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💻: Professional Development is Self-Care Too

Heather225 September 9th


What have you done for professional development?

(Examples: You might have taken courses or learned new skills)

If you're interested in professional development, you can also explore our 7 Cups Academy.

reallyoverallofit September 10th

Recently I started Spanish lessons. But I am also well versed in AI now, as of this year and I am trying to get started in Python and SQL but these classes are slow going. 

CaringEzra September 10th


I did the LDP here on cups a while back?

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


idk much about this topic but we’re learning a lot of new things in maths rn? Does that count?

reallyoverallofit September 10th

@Phoenix1234theythem math is always the best

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

I guess this isn't so much professional development rather than personal... but I still take bible courses online. Also, recently I started doing bible study. 

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


I recently started with 7 cups internship program 🙂

Admirablerainbow2825 September 10th


I am currently doing my internship at 7 Cups.

Aayla September 10th
@Heather225 I've started sharing more of my experiences, but also my doubts and questions, with my colleagues. Building a net of mutual support helps us all leaning from each other's expertise and makes us all grow.
Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th

The academy programs here plus some other skill based certificate courses online!🌞

LoneWolf91 September 10th

I'm an intern on this site! Which is honestly really cool. Best use of my holidays

agentsky1705 September 10th


the 7 cups QLP, practice in art and writing, which includes sharing with others, getting feedback and trying to improve.
It takes a lot to accept not only that I'm not perfect, but also that that's okay.

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


I know if that younts, but I was tutoring some kids in Latin and I think they really made some progress. ^^ I was very happy to hear that. ^^

pranav2005 September 11th

@Heather225 I Have started to lead a team and everyone of them had selected me for it 

Faelwyn September 12th

I've recently started the time management course here.

Have been very busy lately, so when I get time to continue the course it will be very helpful. 

Found it funny the link was from the word laptop as I don't have one.  I only have my phone.


I started a class in psychology 2 now for my major in college, I want to be a behavioral therapist.

@Heather225 I don't think I have done anything for professional development, I'm pretty young and feel like it's quite early to think much about that yet. But I do try to focus on my studies and school, and try to do well. I believe that's supposed to help me somewhere along the line, right? Does that count?


I have started animation!!!! It is SOOOOO fun!!!!😜


At work i signed up for a book discussion group. The book is Emotional Intelligence 2.0. I have read the first two chapters which we will be discussing this following Thursday. I am not looking forward to this. The book thus far is uninteresting. I don't have much if anything useful to say about it. 

ClaraRoseDreamer 3 days ago


I got a new job last week. The pay is better and I'll have the opportunity to do more courses on special educational needs in education :)



7 Cups Academy programs, for sure.

  • Internship
  • LDP (Leadership Development)
  • QLP (Quality Listening)
  • CDM (Content Development & Marketing)