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Academy Central Support Thread! Go to thread for academy questions

Hope July 20th, 2022

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. It is common to have questions regarding your academy program journey. It can be challenging to wait for a response so to provide speedy support, we have decided to have this one central thread where all academy trainees/interns can ask questions related to their academy journey.

Here is how to get support!

Respond to this thread with your question(s) and the program you are enrolled in. Remember, more information is better than less information. Provide context where needed so you can get speedy answers.

Who can respond to the questions?

Academy mentors, graduates, and even trainees if they are sure of the answer! Feel free to support each other and provide tips!


Make sure to keep an eye on your notifications so you can check the thread for answers. You can expect an answer within 24-30 hours.

This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team, find out more information about the programs here

zareya December 12th, 2022

@Hope thank you! i was really worried for a second

saltedham December 14th, 2022

Hi, so I plan to take an internship program on 7 cup as part of my university curriculum. however, my university require student to enroll in all subject (internship confirmation included) by mid January. I plan to start my internship in July, could I sign up for the internship now and start in July?

Hope OP December 27th, 2022


Yes, you can. Marking as resolved since already discussed in PMs.

resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022

I’m confused cuz it says that I need to apply for the internship badge in the internship email, but when I went to the link in the email… it said that if you started after January 31, 2022 (I started today), then you don’t need to apply for the intern badge and you should already have it. But I don’t have it.

Also, community building program, is that just any other academy class? Like for example quality listening, leadership, that group oriented one, that one about digital content and marketing, etc.?

resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022

If you meet the requirements for the tiny chat and sparkler badges, who do you speak to about getting them?

Hope OP December 27th, 2022


The site will automatically assign you those badges once you hit the number of group chats needed for each one.

Hope OP December 27th, 2022


Hi Mirage! You don't have to apply for any badge but regardless of your batch. You need to submit the trial completion form once two weeks complete your program.

Community Building is a course, not a program. Courses like community building and time management are part of academy programs, not a program on their own.

resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022

I see. Thank you for letting me know. Could I have the link to the community building course? The community building course link included in the internship requirements page is broken.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 27th, 2022



resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022

Thank you! The site hasn’t given me the intern badge yet and I also can’t access the orientation group chat (today is orientation, right now). I think it said I need the badge to access the group chat. Can someone help me with this as well?

Hope OP December 27th, 2022


Hi Mirage! You have been assigned the badges. You can join the next orientation session today at 4 PM ET in the Academy hub room. You can also attend the next academy check-in on Thursday at 11 AM ET. More sessions can be found here

resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022

Got it! Will do. Thank you so much for your and everyone else’s help! I know I sent a lot of messages, I hope I wasn’t a bother.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 27th, 2022

This place is for questions and support, you made the best use of it. No bother at all!❤ Good wishes for your journey ahead!

A quick tip, when in forums, if you'd like to receive a response from someone specifically, you can tag them like how I tagged you here: @resourcefulMirage2502, an "@" sign before someone's complete username tags them, and notifies of the same so they can check out and respond when able to!

resourcefulMirage2502 December 27th, 2022

I see. Got it. Thank you! Same to you in general!

resourcefulMirage2502 December 28th, 2022

Can the trainings you completed before starting the internship also count towards your major and elective requirements?

wonderfulRainbow817 December 29th, 2022

@resourcefulMirage2502 yes

resourcefulMirage2502 December 29th, 2022

Ok. Thank you for answering my question!

resourcefulMirage2502 December 29th, 2022

So, for my internship requirements, I need four hours of chat/one on one messages each week of my internship. Do 4 hours have to be done each week? For example, could I do 2 hours in week 1, then 6 hours in week 2 to make up for last week?

wonderfulRainbow817 December 30th, 2022

@resourcefulMirage2502, yes you can make up for it in another week

resourcefulMirage2502 December 30th, 2022

Ok. Ty

YourCaringConfidant January 4th, 2023

I missed both sessions of adult orientation today. I have the trainee badge but the link just did not work for me either times. I do not have Academy Hub chairwoman popping up on my end.

Hope OP January 4th, 2023


I have responded to your PM. Anyone reading, You need the program-specific badge to access the room. Before an academy session is set to happen, ensure you have the badge. You can reach out to me and the program ambassador if you have not been assigned one.

resourcefulMirage2502 January 6th, 2023

I submitted my trial completion form earlier today. Is there anything else I need to do in regards to that?

The internship ambassador’s email said

“Failure to submit the badge request form for more than one week after your trial ends will result in automatic withdrawal of your Internship.”

I didn’t receive a link for the badge request form. What is the badge request form for? Is it to receive the Intern badge? I already have the Intern badge.

wonderfulRainbow817 January 7th, 2023

@resourcefulMirage2502, badge request form does not apply to you since you already have your badge

resourcefulMirage2502 January 7th, 2023

Understand. Thank you for your help! @wonderfulRainbow817

Hope OP January 9th, 2023


We will update the text to reflect the right term 'trial completion form' which needs to be submitted even though we assign badges when you avail your seat. This is the form

resourcefulMirage2502 January 9th, 2023

@Hope Thank you!

resourcefulMirage2502 January 9th, 2023

@Hope I submitted the trial completion form a few days ago, so I’m all good there! Again, thank you so much for your help!

Ravis889 January 9th, 2023


Hey, so I'm doing the internship program on the student track. How can I know if I'm hitting the number of hours required every week?

Ravis889 January 9th, 2023


For context: doing compulsory 5 + 2 hour elective = 7 hours a week

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 9th, 2023

Hey @Ravis889, you can always keep the track for your hours, from the day your internship started. This post explains about how the internship hours are calculated:

Ofcourse if you need more help with the hours, or tracking, you can check in with a mentor here:

heathermarie95 January 9th, 2023

i just started my trial today for the intern program but i already recieved the intern badge. does this mean i can go directly to starting the program?

wonderfulRainbow817 January 10th, 2023

@heathermarie95, you will still need to complete the trial requirements if you haven't already and submit the trial completion form before working on the other electives

heathermarie95 January 10th, 2023

thank you. i appreciate the swift response :)

resourcefulMirage2502 January 10th, 2023

What’s a good way to get 20 or more referral clicks? I don’t even know 20 people.

YourCaringConfidant January 10th, 2023

@resourcefulMirage2502 Try social media posting your referral link.

resourcefulMirage2502 January 10th, 2023

Thank you for the suggestion.

Hope OP January 11th, 2023


Yes social media is a good idea. Please do not share the link on 7 Cups. But you can share it in any social media group you are a part of and that allows it and you can get 20 with ease

resourcefulMirage2502 January 11th, 2023

Ok, thanks.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 11th, 2023


Social media is the answer hehe. Also, this is a helpful forum post on achieving referral clicks: