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Weekly Prompt #8: What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with health anxiety?

ASilentObserver June 1st, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Last week we discussed: How do you handle situations where you feel like you're being put on the spot or forced to speak up? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

This week's prompt: What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with health anxiety

Health anxiety can be debilitating. It's a common issue that many people face, and it can feel overwhelming and all-consuming at times. But please know you are not alone in this. We are all here with you. Let's get started to share your learning and insights to support each other.

Join us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday!


7motivation June 1st, 2023



  • What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with health anxiety
  • Health anxiety can be debilitating. It's a common issue that many people face, and it can feel overwhelming and all-consuming at times.
  • Let's get started to share your learning and insights to support each other.

Staying within the 7Cups advice rules, I would:

  • Point out the option to use online highly reputable resources where they could assess their physical health by completing medical symptom questionnaires
  • The results would explain recommended options to follow up with professionals

I would not offer medical advice myself.

Regarding their anxiety about health, I would:

  • Point out the option to use online highly reputable resources where they could assess their mental health by completing mental health symptom questionnaires
  • The results would explain recommended options to follow up with professionals

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@7motivation thank you motivation. those are some nice steps you mentioned there.

Fradiga June 1st, 2023


Are we talking about hypochondria or people with real medical problems?

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@Fradiga any sort of health concerns, Fradiga. Every concern and challenges related to health matters/.

Fradiga June 7th, 2023


Well, then, in the case of someone going for a dreaded doctor's visit or facing surgery, I would encourage them and remind them that we often fear what we do not know and that nurses know that it's your first time (while you are their 1854th patient) and know how to calm you. Besides, thank goodness you have access to excellent care. A person who is already in the middle of treatment needs support and distraction. A person who is chronically ill is also in need of sympathy and distraction.

akay06 June 1st, 2023

I wouldn’t give anyone with health anxiety advise. That’s best left to the professionals not someone who struggles with a completely different type of anxiety. That’s oversimplifying anxiety. Each type is different and manifests differently in different folks.

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@akay06 I hear your perspective on giving advice for different types of anxiety. Each type manifesting uniquely for people.

CompassionateArrow June 4th, 2023


My advice:

Hey, baby steps.. that's how we learn.. And that thing you're worried about? It's okay.. If it's meant to be, it is meant to be.. Just breathe.. Don't anticipate..

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@compassionateArrow7396 Thank you Arrow. Thosse are some nice steps you mentioned there .

insightfulNatural4125 June 5th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I would assure them that they will be ok first to ease some of their anxiety. Then, I would not refute their claims of health problems but instead ask them about how they are feeling and why they feel so. I would also ask them if they would want to be referred to a licensed medical professional.

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@insightfulNatural4125 Thank you natural. those are some valuable insights.

PrincessssNini June 6th, 2023


If you're struggling with health anxiety, it can be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor about your fears. They can help you develop coping strategies to manage your anxiety and work on developing a more realistic perspective on your health. It may also be helpful to limit your exposure to health-related news and information, and to practice self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones. Also, talking to a listener on 7cups maybe beneficial in discussing and releasing gathered emotions of anxiety or stress.

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@PrincessssNini Very cool steps you shared, nini. thank you for sharing your perspectives with us

resourcefulGlobe6827 June 6th, 2023


If you have health anxiety then don't google symptoms and conditions because it will just make you more worried. Go to the doctor to get checked out and taken care of.

ASilentObserver OP June 7th, 2023

@resourcefulGlobe6827 well said, Globe. Instead of self-diagnosis better to reach out to professionals to get help.

GreyhoundMom June 16th, 2023

Health anxiety sufferer over here, and I can tell you that it is debilitating. What is currently helping me at the moment is seeing a therapist that specifically deals with health anxiety. Of course, this comes with a hefty price tag, but in the end, I hope it'll give me my life back and the return on investment will be worth it. I'm also in the midst of switching medications to (hopefully) help calm the physical sensations and intrusive thoughts that come along with it. Just know you're not alone, and please feel free to reach out on here if you go through this too!

ASilentObserver OP June 20th, 2023

@GreyhoundMom I can understand how debilitating health anxiety can feel. It's wonderful that you are taking steps to help manage this through therapy and medication adjustments. What has been most helpful for you in learning to cope with health anxiety? You are absolutely not alone in this.

purpleTree4652 June 16th, 2023


Hi, ASO,

Is health anxiety the same as anxiety?

ASilentObserver OP September 4th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 It is one of the types, Tree.

AutiBoy September 3rd, 2023

It will be okay and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Asking for help is strength. Simple skills like grounding and meditation are often the most effective try not to overcomplicate it. This is not easy but you got this.

ASilentObserver OP September 4th, 2023

@AutiBoy Thank you for sharing your perspective, Auti. It sounds like you believe in this person's strength and ability to get through this difficult time. What emotions are you hoping they focus on embracing as they practice self-care?

AutiBoy September 4th, 2023

This is written in the hope for confidence, self worth and believing in themselves. Atho I should probably added a line for happiness something like find what makes you happy as its different for everyone.

ASilentObserver OP September 4th, 2023

@AutiBoy Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Finding what truly resonates within can be a journey. Keep sharing and know we are all here for you <3

Fradiga September 4th, 2023


There should be several answers.

If that person is hypochondriac, there maybe a long conversation to see where it comes from.

If that person is chronically ill, It is another type of support: they need someone around to think aloud and a simple conversation about what-not is often the distraction they want. You are simple just there to keep them company and sympathize

If this person is facing a life-threatening issue, such as cancer, they also need companionship and the confidence that their doctors are going to get them through. They may well worry about their loved ones as well, and your presence is needed

ASilentObserver OP September 4th, 2023

@Fradiga It sounds like being a supportive listener can take many forms depending on the situation. It seems like being there for others during difficult times is important to you. What feelings are most prominent for you in thinking about the different types of support someone may need? Thank you for sharing your perspective Fradiga.

Fradiga September 5th, 2023


It is very much putting on other people's shoes, isn't it? If one has gone through a comparable situation, it is easier to figure out how the other may feel. An easy way to support these people is to ask pertinent questions (side effects of medications, mood, help they receive, how to feel peaceful) and make them talk about it or anything else that might give them some distraction from their worries.

Hypochondriacs have always been around. In fact, Molière (17th c.) wrote a comedy about it (his last one, because he actually died on the third night of that play) called 'Le malade imaginaire". I do quite a lot of research online to see how these fears are treated nowadays and avoid the "it's just in your head" approach. This said, it is totally normal to worry about your health when you are fragile for good reason.

ASilentObserver OP September 6th, 2023

@Fradiga Great thoughts, Fradiga. You have a caring and compassionate understanding of those who struggle with worries about their health. Focusing questions on how someone feels or finding distractions that bring peace can be supportive. Your validation that it's normal to worry when feeling fragile is empathetic. Thank you for adding these significant reflections.

Fradiga September 6th, 2023

Well, thanks for validating my thoughts and the compliment. We do not have to play stealth psychologists here. We just walk in other people's shoes to meet their needs and find... ourselves.

Fradiga September 5th, 2023

Second (or third) thought: what ADVICE ? I thought we listeners were not supposed to give any advice....