou28 thank you for sharing your interests! You can read more about the growth path playlists here

roseMelody95 September 16th, 2021

I am most interested in writing up new articles on mental health related topics that interest me, partly because I like to write; and have already done a creative writing course before, plus I journal a lot. And I have an strong interest in mental health / psychology related topics as well, so this would merge those two interests nicely.

I have also joined the Project Lightship team, because I use social media already, (although I haven't been using twitter in a while so it may take me a bit to get the hang of it again). I enjoy engaging in supportive conversations on these kinds of topics, and although I don't want to pressure anyone to join 7 Cups, there are clearly times when it would be appropriate to let them know this resource exists. I am interested in learning how to do this effectively and ethically.

kindLemonade September 16th, 2021


Hi Rose! Welcome to CDM program. I hope you will enjoy the course. There will be many tips on how to write mental health contents so it matches your interest well. Project lightship is also great to raise mental health awareness outside of 7cups. It is awesome that you signed up for this role as you can reach people who is not from 7cups community as well. Thanks for contributing ❤️💯❤️💯🎉🎉

Textingpals September 19th, 2021


Question: Which current area of the Content or Marketing focuses at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

Answer: I am more fascinated with the 'Team Lightship' part of the Content Development and Marketing program because I feel, as a whole, it is very important to eliminate mental health stigma present in society and bringing awareness by promoting mental-health-related content.

Another area that the team focuses on which I personally like is that it actively reaches and provides a helping hand to potential people in need.

kindLemonade September 20th, 2021


Hi there, welcome to the CDM program!

Team lightship is very awesome and there are new changes to the team so I'm looking forward to the updates as well. I hope you will throughout enjoy your time with team Lightship and the CDM course overall.

incredibleNight5714 September 20th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Both the areas equally interest me, providing content helps educates our audiences and shape people's views on Mental Health. Whereas, Twitter being a popular social media platform, I believe that it has the potential to spread massive awareness about Mental Health.

kindLemonade September 20th, 2021


Hello! A warm welcome to the Content & marketing development program. If you're interested in raising awareness about mental health through social media, team lightship would be a great choice. I believe there are many ways you can apply what you will learn from this course. I'm glad that there is another mental health enthusiast like you joining the course!

incredibleNight5714 September 20th, 2021

@kindLemonade yes, looking forward to it, and thank you so much☺️❤️.

Respectfulparadise77 September 25th, 2021

I'm more interested in creating and providing new and fresh content like self help , mental health and other supportive subjects which can help and be useful for more and more people. Thankyou!!😊

kindLemonade September 25th, 2021


It is great to know what interests you, paradise. Welcome to content development and marketing program. This is a perfect course when it comes to writing mental health and well-being contents. I hope you will enjoy the course and make the bests out of it. 😍

Respectfulparadise77 September 26th, 2021


Thankyou so much !!💜

September 26th, 2021

Personally social media marketing interest me the most, as I'm currently studying commerce major, and have some experience with social media marketing. Though this is not to say I don't want to step out of my comfort zone and try my hand at creating original content / articles.

kindLemonade September 28th, 2021


Welcome to Content Development and Marketing Program! It's great to have you here. Making graphics is part of the social media marketing element that's taught in this course. I hope you will find it interesting and useful. It's great to hear that you're stepping out of your comfort zone to try out original content/ articles as well!

alexandra0321 September 26th, 2021


I'm very interested in creating content for social media because I think that way, we can reach out and raise awareness about mental health among younger people. I'm also curious to discover how to market the content so that it reaches as many people as possible.

However, I'm looking forward to learning about more formal aspects of content development, like writing a full article.