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Academy Central Support Thread! Go to thread for academy questions

Hope July 20th, 2022

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. It is common to have questions regarding your academy program journey. It can be challenging to wait for a response so to provide speedy support, we have decided to have this one central thread where all academy trainees/interns can ask questions related to their academy journey.

Here is how to get support!

Respond to this thread with your question(s) and the program you are enrolled in. Remember, more information is better than less information. Provide context where needed so you can get speedy answers.

Who can respond to the questions?

Academy mentors, graduates, and even trainees if they are sure of the answer! Feel free to support each other and provide tips!


Make sure to keep an eye on your notifications so you can check the thread for answers. You can expect an answer within 24-30 hours.

This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team, find out more information about the programs here

GoldenNest2727 August 21st, 2022


Here you go

Please post again if that isn't what you needed.

GoldenNest2727 August 22nd, 2022


I just realized the period got included in the link accidentally. Sorry about that!

Hope OP August 22nd, 2022


Thank you for your question! Please find it here

TheConversation22 August 21st, 2022

thank you for sharing this information :)

calmingsun111 August 22nd, 2022


Good afternoon,

I am a little bit confused now.
I think I pretty much met all of my chosen electives so my specific question is, what is the next step in finishing the QLP program?
Now and then I receive messages from Listener/ Any support that they want to help me but I think I am pretty much done with the program so I am not quite sure what to do now.

Thank you. Have a great day! :)
Hope OP August 22nd, 2022


Hi sun! Once you have completed everything, please submit your last step form!

Ginevra962 August 22nd, 2022


Hi! You can submit Last Step Form

After at least 5 weeks of the program

JuneTrips August 23rd, 2022


Heya heya there! I'm a student intern and due to some life changes, I won't be able to complete my electives on time (I still have 2 left!). I was wondering if I could request a short extension to allow me to complete my electives and graduate! :)

Hope OP August 23rd, 2022


Hi June! Thank you for using the academy central support thread. As your query has already been responded to, I am responding to mark it as responded

HavenonEarth August 24th, 2022


Hi, I'm in my first week of the student track internship. Pleased to meet you and be on board, I've been a verified listener for a while, but hadn't thought to join the academy here until recently. Some questions I have:

~ if I already have a badge or have completed a task, that also happens to be an elective, can I make that an elective I choose as one of my 10?

~ do group chats (I'm usually in the sharing circle) count towards my 5-7 hours per week of listening as well, or does it have to be solely the 1-on-1 chats with guests and members?

~ is there something or someone keeping track of it all and recorded, making sure I contribute 25 times in the forums for example, or make sure I am definitely doing at least 14 chats or so a week?

Those are my queries for now. If I come up with more, I'll be sure to say so. :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 24th, 2022

Hey @HavenonEarth, congratulations on enrolling in the internship.❤

1. Yes you definitely can choose them as your elective. It is even encouraged to pick the electives that we have completed or soon to complete, so there's one thing less to stress about lol.

2. The chat hours will only be counted for the 1-1 personal chats with members. (Not the chats in group chatrooms)

3. You can find the stats you need on your profile and your impact page.

4. All the trainings are listed Here, you can complete any you like to. (The active listening tests are not included in "trainings" as they are "tests")

Refer to this document for more information. If you have any questions about internship or related, feel free to reach out to an intern mentor here anytime also. Good luck! ❤

HavenonEarth August 24th, 2022


Thank you Sunshine, I'll be referring back to this forum post often. :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 28th, 2022

@HavenonEarth Anytime! :)

Hope OP August 24th, 2022


Happy to have you as part of the academy!

1. Absolutely! It is there so experienced users can be given credit for their existing contributions.

2. No they do not, but you can choose group support-related electives to get credit for your efforts there. Only 1-1 chats with members count towards your listening hours for the 7 Cups Internship program.

3. We note down your stats at the start of your program so we can track your progress in between and at the end. If you are at some point unsure, how many hours or forum posts you did, please contact an academy mentor focused on your program to get the exact number.

HavenonEarth August 24th, 2022

For the elective that says I have to complete 10 training guides, in addition to the compulsory 20, what are these compulsory 20 training guides I must complete? I've finished all of them and received badges for all of them, with the exception of the following three. I recently completed the 'questions' component, however, and am simply waiting for the results to come back to me. :)

Hope OP August 24th, 2022


Hi Haven! 10 are required (any 10) that is why the elective says 10 in addition to those 10 so in total 20. I checked your profile, you meet the 10 requirement and the additional 10 elective!

HavenonEarth August 24th, 2022


Awesome, thank you so much Hope. :)

heavenlyHug9328 August 28th, 2022


Hello where can I get the monthly evaluation form for the community track internship

GoldenNest2727 August 28th, 2022


Hello! You can find the community track monthly evaluation form right here.

HavenonEarth August 30th, 2022


~ In order to get the 'Ray of Hope' badge, which member-based group chats should I be attending the most?

~ With being active within 25 forum posts, does the forum topic or response have to be all in different topics, or can it be multiple replies to the same ones?

~ To whom should I be asking to double check that I am reaching my 1-on-1 support conversation quota?

Hope OP August 30th, 2022


1. Any member group chats! As long as it is a member group chat, you are good. Even participation in the academy hub room counts as a member group chat

2. It can be the same topic!

3. You can check yourself. You only need to know the 1-1 chat number you started with. Subtract that from the current number and divide by two! Then you can divide what you have with the number of weeks of your program duration (extensions don't count in the weeks) and you can see if you are meeting the minimum per week

Hope OP August 30th, 2022


Please mention your program if you wish to know your 1-1 chat number that you started with

HavenonEarth August 30th, 2022


I am on the student track for 13 weeks. I don't remember the number of chats I started with at this point, prior to commencing this internship. :/

Hope OP August 30th, 2022


No problem, your starting chat number is 563

RainbowRosie August 31st, 2022

Hi Guys, hope you are well.

I read somewhere on the site about Peer training - but can’t seem to locate it again.

I would be most interested to know what it is and what it involves (view to possibly doing it) if it’s do-able for me?


Rosie 🌹

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 31st, 2022


Hey Rosie, I think you're referring to this post which seems to be removed now (can't help but wonder why lol, it was a great post explaining all about it).

Anyway, so peer trainings are found in the trainings section, like all the other trainings available to us, *however* these only appear if a listener has marked some topic(s) as their "lived experience" in their settings (like the ones that show up with a little star in our categories listed under our profile), I see you have marked some topics with a lived experience already and therefore, I think you should be able to see the trainings on the page I shared above (unless something else changed here as well).

Completing all 12 of these trainings will give you the "peer pro" badge.

Another post that explains a bit about it Here.

(Text in blue is clickable)

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask, if anything! ❤

Hope OP September 1st, 2022


Thank you, Sun

This post explains how to access peer trainings

RainbowRosie September 1st, 2022


This is great, many thanks 😀

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 1st, 2022

Thankyou @Hope and @RainbowRosie Anytime. ❤

HavenonEarth September 2nd, 2022

So...just double checking.

I checked that formula just now, 676 - 563 = 113

113 divided by 2 equals 56 chats and a half.

So, if one chat is roughly 30 messages all up, one conversation ended at around 15 conversations.

I am meant to do 7 hours worth of 1-on-1 chatting per week for my internship...which is roughly 14 chats per week?

Hope OP September 2nd, 2022


That is correct!

lonelymay September 3rd, 2022


Hi , I am currently doing my 7 cups Internship program and for that I require to do the community building course and for which I started yesterday and filled my first quiz but I used my mail registered with the member account because it's official account for everything else. So l am worried if that would cause any problem for me? Will I need the quiz again?

GoldenNest2727 September 6th, 2022


I'm sorry it's taken a bit longer to get a reply to you. I didn't respond earlier because I'm not sure whether you should contact a mentor or @Hope about this one, so I went ahead and linked you to both. I will say not to stop. Keep pushing ahead on the other quizzes/sections, so you don't fall behind.

Hope OP September 7th, 2022


Thank you for the tag!

Hope OP September 7th, 2022


Hi May! Apologies for the delay in response. I seemed to have missed your message. No that won't cause an issue

markzzmq September 3rd, 2022


Hi, I want to know where is the progress path?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 3rd, 2022


Hey it's on your dashboard (in the browser),, does this work?

FlowerySea September 10th, 2022

Same, what do we have to do to get 6th progress path completed? they asked me to post it on the certain thread by hope but nothing has seemed to work yet

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th, 2022


Have you tried selecting the "try something else" option?

Sometimes there's the recurring steps and other times the path just getting stuck due to glitches.

Somethings you can try are:

♡ Selecting "try something else" on the same path

♡ Trying a different growth path here-

♡ Submitting a tech-support ticket, if you find the glitch persisting, here/ unable to move forward-

I hope either of this helps. ❤

shonali22 September 4th, 2022

I got an email but there is no message that i can click on to accept the request