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Anxiety and a loss of appetite

Amie7 March 15th, 2016


Ive completely lost my appetite... due to anxiety! Feel sick before, during and after eating. I use to love food, cooking etc. I haven't had chocolate for about 2 weeks - which is very strange for me. Its worse in the evening... but If im busy I could go all day and forget to eat bcz im not hungry!!! I have to keep checking in what ive eat that day... Anyone else have this? Will I get my appetite back. x

Cheshire94 March 16th, 2016


I think this is pretty normal I have and sometimes still do feel this way. Maybe try making a healthy smoothie? Keep a food journal? Idk but my appetite tends to come go, so I make a big smoothie with fruits and veggies and some add ins like chia seeds (they have protein so it's kinda like a meal)

violinsekeewhannah March 26th, 2016

@Amie7 you've literally described a symptom of my anxiety. I can go ages without eating if I'm in a social situation and I don't get hungry one bit however when I'm alone and nobody is watching me and there is no stress of judgement I am able to eat and eat and eat.... Your appetite will come back you just need to be in the right place at the right time and be relaxed and take some time for yourself! You're worth it and everyone deserves some me time 😊

fearlessLemon1054 March 26th, 2016


I've experienced this many times. It has been happening to me for the last month and half actually. And it happens with so many more people than you would think.

the way I combat this non-eating habit is to take advantage of the few, sparse times you DO feel like you could eat. Use those times to consume things with high protein with lots of Vitamin K. I used to love cooking and had a huge appetite before, but often now I feel sick almost all the time because of my anxiety.

if it's available to you, seek out the help of a nutritionist or a doctor. Take a daily multivitamin to make sure your body is getting nutrients it needs. Your tastes may have changed now, but I promise you, you will find times where you WANT to eat.

And use your love for cooking to cook for other people! Having friends or loved ones around that you can share your love with may bring your appetite and love for food back!
Purposex03 March 26th, 2016


i know exactly how you feel! I get anxiety so bad I lose my appetite completely , and just don't want to do anything !

it's actually really sad because I completely shut down!!

PeaceSeekin March 15th, 2016

Hi@Amie . Each person reacts to anxiety differently, but multiple times I have had this issue. I had to force myself to eat. I had to go on meds and within about two weeks I could eat again. I was losing a good bit of weight and when I went to doctors and blood was taken I was malnourished πŸ˜–. So please make an appointment to discuss your issues.

Amie7 OP March 15th, 2016


Thanks for the reply πŸ‘πŸ˜Š yeah i have to force myself to eat too, but i try not to push myself to eat too much bcz that full feeling makes me anxious also! I have my bfast, lunch and tea... i just dont finish my meals like I use to. I will visit my GP if it continue... thanks. x

PeaceSeekin March 26th, 2016

Your Welcome@Amie7

purpleorchid March 16th, 2016

@Amie7 whenever I am anxious my appetite decreases considerably. I have gone a few days without eating more than saltines and Gatorade that I mad myself have. When I am feeling better emotionally my appetite comes back. Hope yours does too!

Amie7 OP March 16th, 2016


Thank you 😊 Its nice to know that ppl have the same symptoms!

Justaregularaccount March 16th, 2016

I don't care about everything but at the same time I do and it's killing me. This makes me not pass my grades and people don't want to talk to me. It's horrible and I need help with it.. So I decided to come here. Is there any way to help me calm down at times and focus? And can someone help with my panic attacks? Thank you so much.

Amie7 OP March 16th, 2016


Hi. I'm sorry to hear about the panic attacks. Its not a nice experience but it does get better. Are you having them due to exam stress? I use mindfulness, body scanning. I also read up about anxiety and its symptoms which calms me bcz I worry that's it's something else. I write everything down thats stressing me out, and I think of ways to decrease it. I drink camomile tea, listen to happy music... I also cry sometimes to get all the stress and tension out Ive also spoken to people on here 1-2-1 chats, people have been really helpful. You might also want to see your doctor? People have different ways - Hope this helps.

Justaregularaccount March 17th, 2016

@Amie7 thank you so much. My mom has gotten me a doctors appointment to talk about my anxiety. I'll use these when I start panicking and I think I posted this on your post? Sorry about that. But thank you so much I'm sorry I couldn't help you though.

Amie7 OP March 18th, 2016


Hope your feeling a bit better? Your welcome... 😊 take care.

mimameid March 16th, 2016

@Amie7 this happens all the time with me, especially if the anxiety is really bad. It feels like my stomach completely closes off to food and the acids act up. Most of the time when this happens, I have only been able to eat bread and sometimes tea. Once the anxiety calms down though (if you are having an attack or its prolonged), you should be able to return to your normal eating habits.

Good luck! You're not alone with this issue.

Amie7 OP March 16th, 2016


Thanks you. Yea im the same, I can only manage bread and crisps. I'm a lot better today, and ive actually had chocolate thanks for all the comments. x

TheLunarWhovian March 17th, 2016

Sometimes I don't want to eat other times I can't. I've actually lost weight (I'm 117 and I have always been 120 since I hit my growth spurt) there has only been one time that I've lost weight and I was when food would make me physically sick. The doctors said it was because of my anxiety and there was nothing wrong with my body itself. That's starting to happen again and I don't know what to do.

Amie7 OP March 17th, 2016


Ive tried not to worry too much about it, as that can make me even more anxious and then make me lose my appetite even more. I find that i can eat better in the morning and lunch... so i make sure i have enough then... bcz during the evening i can jz about stomach half a tin of soup. Make sure u drink plenty of water... hope this helps. Ur not alone...

Dayling14 March 18th, 2016

Well i have suffer drom anxiety but thanks to all the great people i have in my life my problem are becoming smaller and smaller every day

Nourii March 18th, 2016

I just need new friends..

Amie7 OP April 3rd, 2016


Im sorry you feel this way.... I hope ur OK.

yellowPlane6293 September 4th, 2017

Hi @Amie7,

Almost the same situation with my dad :( He refused to eat any food I prepared/ordered for him. I was ready to spend my last cent on takeout food, but even that food wasn't attractive for him. I was really much concerned.

Then I decided to be patient to this fact and take other measures. I visited many doctors, was reading advice in the articles and one of the advice that worked, was to change the plate size or cut down the portions of meal, so that not to make him feel forced to eat.

I go on with my research and recently I found a good piece of writing, that gathered info on the reasons of reduced appetite after 60 (though I think the advice may be used in all the cases), how to deal with it and other useful points on this topic.

Here is it:

I believe you may find a bench of advice that will be of much help to you.

Keep calm and don't rush. Generally it takes some time for "recovery".
All the best to you!