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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

pearlescent July 16th, 2017

Im sophie and I am having a hard time being positive and not freaking out about little things. Any tips on managing emotions would be great.

Chieyka July 17th, 2017

Hello community ๐Ÿ‘‹I am a new listener available for chat.

I have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. A couple of years after highschool I decided to receive help for my anxiety as it started to negatively impact a range of important aspects of my growth into adulthood. From experience, finding ways to overcome and cope with certain aspects of anxiety becomes more important as time progresses. I hope my presence in this community is positive and uplifting! Please feel free to reach out to me

Geezus July 17th, 2017


I'm Giecel. I have panic disorder and developing agoraphobia. And I am looking forward to getting back to normal. Bc I miss going out and I wanna live my life.

I hope this will help me understand my situation

reliablePrune7476 July 17th, 2017

Hi. I worry and stress about everything and get easily agitated with simple things. I have a lot of anxiety with my career and unfortunately value my self worth based on my accomplishments ๐Ÿ™„

rilakkuma1304 July 18th, 2017


Hi there, I have a similar problem. My work is at the centre of my universe and it has taken over my life and gave me anxiety (though also a means to feed the family). Hope you can find peace here on 7Cups! Have a good day ahead.

ItsHIStory3547 July 17th, 2017

Hey everyone. I personally don't feel I have a clear understanding of what anxiety is. There're times when I'm in certain situations and can identify the things I'm feeling as anxiety, but it feels like a dream in that once it's over I can't fully grasp or remeber exactly what I was feeling. I'd love to hear what you guys define anxiety as. What are your personal thought on what it is to have anxiety?

rilakkuma1304 July 18th, 2017


Hi, for me it's a very physical thing. I get cold sweat, my heart starts pounding away, my hands shake and I start hyperventilating uncontrollably. This is usually triggered by thoughts of work, phone ringing and such. Then I feel simply wasted after the adrenaline rush. And dread the feeling of recurrence.

That's my experience. :)

Wwart728 July 25th, 2017


Hi I am new here. My name is Nicole. I have a very similar situation. My anxiety is very physical and has recently caused my joints to lock in my hands while hyperventilating. My triggers are also the phone ringing, a knock at the door, sometimes even a text. Does this interfere with you leaving your house? As of recent I have been finding it difficult to even go outside.

rilakkuma1304 July 26th, 2017


I was terrified of the phone ringing! But then I practiced the 5-second rule...where I go...5-4-3-2-1 GO! And do the thing I most dread to do, i.e. pick up the ringing phone. I do not have agoraphobia, or leaving the house. In fact, I'm working alone overseas and dealing with this panic disorder, with the help of mindfulness practice and medication. Hope it gets better for you! Do follow me or drop me a message if you want to talk. Thanks!

Miles123 July 30th, 2017


For me, my anxiety is defined as a sudden urge to remove my self from various situations or I will feel uneasy/possibly ill. These situations could be anything from playing arcade games at Main Event to eating at a restaurant with my family. It is incredibly hard for people to understand this sudden urge, but I honestly can't help it.

Wawas July 18th, 2017


I worry over everything that happens in my life, including how my stuff is organized, socializing with other people, etc.

messednos July 19th, 2017

Hi i'm Cerr,

i have Severe Anxiety NOS, OCD, and symptoms of early onset schizophrenia with bipolar tendencies. i'm 15, 16 in september, i'm bisexual, and my personality type is INTP

i often worry about what people think of me or if i did something right etc. i worry about everything. my doctor has put me in CBT and i have to see a psychiatrist that is very good with people who have a mix of things like me. i'm not on any meds yet, my doctor thinks it'll make me worse giving me antidepressants because it would send me into a mania and i would probably off myself.

thats a little about me

aquaCup3466 July 20th, 2017

I heard about this disease that can kill you and I am very afraid that me or my family will get it. I had trouble sleeping yesterday, and I want to stop being scared.frown

CreativelyAlone July 20th, 2017

Hello! I have severe anxiety, especially when i have to go to crowded or unfamilar places but i get anxiety for no reason also. I also experience panic attacks. I also have bad depression. Living with anxiety and depression, like many people do is horrible. I try my best to get through each day. Im here because I love having a place where other people understand what Im going through, although i have a hard time opening up.

RinRinChan July 24th, 2017


Hello! Welcome to Anxiety Support sub-community! I am really proud of you for trying your hardest! Please do not forget that you are NOT alone and all of us listeners are here for you :D

Stay strong! If you ever need any support, you can contact any listener including myself c:

Rebekahwriter13 July 29th, 2017


I heard that pets are good for anxiety. I used to have cats and playing and cuddling them helped me.

Melancholia2000 July 25th, 2017

Hello I'm Alexa. New to 7 cups. I did this to make me feel better. I'm awful at talking to others in person and have overprotective parents. I would like to control my anxiety because it is currently controlling me. I want to stop caring about what other think. And I really to change! โ™ฅ๏ธ

Popa July 25th, 2017

Hi, I stress myself out in situations that you will probably find stupidly silly . For example, today I am so shaky and panicky because I am currently about to go into my last year of secbary school and I am a VERY nostalgic person and the thought of things ending just sends me into panic overdrive so this last year will be on of my worst night mares ๐Ÿ˜‚ not only will I have the stress of GCSEs but also my school life ending AHHHH. Not only that, but my only friend will be movig very far away in the summer holidays after year 11 so that doesn't help much ether๐Ÿ˜ถany advice on how not to have a mental breakdown this year ????

trulycosmic July 26th, 2017

Hi, my name is Dani. I haven't been diagnosed with anything, but my anxiety is an issue. I'm just looking for support, help, and to learn more about myself.

Miles123 July 30th, 2017


Same I haven't been diagnosed, but I think recognizing that their's a problem is a step in the right direction.

Geminii5 July 26th, 2017

Hello members! I am Geminii. I am glad to get this platform to talk about anxiety and related issues. Anxiety is a system of responses our body gives to any stressor, be it external or internal. We all experience one or the other form of anxiety in our lives. It's inevitable. What we can do is that we accept that yes our homeostasis is disrupted and then ensure that we are surrounded by people who genuinely care for us. Just keep hope this too shall pass.

Berry1977 July 26th, 2017


I tend to over thinking everything which leads to worry. This worry makes me feel anxious and I second guess myself a lot.

1980corinne July 27th, 2017


This is exactly how I feel today and pleased to be here knowing I'm not alone as my thoughts become unbearably too much.

Wishing you well here


Tallie136 July 26th, 2017

Hi everyone,

I think my main problem is anxiety, but it comes and goes quite drastically, I dont know if thats normal or not. I have always kind of been the person who is "always ok" and always helping others get through thier problems, but have never really been brave enough to talk about my problems and i think it finally got to me. So im looking forward to learning more about this, and meeting people with a similar issue. :)

tryingmybest7 July 27th, 2017

@Tallie136 Welcome to the community!

faithfulVillage8648 July 26th, 2017

Hi, I'm Brooke.

I am a 20 something who gets extremely anxious about all sorts of things, but especially when it's possible I may give a "wrong" answer. I am a teacher and I have a lot of anxiety in this profession. I often get stuck because I'm so afraid of losing control in my classroom or having a bad lesson.

miccko62 July 27th, 2017

Hello everybody
I'm new here. My problem is fear of faliure, whenever I'm faced with a challenge my heart starts pounding, my hands start sweating and sometimes I hyperventilate. That's why I have had such a bat time during my studies, the exams would bring on full blown panick attacks. It took me 8 years to get my batchelors degree. This only worsened my low self esteem. Now I'm supposed to go to germany for my masters degree, but I'm terrified, again afraid of faliure. This is a big problem for me, because of it I have missed many great opportunities that have presented to me over the years. My life in te past few years has basically been on pause. Also no love life to speak of, because I feel like I have nothing to offer to my perspective partner.

1980corinne July 27th, 2017

Hi all

I become more self focused and self conscious with my anxiety and thoughts overwhelm me.


Skyspace101 July 28th, 2017

Hello Friends,

I am shubham. i have been failed many times in things that i used to proudly say to others that i expell in. the problem is that because of all this i have confined myself in my home and just a few places nearby and i want to do a lot of things explore world and science. but i am not able to do that because i fear of people and they will judge me and ask me what i am doing and all. due to this anxiety i am not able to get any job or start something of my own and i am stuck in my career. i don't know what is there for me in 6 months. i don't even feel like to make any plans for life but my parents are very supportive and they want me to kick start but i do not want them to feel pain because of me . not being a native english speaker. whenever there is a conversation going and i have to speak in english to get involved, due to my fear of judging i am not able to speak and even if i do speak i fumble so a lot that i sometimes make no sense. surprise(i speak good english)

all written above is where i lag but i love exploring things reading books and sometimes playing sports. i am looking for a change in perspective on life and i believe that there is nothing wrong with me its just the way i looking at things that are creating the problem for me. so friends here with you people. i am excited to know about you and your perspectives on everything. it will be a wonderful experience.yes

Thank You Everyonesmiley

killua July 28th, 2017


Well its my first time ... my phychatrist was unavailable today and I didnt know what to do so I am here.. i have panic issue and dippression .. was feeling down and lonely so just joined this feel not like a here it is..... I am unable to land a job and all this weed and cigarettes are doing me no good..I am unable to even initiate the basic tasks a person is expcted to perform like doing a background check and all before an job interview and well always living the anxiety.. I feel like giving up but I wont ..i have lost approx 6 kg since 3 months and well I am just blue..

Kate July 28th, 2017

@killua Welcome to the site! I'm glad you came here. It may be helpful for you to chat with a listener or check out one of the mindfulness exercises available. I hope you find the support you need here. heart

decisiveKitten8363 July 28th, 2017

Hello, I have severe anxiety. I don't want to leave the house, I stay cooped up in my room everyday. I don't like socializing with other people, I just want to stay in my room all the time. The only place I go is school after I've had a battle with my self. I also fear answering my calls, I just sit there and watch it ring. I just want to be left alone all the time.

Rebekahwriter13 July 29th, 2017

I'm Rebekah and stutter, freak out and get panic attacks. I also get nightmare

LauraCas67 July 29th, 2017


I'm Laura and I have quite a severe anxiety and PTSD. I don't leave home much because of my anxiety. I work from home so it doesn't require me to get out. Good and bad thing. I meet my friends, sure but even that is very hard sometimes. I'm taking small steps.

Kaholyfield July 29th, 2017

@LauraCas67. Same boat here. I work from home and I think it's made my anxiety/panic worse!

Kaholyfield July 29th, 2017

I'm Karen. New here. Couldn't sleep last night--day 3 of Wellbutrin and I hate it. Anxiety โฌ†๏ธ. Can't sleep. Feel wound up tight.

Zombii July 29th, 2017

Hi guys. I haven't found the courage to introduce myself, yet, so here I am. I don't really know where to start about me. As you probably know, i'm prisonner of my own anxious feeling. Got agoraphobia. Got social phobia. Got paranoia. Lots of fear, lots of phobia and lots of traume too. But, I still try to move on so :) Happy to have found you guys.

PluckyLuck248 July 29th, 2017


I've got GAD and I've got issues with people. I want to be around more and better people though.

Miles123 July 30th, 2017


My name is Mia. Although I'm not particularly thrilled with the idea that strangers will read how emotionally distressed I've been over seemingly ridiculous things, I really want help with my anxiety. I've had anxiety for years, but it has slowly developed into a more debilitating form. Hopefully, by talking to this community, I can find some type of relief.

YourRecoveryIsPossible July 30th, 2017

Hi, I'm Adrian a Listener here & I'm about to get diagnosed with generalized anxiety order. I really want to better myself for the women I love.