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School presentations & friends

violinsekeewhannah March 30th, 2016

I'm not sure what I'm experiencing but I'd just like someone else's view. So last week in class each person had to read a paragraph aloud to the class. I was so nervous and it's never been this bad, my mouth went dry and my hands when numb and I sweated like crazy. I'm perfectly capable of reading and when it got to me I read so quickly and as I heard my voice in my head all I could think was "my voice is horrible I hate myself I'm gonna mess up" when it was over I got a really bad headache and the rest of the lesson I spent analysing what i had read and if people were judging me. Presentations are even worse, I will lose my voice while reading, come across as really nervous, my hands will sweat and I end up feeling so ill afterwards and I don't know how to stop it, someone help me, what is this and how can I manage it? 😭

iamapotato April 1st, 2016

@violinsekeewhannah i also experience this most of the time. I always do presentations as they are required in ny school. But if it helps, practice lessens my nervousness. It hasnt totally left me but atleast it is lessened. :)

soulsings March 30th, 2016

@violinsekeewhannah sorry you feel so much stress in social situations. I have struggled with that too. Seems like being prepared helps some. This self help guide might be some help also

The good news is you are actually getting through the presentations - kudos to you!

violinsekeewhannah OP March 30th, 2016

@soulsings thank you so much, yeh at least I get through it. I think it's because I'm scared that I'll be judged even more if I don't participate in presentations and stuff like that. Thanks for the link by the way, I took the social anxiety questionnaire and ended up getting a score of 116 which really shocked me as its way off the scale and I really do need help 😭

soulsings March 31st, 2016

@violinsekeewhannah glad you are knowing you need help. That is a healthy sign. The unhealthy signs are when people are in denial and try to put it back in the closet. It only falls out next time someone opens the closet door.

Help can arrive in many forms like therapy, support groups, toastmasters, or programs here at 7cups. If you feel a 1-1 chat might be of help to you, feel free to message me

Daydreamer47 May 8th, 2016

@violinsekeewhannah awww. i felt a lot the same when i was in school. it's rough/scary, but it definitely can improve with counseling. you can also practice a "mock" presention to just one or two friends or family before your presentation, people who are supportive and encouraging.

Daydreamer47 May 8th, 2016

@violinsekeewhannah Another thing that helps me with my social anxiety is positive self-love affirmations. I listen to them when I am more relaxed to practice, and then during the anxiety attack I try to repeat to myself "I love myself. I am nervous but I still love myself. I love myself, anxiety and all, no matter what happens. I am lovable as I am."