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💡: Self-Care Tips

Heather225 September 9th


Share a self-care tip you wish you knew sooner!

reallyoverallofit September 10th

Control your stress before it makes you chronically ill. =(

CaringEzra September 10th


Its okie to practice self care! Even when you feel you don't deserver it. Self care doesn't always have to be a huge elaborate thing of what you see on social media. it can be simple and adapted to your needs. 

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


you can only start to help yourself when you want help, when you want to be okay

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

@Heather225 I wish I knew sooner that it was ok not to be strong all the time. I wish my younger self knew it was 100% ok to not keep things bottled in. So to me, talking to others about your feelings is a great form of self care. ♡ 

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


One self-care tip I wish I’d learned sooner is the value of setting boundaries. I used to feel guilty about saying no, but I’ve found that it’s okay to put myself first sometimes. This has really helped me feel more relaxed and in control.

sympatheticTiger2424 September 10th

taking the time to myself and introspection

Aayla September 10th

@Heather225 surround yourself with people you genuinely connect with 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


🌞 It's okay and not at all selfish, to take out time for yourself. To unplug yourself from the world around, and connect with the world within. 

LoneWolf91 September 10th

Mindfulness IS definitely a skill that needs practice. It needs a lot of practice before you can see results sometimes. Don't give up on it. I know it may get tiring after hearing everyone sell it like it some sort of silver bullet.

agentsky1705 September 10th


knowing when i have the strength to admit to my feelings and work through them, and when i don't. it's important for me to talk about things that really bother me or write them down or draw them, something. but it's also important to know when i feel like i don't want to get better, or over those feelings. to accept that, and work on it later.

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


It's okay to take breaks. Your body can't work 24/7 every day. You need breaks to keep moving. If I accepted this earlier, maybe I wouldn't have been so stressed and chaotic in the past.

Faelwyn September 12th

Learning to be gentle on myself has greatly improved my life.


Journal your thougths.

Practice gratitude.

Say positive affirmations over yourself.

@Heather225 "Work on taking care of yourself first, then other things like schoolwork and helping others will figure themselves out." Well, I know this, but I wish I could actually do this more instead of just knowing it...

ClaraRoseDreamer 3 days ago


Stop being afraid of other people judging you. Most people are too worried about themselves, and those who do judge you negatively are not worth your worries :)



Putting yourself first is neither bad nor selfish.