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PathStep 14 Compassion hearts7 Forum posts11 Forum upvotes11 Current upvotes11 Age GroupAdult Last activeApril, 2016 Member sinceMarch 23, 2016
Recent forum posts
Anxiety Support / by violinsekeewhannah
Last post
April 16th, 2016
...See more I feel so alone. I'm currently in sixth form and I sit with a group of people who I really don't feel connected with and I don't like them but I don't want to leave them because I know I'll get judged for it and I'll only be more alone and have no friends. I just don't seem to connect with anybody and nobody is on the same wavelength as me. I find people's conversations boring and wearing and I find conversations in general a waste of time and energy, I don't know if I'm not trying hard enough, I haven't found the right person or I'm just plagued with anxiety that holds me back, I just don't seem to fit in with anybody and I don't know what to do anymore I just feel so alone, I prefer my own company but that doesn't mean I don't want friends, I just don't understand what's up with me
School presentations & friends
Anxiety Support / by violinsekeewhannah
Last post
May 8th, 2016
...See more I'm not sure what I'm experiencing but I'd just like someone else's view. So last week in class each person had to read a paragraph aloud to the class. I was so nervous and it's never been this bad, my mouth went dry and my hands when numb and I sweated like crazy. I'm perfectly capable of reading and when it got to me I read so quickly and as I heard my voice in my head all I could think was "my voice is horrible I hate myself I'm gonna mess up" when it was over I got a really bad headache and the rest of the lesson I spent analysing what i had read and if people were judging me. Presentations are even worse, I will lose my voice while reading, come across as really nervous, my hands will sweat and I end up feeling so ill afterwards and I don't know how to stop it, someone help me, what is this and how can I manage it? 😭
School anxiety
Anxiety Support / by violinsekeewhannah
Last post
March 26th, 2016
...See more I sit on a table and it's surrounded with people. They all talk to each other and the banter is flowing and I'm there. Theyre only sitting here because my other "friends" are. My hands start to go extremely sweaty and my face starts awkwardly twitching and I start to get really hot and I over analyse myself and my whole self image. I keep thinking to myself, I need to speak, what do I say? I want to be liked and accepted but I need to say something and I never do because I'm scared and anxious and I end up saying nothing because it's easier that way but it's not because I start losing friends and I feel so lonely because everyone is having a laugh and I'm zoned out and distract myself and I panic for the whole day and it exhausts me. I so badly want to leave this group situation but I am frozen and can't move. I just want to be normal, why am I like this? I would do anything to not be like this! Someone help me please x
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