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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Ynwa2014 May 12th, 2017


KevenEightNine May 16th, 2017

Hi, I'm Kevin and I'm kinda nervous about this. I don't know what else to do really. But I have to do soemthing.

DepressedOctopus May 16th, 2017

Hello I am a returning member to this app, I've primarily had problems with social anxiety, low mood and confidence/self esteem. I recently lost my job for performance reasons even though I gave it 100% of my effort so now all my problems are all coming back I feel I've made no progress and fail at everything. I was contemplating suicide last night until I p****ied out, thought I'd download this app again and hopefully get help and help anyone else with similar problems. Thanks for reading

Listenerlopez May 17th, 2017

Hello I'm Giselle2017 I'm new please follow me can't wait to be active in this community!heart

Hopefullywaiting May 17th, 2017

Hi all

I've been pretty anxious the last couple of weeks bc I have various health issues that the doctors are trying to figure out. I was just put on meds to cope with my anxiety last week. I'm on this site bc I think my anxiety and physical problems are putting a strain on my parents and husband. They are tired of seeing me sad and anxious. I'm trying to use this app as a way to distract myself from irrational thoughts. I'm a mom with a 7 month old son. I would also like to return to work but my health and anxiety led to me to postpone my return date.

Arezou May 18th, 2017

Hey, I'm Ember. I think I've had anxiety since I was a kid. I internalize and, being both introverted and a really private person, tend not to let anyone see what's going on with me. Despite this, I'm pretty optimistic. That, mixed with my almost obsessive desire to make people happy and avoid conflict means a lot of people assume I've got everything all together.

I have a lot of past issues I need to work through and then new stresses that kinda pile on top of everything. I've recently come to realize that this isn't healthy for me, heh.

On a less heavy note, I make comics. This is probably my greatest passions and one of the things making me want to get better is that I want to have the mental and emotional energy to make my comics and art again.

I'm married, have two cats and a roommate. I think I'll leave off there. I'm never really sure how much or little to put in these things.

Underdog8 May 18th, 2017

Hey I'm Craig, it's nice to know we are not alone! I've had anxiety off and on for years. I've seen a good therapist and even saw an EMDR specialist for a brief time which did help a little. I don't have constant anxiety but certain things trigger it badly. Like, I'm very anxious about flying and have to next week, going on vacation with my gf, we almost never fly anywhere together - so I have added anxiety that I may embarrass myself around her (she's very caring but also doesn't entirely relate), so it's kind of a snowball affect. I do have a small prescription to Ativan which helps of course but I guess I don't fully trust it'll work enough? And my doctor did not give me very many pills, to be safe since they worry it can be addictive.

I get anxious about driving sometimes too, which is not as easily or safely solved with Ativan of course. :/

i have been taking L-Theanine recently which does help calm my brain a little. Drinking chamomile and lavender tea. Whatever I can do to not stress (and function at my job). And I don't want to spend my whole vacation feeling anxious. :( breathing techniques, natural remedies, I'll try it all.

i liked the suggestion from Ember above about drawing, I sketch and cartoon too and am going to try to get back into that because it helps me focus a little and take mind off things.

Peace to all you good people. Maybe I can help others more than I can help myself.

greenTurtle5563 May 18th, 2017

Hello. My name is Natalie. I have never been diagnosed for anxiety or depression, because, supposedly, both of my sisters had it, and since I was the one who was mocked (by our mother) as weak and useless for feeling depressed, I was able to turn it into anger, for years. I keep fighting it. I don't know how much longer I can. As for the anxiety, I'm not sure how I've held the jobs I've held. I haven't worked for about 7 yrs now. But that's because I have no one to watch my daughter. I'm scared to death to look for a job, now that she's almost old enough to be home alone. I'm 48, and haven't worked since October, 2010. I can't stand in the same position for a long period of time because of pains in my middle and upper back, and I can't climb a ladder like I used to because of my knees. But I come from an earlier generation, in addition to the fact that I never wanted to be like my mother and sisters. For as long as I can remember, every new job has been greeted by fear, prayers, and tears hidden as best I could, because I couldn't believe that they'd actually hired me, I knew that I was going to fuck it up, there was no way that I could remember everything I was supposed to, etc., etc...My daughter's almost 10. By the time she's 11, I'll have taught her how to ride the bus alone. I'll be able to start looking for work again. But who will hire me? I'll be almost 50, out of work for 8 yrs. When I was younger, and my first two were small, even then, it was all I could do not to burst into tears and beg them to give me a chance. I've learned, since those times, how picky employers can be. They don't care if you could be a good employee, they just want to see that you HAVE been. I'm not even going to make it past the interview, assuming I get called after an application that shows 8 years of nothing. How can I help my daughter if I can't work?

stacy46 May 18th, 2017

Hi! I am Stacy. I have had anxiety all my life. Didn't know what is was until I got professional help. Now, with DBT and meds and especially God, I am slowly learning what to do...

Asteria217 May 18th, 2017

Hello, my internet name is Asteria. I teach k-12 music in a Title I school. I don't remember why I wanted to teach music. I really don't like my co-workers and I feel unsupported to the nth degree. I feel like my opinions aren't valued by staff and administration. I feel my program isn't appreciated by staff and parents. I don't want to be here anymore. I have a hard time letting go of my anger and upset. I've recently been experiencing my anxiety and anger in a physical form that hurts. My doctor recommended talk therapy however I can't get in to see someone until June 7th, which doesn't help my situation.

neccosandsunflowers May 19th, 2017

@Asteria217 I am having the same problems as yourself. Teaching middle school english with no support lead to a series of panic attacks that made me miss work. I communicated the best I could under my condition and have medication and a therapist (who I can't meet until June 1st :/). Now my school has informed HR and wants my new job I just got for next year, to be informed of my recent performance. Essentially, medication or no, panic attacks are back.

victoriousMagic35 May 19th, 2017

hey guys, check this thread of ways of coping with anxiety attacks, comment how you cope with yours as well. lets help each other

sunshineKitty58 May 19th, 2017

Hello, my name is Candy, I a listener here and an intern, Im also a mum of 3 and engaged to a really lovely guy. I have had ancxiety for many years but when life gets tough it flares up in cripiling ways, it means Im often home and dont go out without my partner. Im slowly working through it and getting there step by step. We can all conquer this and get back to where we want to be!

SweetBubblegum May 19th, 2017

@sunshineKitty58 *hugs* we will al conquer this 😊

SweetBubblegum May 19th, 2017

I wanna write something. But reading these posts actually kinda make me feel sad. It may triggers some negative experience that I also had. *hugs for all of you*

We can go past through this together. We are in our own time zone in steps to a betterment. I'm probably on UTC-2 and so behind you on probably UTC+7, or the opposite, but I'm sure we will get to the finish line soonl *lots of love from Indonesia* ❤

neatBalsam3087 May 19th, 2017

Hello everyone!smiley My name is Christina and I've dealt social anxiety ever since I can remember.

I recently looked up my behavioural patterns online and I think I have Avoidant Personality Disorder, which is a bit more debilitating from other forms of anxiety as it is severely affecting all areas of my daily life (work, relationships, social).

I've decided to seek some form of help but I've never been through therapy and I'm scared to open up to a stranger even though I know they are licensed to do just that. I've stumbled across 7 cups of tea and it seems like a great starting place to get started and talk with other people who are dealing with similar situations.

How is everyone's experience so far? Has it helped?

musicandlyrics May 20th, 2017

Hello All

Hope everyone is having a better day :)

I used to initially experience stress and anxiety only when I was around family, outside I was a cheerful person you would not even remotely associate with such problem.

Of late, I have been irritable, anxious, nervous around people. I have my good days, which are rare. Since I work from home I have managed to isolate myself completely from people. On top of it I moved to another country where people do not speak the same language as me. The past 1.5 year has made all my issues worse. Couple of friends have heard me say- Why waste the space and oxygen that can be better utilised by someone else on this planet. I have managed to push away everyone.

That's a lot about me.This is my first time in a forum/community. Hope to find some comfort and solace in people who can relate to the issues.

Have a good weekend!

AwestruckHavoc May 20th, 2017

Hi I'm Matt!

I'm a shit starter of conversation but hi!

Lullycacti May 20th, 2017

@AwestruckHavoc Hi ! I'm bad at starting conversations too :') But I always say that the best conversations don't need a starter !

project5232 May 22nd, 2017


oliveVillage420 May 20th, 2017

Hi! I'm Janice. I suffer from anxiety since October from last year, until now I'm on treatment. Right now I feel my chest (in the middle of my chest) so tight... I'm very scared but my blood test are very good and my doctor says I don't even have to do an electrocardiogram. I'm pretty scared right now. I can't even stand up from my bed because everytime I'm stand up it feel awful :(

Lullycacti May 21st, 2017

@oliveVillage420 Aww I'm sorry you have to go through this but focus on the positive ! You may be in bad shape right now but you are hopefully on your way to get better

project5232 May 22nd, 2017

I feel that, too, a lot, and was told it meant my anxiety was acting up and that I need to calm down. IDK how it works

rcooper113 May 22nd, 2017

Hi, my name is Becky. I downloaded the app months ago, but have never really used it. I have anxiety & have good days and bad days. I always just thought this was "normal" for everyone. Sometimes it gets away from me before I realize it is my anxiety. Hi everyone.

imaginativePal7259 May 22nd, 2017

Hello my name is Rick im a 32 year old male in wichita kansas I have suffered from anxiety and depression for about 5 years now I am currently on celexa for both the anxiety and depression i have horrible days i worry about suicidal thoughts which causes anxiety

brightowl2109 May 22nd, 2017

Hi, I'm a 31 year old woman from India and have been suffering from depression and anxiety for past 6 months. I find it difficult even to get out the bed and to do day to day tasks. I feel tired all the time and have weird feeling in my stomach many a times. I try to distract myself to avoid thoughts which are the root causes of my anxiety and depression but fail miserably.

Phenixrysing May 22nd, 2017

@brightowl2109 I read your post and wanted to let you know you're not alone. I have been diagnosed with both depression and anxiety and I know how debilitating they can be. Depression won't let you out of bed and the weight of anxiety presses on. I sometimes find that preparing for the next day helps, so it doesn't have that much control but I understand there are times where you just can't. I'd love to chat with you sometime.

Hopefullywaiting May 26th, 2017

@brightowl2109 hang in there! I feel you. I'm Indian living in the US. I have anxiety with panic attacks. It's been pretty debilitating. But I'm hopeful things will get better with time. Hope you find support here too.

brightowl2109 May 29th, 2017

@Hopefullywaiting, thanks for the encouraging words. Hope you get the strength to fight and get better soon.

brightowl2109 May 29th, 2017

@Hopefullywaiting, let me know if you would like to talk about your issues. I'll be happy to hear. 🙂

friendlyLoner27 May 22nd, 2017

Hi there everyone:)

I'm new here on 7cups.

A bit of a loner surrounded by a large number of people who love me, but I don't know why can't I ever open up to them.

Looking for an opportunity to open up.:))

project5232 May 22nd, 2017


Hey! I'm new on 7 cups as well, and would be glad to talk to you sometime. 😊

Lullycacti May 22nd, 2017

@friendlyLoner27 @project5232 Welcome to both of you !

ParisaK May 26th, 2017

@friendlyLoner27 You'll have plenty of opportunities hopefully! We'll have a great time :)

wispywhiskers May 22nd, 2017

Hi, I'm new here. I am not diagnosed with any anxiety disorder and I'm not really sure if I fit in here but the weight of the world has been pressing down on me really hard recently and it's been hard to function. Sometimes I wonder if I just need to tough it out more or if there is something that's really wrong with me. I just can't seem to find my footing and it feels like no matter how hard I try I keep messing everything up. I haven't had a full blown anxiety attack in a few years but instead it feels like I'm always on the brink of one never knowing when I'm going to be tipped over. Any friendly conversation is welcome, I just really need a friendly ear to talk to.

Lullycacti May 22nd, 2017

@wispywhiskers Welcome ! There's hopefully a place for everybody here :)

Phenixrysing May 22nd, 2017

Hi I'm Mil, my anxiety comes in waves, and there are times when I'm paralyzed by the big ones.

helpfulperson91 May 22nd, 2017

Hi!! I'm karlee, I used to use this app a lot about 2 years ago and now am trying it out again because my life is very stressful and so much is going on but hey! Message me if you wanna be friends or for anything and that's me :)

strawberrycreamsurprise May 23rd, 2017

I was a listener on 7cups around 18 months ago, but I now I need the listener.
My anxiety is so bad that I am meant to be on a Prac for uni, but instead I am hiding in the library on here.. doing everything I can to avoid actual contact with anyone :(

Pandora77 May 29th, 2017


You can talk to me whenever you want.