7 Cups Academy: Building Community Program (No Longer Available)
This Program is no longer available. Please choose another one here!
Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. As you know we recently launched the 7 Cups Academy. I am excited to announce a new addition to the academy!
Introducing the Building Community Program
The course familiarizes the trainees with the basic knowledge in creating and growing online communities and enrollees practice their knowledge by supporting sub-communities of their choices, getting training in the topics they chose to support. A big part of the course is based on the teachings of the book ‘Get Together: How to Build a Community with Your People.
Requirements to Join
Be a listener/Member
Explorer Badge
Find more information about how to get the badge here! The process takes less than 10 mins!
Program Duration
6- 12 weeks
You can choose the duration as long as it falls under the above-given options.
Two Week Trial
For the first two weeks, you will be on a trial. You will be given some tasks that will help you identify if this course is the right fit for you. It will also help you choose your sub-community focus later on.
Course Load
We expect the course to take around 4 hours of time each week. You can expect to do some theoretical work (such as trainings) and a lot of practical work (taking part in sub-communities)
You will be doing at least 3 hours of forum work each week. This will be measured by forum posts where each forum posts = 10 mins. So you are expected to make at least 18 forum posts each week. These posts will be made in any sub-communitiy at first and then in your chosen two sub-communities.
Like all of our academy courses, upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certificate and a badge. Graduates will also be eligible to request a letter of recommendation.
Onboarding Info
We will onboard new trainees each week Monday. The first batch will be onboarded on Jan 18, 2021.
Please apply 3 days before the start date you prefer. The start date will always be a Monday.
Please fill the application accurately (wrong start dates, usernames, or emails will result in rejection)
Not sure if you have the time to commit/wondering what the course load is like? You can view our requirements list
- Requirements updated on Feb 11 2021 - Hope
i have some questions..
1. will you be sending us emails with deadlines for when to finish each course, like in the LDP? together with a form to fill like there, or not?
2. can we start the course immediately after we are accepted or do we need to wait to be told when to begin?
@Hope Great I'm looking forward to it
I have signed up and I'm very excited about this academy program and I'm glad I took the next step in everything I am focusing on graduating and working more towards more goals along the way.
@Hope just applied ! <3 thank you so much for the opportunity c:
@Hope This is great news! thanks for sharing, these options, i just want to say how grateful I am to be apart of this community, You are all doing a great job for the community and for those of us who really need help.
Thank you for such a kind message!
@Hope you're welcome! all the best in the hopes for great advancements and developments for 7cups future
Hello , I am absolute new here .
welcome to 7cups rajz! Gald to have you here with us ^^
Hello! was just curious why the program is no longer available? :)
Please refer to this post
Got it! thanks for sharing Hope! :) I enjoyed the program. It has been of value for me with building up Support Plus! I'm sure the next program you create will be super exciting though. All the best
I love helping people
I agree with you