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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

24MCB May 1st, 2017

Hi, i'm MCB and I have severe depression and anxiety

NothingGold May 9th, 2017

@24MCB Hi MCB, welcome to 7cups! There are a lot of us who can relate to feelings of depression and anxiety at the same time. Good for you for taking a positive step here.

Come by the daily check-ins for anxiety or depression anytime and let us know how you're doing! Welcome! :)

Milkpancakes May 2nd, 2017

Hello everyone! I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember, but this past year I've finally started to do something about it, and use things like meditation, breathing exercises, and learning how to identify certain negative thoughts to help myself. I want to keep helping myself work through my anxiety, and hopefully help people here too or atleast just provide a listening ear.

NothingGold May 9th, 2017

@Milkpancakes That's great Milk! So good that you've learned some things that are helping you!

Pastellations May 2nd, 2017

Hello~! I've been on 7cups for a little while but never introduced myself, my name is Pastel and I have severe anxiety~ I really love to draw, dance, read tons of novels, play with makeup and play video games~ I also have depression but it only hits me in waves and typically when my anxiety worsens.. I've come here to try to get a grip of my mental health and try to improve and control my illnesses~! I hope everyone has a lovely day~

sadbaguette May 3rd, 2017

I'm Sam.

I've always been a very anxious person, but didn't get diagnosed until I left home for college. As a child growing up I would have massive panic attacks, though I never knew what they were at the time.

Anxiety has affected me so much of my life, it's so hard. It's painful to me, it's nearly unbareable. When I get into a depression and anxiety spiral, I can be afraid to leave my home for weeks, even.

When anxiety isn't ruining my life, I like to read, go on tumblr, bake, and sometimes knit!

luvsguk May 3rd, 2017

hi! my name is azelliah and i suffer from depression and social anxiety. i have a very low self esteem also. i dont really know what to say here. i listen to kpop (mainly bts as you can tell by my user), and i like to do my makeup and read sometimes. i look aesthetically pleasing and calming things to look at also!

CookiesLover May 3rd, 2017


I'm Cookie, I have social anxiety and ADHD.

I'm most of the time a very positive person, but we all have our breaking points.

I like to sing, draw, and play video games

I hope we can all be friends!

StarDust03 May 5th, 2017


I'm new to 7 cups and trying to find my way through anxiety. I've always been a little more sensitive than others even towards inanimate objects, and facing panic attacks from a time unknown. I didn't know what it was until its frequency and intensity starts increasing with me growing up. I panic in doing simple task which my friends can easily do like talking to strangers or asking a question to the teacher in the class let alone public speaking. The fear of people noticing my physical symptoms of anxiety make it even worse which includes increased heart beat, sweating, drying of mouth, numbness of mind and annoying trembling of hands. People around me always say that I'm weak and with this personality I'm not going to make it in this cruel world. As far as my dreams go, I want to be a research scientist in neurology or oncology.

Crazykat1984 May 6th, 2017

@StarDust03 I have severe anxiety too. I have tried denying it hoping it would go away. Of course, it didn't. I've come to accept that I need to incorporate as many coping techniques as it takes to function. Research & you will find what works for you. Keep an open mind. Anxiety doesn't mean you're weak. I have felt like you do, that I can't handle life. It's a treatable condition. You can still achieve your dreams.

StarDust03 May 6th, 2017

@Crazykat1984 Thanks. Yeah i never believed that i'm weak. I've managed to go through somethings they can't bear to look at. Its good to know that you've found techniques to keep your anxiety at bay. Good luck!

Stardust11 May 6th, 2017

@StarDust03 we have the same name! ^^ Welcome! I feel the same way. It's okay, I'm new here too. It gets better :)

StarDust03 May 8th, 2017

@Stardust11 wow! I guess we both fancy the stars. ✴

May 5th, 2017

Hey! I am new to this forum. I love dogs, books and movies.

NothingGold May 10th, 2017

@CoolBlueMoon2 Hi and welcome! I love books too! :)

Stardust11 May 5th, 2017

Hi! This is stardust11 and I'm new heresmiley Anxiety disorder runs in my family apparently. It sucks, but hopefully it'll get better! See ya around :)

moon119 May 5th, 2017

New to this board. I have suffered anxiety/panic disorder for many years.

NothingGold May 10th, 2017

@moon119 Hi moon, welcome! :) Leave a message in the daily check-in to let us know how you're doing.

Marmotthemighty May 5th, 2017

Hi, I'm Marshall, I'm FTM, and I've been experiencing anxiety symptoms for a while but always thought it was a part of my ADHD until my therapist pointed out that they were, in fact, symptoms of Panic Disorder. I've also been dealing with family issues regarding support of my transition.

smartpanda1 May 7th, 2017

Hi...I haven't been diagnosed with anything...but I'm sure I have something to worry about. Hope we can help each other out with our problems

greeneyes121815 May 7th, 2017

H! I'm new to this and just wanted to introduce myself. I suffer from generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. I'm trying to get it under control, and I thought one good step might be meeting people like me, since people don't really talk about this kind of stuff in "real life". I'm happy to be here :)

NothingGold May 10th, 2017

@greeneyes121815 Hey greeneyes, welcome! Good for you for taking a step to get your anxiety under control. You're right, I think meeting people here is a really good step! It's a nice safe place where you can just express yourself and feel supported. :)

Too bad people don't really talk about this kind of stuff in "real life", isn't it!

Kmc22 May 8th, 2017

Hi! I'm Kayla. I've never been offically diagnosed with anything, but I believe I have been suffering from anxiety/ panic attacks for at least ten years. I don't have many people in my personal life to talk about these issues with so hear I am. :)

NothingGold May 10th, 2017

@Kmc22 Hi Kayla, welcome! Glad that you're here, you'll find lots of supportive people here who you can connect with, I'm sure.

Once you learn more about panic attacks, you can certainly start to look back and identify certain situations as a panic attack. I've found that with myself for sure.

Good luck and come on by the anxiety daily check-in forum to say hi! :)

NothingGold May 9th, 2017

@N33DH3LP Hey deedee, nice to meet you! 7cups is a good place to start to learn how to manage your anxiety. Try to do one thing every day, and hopefully you start to put together a tool kit to help you manage your feelings.

Welcome! :)

positiveindividual May 9th, 2017

Hi I am positive individual I am undergoing a big transformation. I am very fearful and very anxioua

Bookworm89 May 9th, 2017

Hi. I was recently properly diagnosed with major depression and gen anxiety disorder with panic attacks. I'm hoping to find better ways of coping and helping my depression because ive been lacking motivation right now. I dont want to quit my job or become a hermit like i did before so I need to figure something out hah. any advice would be appreciated

adventurousPeach490 May 10th, 2017

Hi! My name is Aimee just joined, am a long time anxiety sufferer and overthinker of everything!

I am very good at hiding it though and appearing fine when inside I am falling apart!

I am a bit of a loner, love to read and hang with my dogs.

Nestingdoll May 10th, 2017

Hi my name is Morgan. I've had anxiety as long as I can remember but recently it's been much worse. A close friend has been having health issues and my parents have decided to move from a 3hiur drive away to a 3hr flight away. I've been starting to have panic attacks just sitting at my desk at work and I don't know what to do to not feel so overwhelmed.

My husband is a wonderful support but he does not understand anxiety. He frequently tells me to just stop think about things that stress me out. Oh, if only it were that easy.

Destin2live May 11th, 2017


Hello Morgan, I am Destiny. I too have suffered anxiety, panic attacks, and severe agoraphobia. I so understand you. Bless your heart.

Nestingdoll May 12th, 2017

@Destin2live thank you! It's nice to meet people who really understand :) Good luck!

Mayank71 May 15th, 2017

@Nestingdoll are you on any medications for it

Nestingdoll May 15th, 2017

@Mayank71 I am and have been for 9 months. It helps but I have recently had to increase my dose

Flylikeabird13 May 16th, 2017


hey :) I completely understand how you feel. I've had anxiety for ages but recently I just can't tolerate it! I had a massive panic attack and my desk and now I'm signed off work! My partner is fantastic too but he can't solve the problem! I don't feel like anyone can! If you need to talk you know where i am :)

Nestingdoll May 17th, 2017

@Flylikeabird13 thanks, I know how you feel. I wish I could take some time away from my office, I know a lot of my stressors come from work

willingTiger8849 May 17th, 2017

@Nestingdoll. I know how you feel. Have very similar problems. It's just not that easy to stop thinking about things

Blondiee8 May 10th, 2017

Hey, my name is Nora. I suffer from severe anxiety and ptsd. I'll save the personal details for anyone who wants to chit chat. (:

I'm just glad to be here. I look forward to bettering myself. My panic attacks have progressively gotten worse and I want to do everything I can to tame them. ❤

Nestingdoll May 10th, 2017

@Blondiee8 welcome! I am new here too and also struggle with severe anxiety. I'm happy to chat anytime!

Julietlovesu415 May 10th, 2017

Hi I'm Juliet. I have had anxiety my entire life. It happens on a daily basis for the most part and I've tried everything to calm it down or stop it, nothing seem to work anymore.

MarshmallowZen May 11th, 2017

Hi, I am new here too :) I have Anxiety with Depression and PTSD plus some personality disorders, just for fun you know. I'm going through some really rough times at the moment and all the things that I usually do to stay calm are just not working now. I thought that maybe I can talk to some people who understand where I am comming from and who are objective to my situation. I can't talk to anyone I know becuase I feel misunderstood and unimportant.