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Checking in

CyclingThroughLife October 22nd, 2023

Good morning....

I am @CyclingThroughLife......I was recently chosen as a forum supporter for the Work & Career community.  I first want to thank the 7Cups Administration for giving me this opportunity.  Next, a little about myself. 

The short version....I came to 7Cups about a year and a half ago after a horrible experience with therapy, to find some coping mechanisms for work stress and burnout.  I started in the forums, found some ideas, applied them to my situation, started interacting with other individuals and eventually reached out to a listener or two. I have started to re-frame my thinking about some of the things that were causing my stress and burnout, and how to deal with them. I am not completely over my work stress and burnout, it is a work in progress, but I am much better than I was when I first came to 7Cups. I am also managing my work life better.  I decided to apply for a forum supporter role, because I feel as though if I can offer a little help or support to someone else to prevent them from going through what I went through, its a win. 

Work and Careers take up a huge portion of our lives.  If you only work an 8 hour day, that's 1/3 of your day you are at work.  Most of us work longer than that......and society tells us we are to be asleep another 1/3 of our day(who really needs 8hrs sleep anyway lol).....That doesn't leave much time for the mundane, everyday, must do, chores of life, let alone self care, family, fun, etc..... We all deserve a safe space to go and let out our frustrations, feelings and thoughts regarding our jobs and careers, and I truly believe 7cups has created that space.

With that said, I would think most folks don't come to 7cups because they are completely happy.... most come here with our problems and negativeness, looking for ways to help fix that.  No one wants to go through life completely negative day after day.  I want to do a flip flop with this check in.....

What is one thing that you really enjoy about your job?????

One thing I really enjoy about my job is that, even though I don't get to do it as much as I'd like, I was chosen as an instructor to assist in training new employees, and re-certifying current ones.  One of my goals is to hold the training position full time one day.

I chose this question more for myself because I really do have a hard time finding something that I really enjoy about my job.  The training experience is probably the ONLY thing I enjoy doing, when I get to do it, at this point in my career.  I could say money or benefits because my job pays very well and we have a great benefits and retirement package.  We all work because we need income, so I'd rather not use "the money, or benefits" as an answer.  If that is the only thing positive you can find about your job, then that is fine, but lets really think about this and find something good or positive in your current job or career.

I look forward to hearing from you all.  Have a great Sunday.

pandanfe October 27th, 2023


I'm really happy to see that you've been improving your work burnouts and stress since you join the community. It's crucial to find aspects of our work that we enjoy to stay motivated. I hope your goal of becoming a full-time trainer is fulfilled. 

CyclingThroughLife OP October 27th, 2023


I'm not completely over my work issues, but I have applied ways to cope.  I have not had a real bad burnout episode in quite a while.  Thats not to say I won't, but I seem to be managing well.  Thank you for your support. 

KristenHR October 28th, 2023


Welcome!  You'll bring great discussion and perspective to this community with your experience.  Thanks for being willing to join in here in this role!

CyclingThroughLife OP October 30th, 2023


Thanks for the welcome.  I'm hoping I can get in here enough to hopefully make a difference for someone.

VintageDougers October 30th, 2023

@CyclingThroughLife thank you for taking on the support role and for your post. I'm currently struggling with work myself, finding it hard most days to find anything I enjoy about working or my job. I guess the one thing I would say I do really enjoy is my boss. He is a very kind, understanding, compassionate person. I'm very open with him about how I'm feeling from day to day and he's always supportive of me and lets me do what I need to.

CyclingThroughLife OP October 30th, 2023


Its a good thing when you have a boss, supervisors, or administrations that are kind and supportive, understanding and compassionate.  I am of the opinion that those qualities are a rare thing to find in a supervisor/leader in the work place.  Maybe I have just been in the wrong profession or workplace to experience that.  I'm glad you have someone to open up with about your day to day work things.  Try to hold on to that.

IsayUncle November 8th, 2023

I have had a heck of a two weeks managing self employment. OMG. I lost my bussing job and I've been trying to do backhoe and gravel work, some excavation etcetera

At every turn, something is breaking or tearing up. We got all done with a good paying job, three days worth of work and at the last minute the customer wanted a little bit more dirt removed. Not enough to put in a bucket but of course we said OK.

Bringing it up to the dump truck, the backhoe slid sideways and busted out the two top boards on the dump truck. Arrrgh! I had a simple gravel run to do in the morning but now I have to fix the truck.

Self-employment is not all it's cracked up to be so if you got a job working for somebody else, as bad as it is, it's no greener on this side of the fence. 

yea, sorry, kind of angry right now. Thanks for letting me vent.

CyclingThroughLife OP November 8th, 2023


I'm sorry you broke the sideboards of the dump truck.  What I'm about to say, and I know it doesn't make it any better, and I'm probably the last one who should say this because I have the worst time believing and managing it, is.....sometimes life happens.....

With that said, I hope you get it all put back together so you can continue your other jobs.  As for working for yourself vs working for someone else, you are so correct about the grass not being greener. I have actually experienced that in my 26 year career.  Not changing the career, but different job titles, departments and agencies.  And from the outside looking in, it may look good, but once you get in, things are the same, it seems, no matter where you go in this career.  It is what it is. 

I'm sending good vibes your way......I hope you accomplish all you need to.....

And please....feel free to vent anytime you need.