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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

chaelice July 7th, 2017

Hi i'm chaelice and i just joined. (thats all i have to say, even though im not standing in front of people i feel super anxious just typing this)

beautifulPudding72 July 7th, 2017

Hello! Like everyone else who introduced themselves... I just joined the Anxiety Support Community... Anyway, hello! I'm Pudding! Nice to introduce myself / meet all of you! smileyheart

Brightsunshine17 July 8th, 2017

Hi i am new to this anxiety forum..

Skorameleon8211 July 9th, 2017

Hi. I haven't been on here in a couple months and I wish I was on here all the time now. I have pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks. I didn't realize that's what they were until I went to college this past fall and one of my closest friends watched me have one. I'm at a point now where I just need people to talk to and understand what I'm going through. Hoping to find that here. (wow that was a lot, sorry!)

theref22 July 9th, 2017

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I'm new to this app. I have social anxiety and sometimes it causes me to have seizures. I also have moderate depression. I find it very difficult to talk about my issues and emotions. I'm hoping that I can learn some coping strategies here or at least find other people that understand what I'm going through.

rainySong73 July 9th, 2017

Hey everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself, I've been a listener for almost 3 years but I haven't been very involved in the commuities here. I have had quite severe anxiety and I wanted to let everyone know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here to listen :)

Imkindascared July 10th, 2017

Hi, I'm super new here and I am absolutly terrified about opening up right now. I've been having a debate with my anxiety on if I should say anything on here or not. But I really want someone to talk to. Someone who won't call me dramatic, or irrational. A place where someone might take me seriously.

AliceLeopard24 July 10th, 2017

Hi! I suffer from generalised anxiety, social anxiety and depression. I was diagnosed four years ago and I am really wanting to get better and I thought that 7 cups was a good way to do that. I not only want to get better just for me anymore but also for my boyfriend of three years. I know it hurts him to see me so worried and anxious all of the time and honestly I think it's time to get better not just for myself anymore but also because anxiety not only hurts you but the people around you too and I just want to find a way to manage my symptoms in a productive and healthy way.

Quoise July 10th, 2017

Hello, I'm new to anxiety forum. I'm a 1st year college student, taking on art major. I think I maybe have anxiety since 11th grade and it was destroyed my whole life. I feel I lost many interests, including drawing as my main interest. I don't know which person to talked to, because many people who I asked only said that I was agnostic, but I didn't.

I'm also thinking that I different to others, too, they said I can't follow their current, doesn't understand anything, outsider, annoying, queer, alienated etc. I just trying to be fitted with them. Even they talked to me, I feel insecure that they will think I can't understand them.

I have bad childhood, too. My parents are divorced in bad way because my biological mother ran away (then slands my father for everything even though she went with other man). I was abused by my biological mother. Luckily, my father married with other woman who was more humble and better than another one. But, my biological mother annoys my new family and terrifying me many times. Everytime I said the truth, she always scolded me. It made me more anxious everytime when I meet her. I hope I can ease my anxiety on everything. I'm sorry for my bad English.

CocoShell2310 July 10th, 2017

hello everyone.

leahcxo July 10th, 2017


My name is Leah and i suffer with health anxiety and anxiety in general :(!

Id be so happy to talk and connect with other people going through the same thing!

So message me!

Leah X

easyTriangle7897 July 14th, 2017

@leahcxohi I am new to the group. I suffer from anxiety problem funny though it is only one time a year that it effects mi. It is from the middle of July until the last of aug .????? The rest of the year I am fine.

if anyone is. Available anytime get ahold of me

Tallulahblue July 14th, 2017

@leahcxo I have general anxiety. I have found various ways to deal with it. They don't always work so I have to shift things around from time to time.

neatBlueberry5213 July 10th, 2017


I've dealt with anxiety all my fuels my insecurities.

It's wonderful to know there is a place where others are struggling to manage as well. I'm glad I'm not alone.

July 10th, 2017


I'm Ivy!

Idk what else to say

But I love meeting new people

so bye i guess


reservedDime5928 July 11th, 2017


Hi! I'm Kate, I would love to get to talk to you sometime!

WaltDisneyAnimations July 10th, 2017

Hello! ♡

My name is Ravenna, and I am relatively new to the Anxiety community here. I am part of the sub-topic, and I support members with Anxiety. Please, feel free to introduce yourself to me or reach out!

I love the idea of this thread!

Artsycat July 10th, 2017

Hiya! Never been part of anything like this before :D

Anyways, I suffer with anxiety (it's actually quite bad lol) and hope to find people who like talking about music, maybe some youtube and just life in general I guess! I also hope OMG I JUST FOUND A COLOR TEXT THING LOL XD anyways, hope to find people as weird and fun as me! ^_^

- Artsy <3

(I couldn't find the squigly line, so I had to settle with a boring straight line :( lol)

Artsycat July 10th, 2017

@Artsycat Also, I've been diagnosed with depression and of course general anxiety disorder and suffer with other things too. Just thought I should throw that out too incase someone relates :) (I got way too excited about the text thing, apologies haha)

reservedDime5928 July 11th, 2017

@Artsycat Lol hey, what kind of music do you like? My tatse is all over the placesmiley

AmelieJones July 11th, 2017

Hello, everyone.

I just started this site a few days ago and it seems nice so far.

I've had depression and anxiety issues for a very long time.

Pleased to meet you all.

maegirl91 July 11th, 2017

Hi everyone, I just joined today and wanted to say hello. I have pretty bad social anxiety - I want to have more friends, but I struggle so much with doing anything with people I don't feel absolutely comfortable with already, so I have a hard time meeting people or getting close with anyone. I've never joined something online like this before, but I thought it might be nice to be a part of a community of people who understand :)

messrmoony July 11th, 2017

Hello everyone! My name is Miller and anxiety had been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. So, yeah!

ALonelyMirath July 11th, 2017

Hey there,

I go by Mirath, not diagnosed with anxiety (just Aspergers), but since it's started to affect my actions in my long-distance relationship I've decided to try and do something about it.

Sacou July 11th, 2017


I'm just another normal person on here. I took the well-being test and it said I had severe anxiety, so here I am! Just yesterday I took it again and my anxiety has gone down to moderate!

beautifulPudding72 July 12th, 2017

Hello! I'm a Trained Listener and an intern here at 7 Cups. I've had Social Anxiety all my life and feel that I have learned some really good coping mechanisms. If any member or guest would like to message me for Listening support specifically related to anxiety or social anxiety, feel free. I know what's like to be anxious or just panicking over things that other people might think are silly or "nothing to get upset over." Yeah... so feel free to message me if you need someone to listen for Anxiety Support :).

calmSpring51 July 12th, 2017

Hi all,

My name is Jay. I suffer anxiety and depression - (depression a more recent thing as I've just recently ended a marriage which has left me heart broken).

Would love to hear from anyone. I am also a listener on here and work within health and social services for my career. I'm 28 and from the UK. All are welcome to say hi and what not.

Love to all.

Jay x

scarletBalloon5534 July 12th, 2017

Hi! My name is Hannah and I've had anxiety and panic attacks for 6 years now (and am also a total hypochondriac)--usually I can manage it okay but I'm studying abroad right now and finding it super hard to deal with because my support system isn't here. I'm a total introvert, I love to write, and I'm a ravenclaw would love to chat :)

limegreenBunny2166 July 13th, 2017

Hi! I am starting to develop anxiety and it really scares me. I just recently started having panic attacks, and that's really, really terrifying. I'd love to talk to you all!

Bellgi52 July 14th, 2017


Hi Bunny, please know that you are not alone...,can you share a bit more of what happened when you were having these feelings of anxiety?

Chelserino July 13th, 2017

Hi everyone. I'm Chelsea, and I just joined today. I've been dealing with anxiety for most of my adult life. It's been peaking lately because of stress, and I came to get some support and maybe some new coping ideas.

LaughingLemon July 14th, 2017

Hi everyone, I'm looking forward to being apart of this community and growing with it, have a great day!

astray July 14th, 2017

Hi my name is Lucas, I have social anxiety and anxiety I thought I introduced myself but it seems I did not so I'm just going to say hi and I look forward to sharing my experience with you all as well as hearing about your maybe we can help and teach one another with them. ☺

Hannahbethh July 14th, 2017

Hi everyone,

My name is Hannah and I'm brand new to 7cups. I've been suffering from depression, anxiety/social anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, and possibly BPD(not an official diagnosis). Recently my social anxiety has been severe. I am grateful I have high functioning mental illnesses, but I am just silently suffering in my head. It's been building up and I am constantly on edge. It causes me a lot of physical pain (my chest hurts and it makes it hard to breathe sometimes) and exhaustion because I am so nervous all the time. There isn't a second that goes by when I'm around other people where I'm not worrying. It's also made my depression much worse because I've been believing all my anxious thoughts. I feel extremely isolated even at my job where I'm surrounded by people. The past few days have been better and after joining this website I've already felt a small sense of relief. I've been needing people that I can just talk to and who care but aren't biased because they know me. Sometimes I just want to talk and vent and not have people try to dictate how I should proceed. This seems like the exact website I need!

Bellgi52 July 14th, 2017

Hi, I'm new to 7 cups, I came to support others and to continue to grow myself. I am a vibrant 52 year old female, I white nuckled through 30 years of anxiety, I did not let my anxie20 years on and off trying to ty stop me from living, but I can relate it was agonizing and paralyzing at times. I no longer suffer from panic attacks or anxiety, I did get to the initial event and it was not what I had thought at all, for me, I have always been a people pleaser and sensitive to all things, like a magnet really, I did not realize how often I stuffed my own feelings down, so that others could feel good in life, all the while I had an important truth about myself and how I felt toward others. I have lead seminars on using ones breath to relax and to mediatate, and to use visual techniques, and music to relax and to let go, all the answer's to my anxiety were with me.

FureverEnough July 15th, 2017

Hiya! I'm new to the site, not new to therapy. Definitely new to anxiety though. A perfect storm of work stress, chronic depression, and attempting to treat adhd (w Rx through psychiatrist) is to blame.

I experience a welling in the chest (that's the best way I can describe it) frequently, sometimes all day, and often without apparent reason. I've never had anxiety so I have no idea what's "normal" or alarming. I just take my theonine and breathe deep, ha.

I look forward to learning coping skills and connecting with others rowing this shitty canoe. ;)

Cheers, all!

salhope98 July 15th, 2017

@FureverEnough G'day! Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate- I'm sorry to hear that things are quite stressful for you at the moment. I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember so I can TOTALLY relate to the 'welling in the chest' sensation. It's a strange and awkward feeling- I'd imagine that it would be especially so if you aren't all that familiar with it. I suppose it's like a wave of panic/fear/dread that washes over you? Is this similar to what you experience? My best bet is that it's part of the fight or flight response, where our bodies prime us for action in response to whatever we perceive as fearful- this can be really annoying given that things these days such as bills don't have claws and sharp teeth!! I'm trying to be really mindful of how I respond to my thoughts. My psychologist constantly tells me that thoughts are just thoughts, they can't actually do anything to hurt us and we certainly don't have to interact with them. So essentially I'm trying that approach, observing them as they pass whilst focusing on maintaining deep and controlled breaths to stop myself from flying into a panic! Would you like to jump on board and try this with me?

salhope98 July 15th, 2017

Hey all,

I'm Sally (feel free to call me Sal). I am totally new to 7 Cups so still finding my way around but I look forward to being part of this forum and helping wherever I can. I struggle with anxiety (GAD), panic attacks, PTSD and depression. I am very anxious about masses of to-do lists that I have piled up in my mind, particularly regarding university and my part time work. I tend to internalise a lot of my difficulties so I am feeling quite isolated and would be delighted to connect with some like minded people

Cheers. X

immaddie July 15th, 2017

Hello. Please call me Maddie. Well, I'm not sure about the cause, but for the past one and a half year, I can't feel at peace. I realized then that I have some anxieties. That is how I found this community. Thank you very much for the friendly and supportive environment.

FadedRose1982 July 16th, 2017

Hi everyone

My name is Sarah and I have been struggling with anxiety off and on for about 12-13 years now. I've been doing well with self healing and assessment until the past few months and I've just gotten way too caught up in my own mind. I overthink my relationships at work and social anxiety concerns, pretty much daily when I get really stressed out. Which is pretty much all the time now lol

I'm pretty friendly and always willing to share and listen to someone, so please feel free to drop me a message if you wish to share and listen :)
