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Gratitude Reflection Exercise: 3 Good Things

SoulfullyAButterfly September 7th, 2022

This therapeutic exercise is best used daily, at the end of your day. Its aim is to help you reflect on the good things in your life, and so can help you boost your gratitude as well as overall happiness and well-being.


Step 1: Think of any 3 good things that happened today.

Step 2: Use this thread to list them down.

Step 3: While listing them down, also list why the good things happened. This is the most important step of the exercise so do not skip the "why"!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 7th, 2022


*subscribes to come to this again at night* xD

The "whys" are so important, yes, Soul.🦋

Currently grateful for this gratitude challenge, *because* it helps to take out some time to simply acknowledge, and reflect on things, even the seemingly 'mundane' ones. So thank*you* for this. You are doing so well.❤

crystallizedrequiem September 7th, 2022


1.) I'm grateful for my partner who supports and believes in me. He went to the college today, is taking care of stuff I was originally going to do, and then told me to rest. It is important to me because I constantly feel like my pain isn't real and that I'm making it all up to get out of things.

2.) I'm grateful for a day of rest. Even though I hurt, I'm happy to have the opportunity to relax and try to regain more strength and feel better. I feel like I don't get to rest or acknowledge that I hurt, I'm so used to sucking it up, and being able to just, rest and acknowledge that I do hurt, and that my pain is real is a lot.

3.) I'm grateful to just have made it this far. This feels like a cheap thing to say, but after going through so much, and hurting so much, I am still here. I have people who love and care about me. I have people who worry about me.

crystallizedrequiem September 7th, 2022

@crystallizedrequiem oops I'm sorry it replied to the wrong thing. ^^:

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 7th, 2022

@crystallizedrequiem we still can read it so yay! thanks for sharing

Very glad that you have someone supporting you and are able to self-care and reflect with us

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 7th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks for your support!

I am grateful for your community presence because it lifts us all up!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 7th, 2022


Aw thankyou, Soul, right back atcha!

callmeGab September 7th, 2022


Apologies for it being only one thing, but I did want to post at least this.

I'm infinitely grateful to my girlfriend for being there for me in this past week.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 7th, 2022

@callmeGab thank *you* for still sharing! we all start somewhere and I see this as a very positive thing to do.

Glad you have someone supporting you!

AriadneLove September 8th, 2022


Gab, so glad to see you shared💜 Very happy that you have a person who is there for you and that you appreciate them💖 I wish you happiness and always to find path to each other!
callmeGab September 8th, 2022

@AriadneLove and @SoulfullyAButterfly

I really need to add how grateful I am to be part of 7 cups. It has made a very significant impart on my life. And nothing has ever felt as good as helping others.

I'm especially grateful to you two for prodding me to come post here despite my strong reluctance to do so.

And I'm grateful to the members that reach out to me and share their pain and confusion with me.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 8th, 2022

@callmeGab you are welcome!

I can highly relate to your feelings about the community we are part of: so many things to be grateful about being part of something bigger than ourselves!

seashell145 September 7th, 2022


1. Today it rained- the beautiful shower from mother nature falling into green leaves, and the softness of the world calmed me down.

2. For reading quotes after waking up- so proud of myself. I usually go to the phone immediately after waking up which results in bad mood. But today I did the healthy thing.

3. For helping neighbor fix their phone. I want to be a functioning partner in a relationship, and doing something for someone else makes me feel like I may have a shot at a relationship.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 7th, 2022

@seashell145 thanks for sharing!

I love how you describe the rain here. This was very mindful and kind of you to try to avoid using your phone right away as well as helping someone else.

I am grateful that you are also joining us here as this community can also help us maintain great connections.

seashell145 September 8th, 2022


Thank you so much for your kind words, Butterfly!

AriadneLove September 8th, 2022


Awww Shell, your description of rain is so poetic🥺 I feel like I have enjoyed the rain myself✨
imaginativeMaple9828 September 7th, 2022


1. I finished a fitness exercise that ihave been skipping for a week. I am grateful that I had the strength to do it because i want to be healthier. Recently, i have had emotional and health problems. I think fitness will help me.

2. I am grateful that i can buy the cosmetics i like. I bought a nice face sheet mask. I spent half an hour with it and relaxed. It is important to me because i spent relaxation /spa time with myself.

3. There is nothing else from today, but in general, i feel grateful for my partner. He tries to make me happy and always cares about me in every situation. It is important to me because i want a stsble relationship to feel safe and loved.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 7th, 2022

@imaginativeMaple9828 thanks for sharing!

yay for self-care and also the general reflection about your partner - very important to pay attention and acknowledge these things too

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 7th, 2022
  1. I am grateful for a friend who helped me problem-solve because otherwise, I would be very lost.
  2. I am grateful to have a great mentor because that motivates me to continue doing what I do.
  3. I am grateful for myself today: for being patient and accepting in the face of different, challenging views because this way, I can learn how people think and be calm in the face of opposing things.
seashell145 September 8th, 2022


I love your gratitudes!

MissTeeLove September 8th, 2022

3 good things that happened today. Things that I am grateful for.

  1. I had a roof over my head and food to eat. I say this and some would think that’s a given, but not in my life right now. My husband and I are OVER OUR HEADS in debt and about to file bankruptcy. Right now I have a whopping $2.34 in my bank account and the fridge is bare. We also just got a late notice on our lot rent. So the fact that I have a roof over my head and has food to eat today, is a good thing and I am grateful.
  2. My husband and I aren’t arguing yet. Well, he technically is t home from work yet but so far so good. We didn’t argue on the phone today either so that always makes for a good day and for that I am grateful
  3. My workday went pretty smooth. I actually hate my job and it’s usually pretty boring but some days I struggle just to sit there. This was a good day and I am grateful.
dtanushree September 8th, 2022


Thank you so much for sharing these things you're grateful for.

I loved reading the second one as I had to select the entire statement and woohoo!! The message was visible.

So, I'll add the 4th thing I'm grateful for today 😊

I read a magical text today and it was fun hehe. ♥️♥️

HopefulBambi September 8th, 2022

I spoke to some new people today (yay more friends!), I had a delicious meal, and watched a lot of videos on this 'me' day. I'd say that these things happened because I found the motivation and gave myself a fresh start to the day.

dtanushree September 8th, 2022


  1. I woke up @4:30

I didn't feel like getting up from my bed today. But i remembered that I am doing this to bring a change in my life. I'm glad I didn't listen to my couch potato body.

  1. I did my yogic practice with the (tamil guidelines)

Today when I logged in online to do my practice, the English instructor wasn't online and I had no choice left lol. I am still glad I managed to do my practices with a tamil speaking instructor. I don't even understand the language lol.

  1. I have more time to study.

My day started early and I have all the time to spend on my studies.

Lolowise475 September 8th, 2022
Friends, cat, and a chance to get healthier@SoulfullyAButterfly
ThadSterling September 8th, 2022


3 good things so far today (catching up since I missed day 1!)(and remembering the "why" this time, lol!)

1. I woke up feeling off from a bad dream but quickly recovered because I chose to think of how it could have been a good dream instead.

2. I started this challenge because I want to reinforce my daily routine and carry it on until I can look back and say "wait, it's been weeks! A month! I've done this all every day, and accomplished my big goal of a solid daily routine with yoga, meditation, and journaling."

3. Thanks to joining this, as of this very gratitude, I remembered the key ingredient: "why"! I had started out when I was in therapy months ago beginning to journal each day as much as I could, and it helped so much but at some point, I forgot to keep adding the "why". Simply listing three good things or more each day is nice, but I feel way more on my game now because I have regained this piece of the gratitude puzzle.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 8th, 2022

@ThadSterling wohoo! I am grateful that you have joined us and will share your journey

AriadneLove September 8th, 2022


1. I am grateful for the care of my ex. Despite no communication for 3 years, we turned out to build a strong enough bond of friendship in the past to give/receive support when now needed.

2. I am grateful for the ability to choose what to do tomorrow. Things have been challenging lately and my options are more limited than they used to be, however, I still can decide and plan for myself.

3. I am grateful for the strength and coincidence. When I feel like giving up, like there is nothing in me left, some magical coincidence brings the right people, phrases, or thoughts that give me the strength to keep going.

AriadneLove September 10th, 2022

1) I am grateful for the support I receive because it makes me feel loved and cared for.

2) I am grateful for the opportunity and ability to make life-changing events possible because without this opportunity my family would not hope for safety.

3) I am grateful for the resources I have and used to have in my life because it is a privilege that I am lucky to have even during tough times.

momcares68 September 11th, 2022

Supported my husband’s hobby by attending an event.

Went shopping with my daughter in law for things for my new grand baby on the way.

imaginativeMaple9828 September 11th, 2022

1. I am grateful for a wonderful bike tour with my partner. It is important to spend time together and experience shared happiness. Sports are also important for our health.

2. I am grateful for the delicious dinner we had with my partner. He invited me, so i am thankful that he still acts like a gentleman.

3. I am grateful for the relaxing afternoon when i didnt do almost anything because i usually i am very busy with stuff and sometimes i need to relax and just dont do anything.

reflectionFragment September 12th, 2022

I'm grateful for my abusive parents and abusive school system that they prevented me from growing up normal, I suppose.

AriadneLove September 13th, 2022


1. I am grateful for the perfect weather, sunny morning and rainy evening because it felt like nature is smiling to me.
2. I am grateful for feeling physically fit today because I had a difficult week and it is the first day I feel better in a month.
3. For M being kind because his kindness gives me hope.
ThadSterling September 13th, 2022


3 good things that happened today:

1. my friend sent me a care package of vinyl records. Why: because he's awesome! And we've reconnected over playing chess, We both love obscure music and "deep cuts", have similar tastes, and maybe he feels sorry for me (since he keeps whooping me at chess, lol! j/k).

2. I completed my entire shift today! (Or will be off here shortly, doing this between my calls :) ) The why: Slowly but surely I'm finding myself more resilient, although I did have to call in partway through my shift last week due to a bad headache and being overwhelmed at my systems not working and not allowing me to take calls and do my job properly, ontop of customers being very angry. I'm more often than not able to handle bad days like that though, and the headache (migraine really) was what did me in. I credit this to mindfulness practice, and intend to use these practices to stay on track, not miss any more work this month, and try to keep improving my overall metrics.

3. I got to talk to Camila (daughter) at lunch, which makes the day so much better! She showed off a wallet and toy ball that she got from school for helping to raise money, and we played on the phone a little bit. The why: her mom and I get along, I've done a lot to change and show everyone that I'm stable and responsible now, and I set a reminder so I could ask around the time she gets picked up from school if I could call on my lunch. Since it doesn't always work out I want to call more often, so I want to ask more often!

September 17th, 2022


💜 I'm grateful for the good food my partner prepared today.

💜 I'm grateful for my family who took the time to talk to me via video call.

💜 I'm grateful for myself that I was able to complete 2 important tasks today.

imaginativeMaple9828 September 18th, 2022

1. I am grateful for a lunch with an old friend. It is always good to enjoy your time with good friends. It means a lot to me when i see thst the other person also values our connection.

2. I am grateful for a shopping day with my partner. We had fun and went to lots of shops. I am grateful thst we had money to buy things we wanted. Shopping together is a fun part of our relationship.

3. I am grateful for the great meals i could taste today. I feel grateful because i had money to try those things and also i had someone by my side to share the happiness.

imaginativeMaple9828 September 19th, 2022

1. I am grateful for completing a tabata exercise. This is important for my health.

2. I am grateful for a relaxation and spa day at home. I am happy that i took time to take care of my face, body and soul. Because this way i feel self love.

3. I am grateful for learning new things for work. Because knowledge makes me feel smarter :)

imaginativeMaple9828 September 20th, 2022

1. I am grateful for a fun lunch with my colleague at work. It was good to laugh and i felt happier.

2. I am grateful for my new lamp at home. My partner bought it for me and helped to hang it on the wall. It is important because i feel loved and cared for.

3. I am grateful that one of my bosses asked for my opinion. This matters because i feel more important and my work has a value.

imaginativeMaple9828 September 26th, 2022

1. I am grateful for a guided chakra meditation. Because it helps me clear my mind.

2. I am grateful for a new physical dashboard where i can draw my thought and put todo stickers. Because it helps me be organised and self aware.

3. I am grateful for having dinner with my partner. Because we discuss lots of things and share new memories. I trust him and want to share more about myself..

Kristynsmama November 21st, 2023

My 3 good things today:

  1. My mom finally got a surgery scheduled that she’s been procrastinating. This is good because she is a caregiver and takes care of everyone but herself. It made me happy to see her do something that she needs to do for herself.
  2. I was really able to make a difference for a member who was feeling overwhelmed. This made me feel good because I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed. And now the member feels much better and has some next steps to take.
  3. I was able to accomplish some decluttering in my dining room. This is good because I’ve been procrastinating for 2 months. I finally stopped procrastinating!
lightPine8727 November 21st, 2023
  1. I went for a walk. Why this good thing happened because I have legs and a healthy heart!
  2. My cat took a nap next to me and purred. Why this good thing happened because I adopted him from a no kill shelter and he loves his new home.
  3. I took a hot shower followed by a cold plunge. Why this happened today is because I’m grateful to have running water in my home. And a roof over my head.