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🧘 Yoga Poses and Benefits

SoulfullyAButterfly September 9th


Describe your favorite yoga pose or a yoga-related benefit.

CaringEzra September 9th


I like criss cross apple sauce because it feels very calm lol does that count?


reallyoverallofit September 9th

I am trying to perfect pigeon pose because I like how it helps relax my GI. 

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


i like the warrior one :) I have memories of doing it in my old school♥️

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


My favorite yoga pose is Tree Pose (Vrksasana) which is all about finding balance - both physically and mentally. It is done by standing on one leg with the other foot placed on the inner thigh or calf which challenges our stability and strengthens our legs.

So, I think it's a fantastic way to center oneself and focus one's mind.


YourCaringConfidant September 10th

I'm not too much familiar with yoga at all. I've only tried it once in real life many years ago with a family member. I felt really clumsy and awkward, but as time went on I did feel the benefits just for that little short period of time. 1. I felt a bit more happier and 2. It helped me maintain being somewhat flexible. I do sometimes hope I would have at least been more consistent looking back. 

Purrfectkitten September 10th

The child pose is my favourite yoga pose of all time because it gives your body a nice needed stretch!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


Definitely the Shavasana xD or the sleeping pose!😴


LoneWolf91 September 10th

Not a specific pose but sun salutations! Or Surya Namaskara.

agentsky1705 September 10th


I haven't done much yoga, but i took a couple sessions while in the psych ward. Was very fun and relaxing! <3

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th

@SoulfullyAButterfly I can only think of the Sphinx pose. I think it stretches the upper body very well and its very relaxing.

wandamx26 September 10th

My favorite yoga poses are the child's pose and the shavasanna (sleeping pose). Yoga helps me to reduce anxiety and high blood pressure, plus it can also help me lose weight. 

Aayla September 10th

@SoulfullyAButterfly I've only once tried yoga and I can't really remember any names, but I preferred the ones I could do while seated to the standing ones. I don't know, they just felt more relaxing 😂

exuberantBlackberry9105 September 11th

@SoulfullyAButterfly My favourite yoga pose would be purna-bhujangasana (full cobra pose). My mother used to make me do it when I was little, so now it's actually really easy for me to do. I love it because it gives my whole body a stretch, because I'm easily able to hold it for a long time and since it help my body relax.

Yoga-related benefit? I dunno about traditional yoga, but for what we generally call yoga, I guess flexibility. I mean, I only do yoga poses as exercise to try and get a little more flexible. I don't do any real yoga with breathing techniques and stuff.


hello I’m new , but one yoga pose I like is the crossing legs sitting one and downward facing dog. I don’t do yoga but when I do bc I seen it in tv those are the two I use the most.



I practiced yoga regularly for about 1 year.

Some of the inverted positions were great, as well as the breathing techniques.

Still, the Sun Salutation was my favorite for its completeness.