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Schedule: Discussions of the Trauma Sub-Community

audienta April 5th, 2023

Hello everyone,

The Trauma Sub-Community Discussion Team currently hosts seven discussions per week:

  • Monday, 9 AM/11AM ET (changing the time every other week): Guided Support Chat about DID/OSDD-1 (adults)hosted by InsightfulPhoenix
  • Monday, 1 PM ET: Open Support Chat about Trauma (teens), host needed
  • Tuesday, 4 PM ET: Open Support Chat about all Dissociative Disorders (adults), hosted by InsightfulPhoenix
  • Wednesday, 11 PM ET: Open Support Chat about all Dissociative Disorders (teens), hosted by WillingToHelpU
  • Wednesday, 1 PM ET: DID/OSDD-1 Safety and Stabilisation Group (adults), hosted by mytwistedsoul
  • Friday, 7 PM ET: Guided Support Chat about Trauma (adults), hosted by WillingToHelpU
  • Sunday, 3 PM ET: Open Support Chat about Trauma (adults), hosted by InsightfulPhoenix

Here's the schedule with the currently planned discussions for the coming month.

The discussions will be announced the day before they happen by the host who will lead the chat in this thread. If you want to be tagged for them, please leave a comment below. And if you need to convert the time into your time zone, click here.

The discussions take place in the trauma support room. To access this room, you need to have either the Chief Chat or the First Post plus the Compassion Hero badge. You can find more information on that here. The trauma support room is only open on Weekends and during the discussions.

In addition to the above, there are Listener Learning Discussions on Dissociative Disorders. You can find the schedules here.

If you want to become a host for these discussions, please fill in this form. Also, you need to make sure that you can access the trauma support room (info here).

Please comment under this post if you want to be tagged for future discussions. Also, my PMs are open if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions.

Take care,


(last updated: 7/24/2024)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 6th, 2023


Thank you for the schedule and for everyone stepping up to lead these sessions/chats!💛

audienta OP April 6th, 2023


It's my pleasure and I'm happy about the amazing hosts that are going to lead the discussions!

Bunnylovesyou April 6th, 2023


quick little query-

do we know if there is something like this available for teens? or maybe how to get something like this?

im familiar with hosting and once i ditch this cruddy newbie badge i would be more than willing to host something for the teens <3

audienta OP April 7th, 2023


Thank you so much, that's amazing news! I've actually thought about introducing a teen discussion to the project, but I didn't want to plan too much right at the beginning. However, once I know that I have at least one regular host, I'm happy to do organize everything else.

To become a dissociative disorders discussions host, please take a look at this guide (clickable) and do the quiz at the end. You need at least 25/28 points to become a host.

How does that sound for you?

Bunnylovesyou April 8th, 2023


i read the guide and took the quiz <3 i got a 27/28. i do however have this newbie badge and i know it prevents me from being a room supporter til i loose it, im not sure about a host for this team. i loose my badge April 21, 2023, so 13 days from now. I am more than willing to wait til it goes to do anything more with this team, i just wanted to let you know.

also what you are doing is so so so awesome and i know its going to mean so much to so many people and so you get offered a cookie 🍪

audienta OP April 8th, 2023


*eats cookie* You don't need to be a room supporter in order to be a discussion host in this case! I'll pm you as soon as I've reviewed your quiz results. *offers chocolate*

WorkingitThrough2 April 7th, 2023


I want to be tagged Please

audienta OP April 7th, 2023


I added you to the list!

WorkingitThrough2 April 7th, 2023


Why can I not get in the support chat rooms?

audienta OP April 8th, 2023


You need the Chief Chat/First Post and Compassion Hero badge to access the trauma support room:

AnnaSilverberg April 9th, 2023


I would love to be tagged :) I want to learn more about DID and the best way is to learn from those who live with it :)

audienta OP April 10th, 2023


Sure, I'll add you to the list!

Barltik2065 April 12th, 2023


You can tag me also LOL

audienta OP April 12th, 2023


I'll add you to the list!

TheCrew4887 May 16th, 2023

sorry its so late, but could I& also be added to the tag list? /nf

audienta OP May 18th, 2023


Sure, it's never too late! <3

WorkingitThrough2 May 22nd, 2023


Thank you for your faithfulness in reminding us. You Rock👏🏽😊

audienta OP May 23rd, 2023


Thank you! <3

adventurousBranch3786 May 30th, 2023


Here is the schedule for DID discussions and open chats. I hope this helps.

WorkingitThrough2 June 21st, 2023


Thanks, I have read the new time frames. I am waiting on the results from the test on FS.

audienta OP June 22nd, 2023


Congratulations on becoming our new forum supporter and welcome to the team!

WorkingitThrough2 June 22nd, 2023


Thank you❤️😊

Gilbird July 9th, 2023


Hi, commenting here to request to also be tagged.

HealingTalk July 10th, 2023


Hi Gilbird!

How nice to see you here too!

You impressed me today!

I am so happy we are teammates!

You are really, really good at this!

Gilbird July 10th, 2023


Thank you so much for saying that! You did a great job hosting the session and keeping up with welcoming members and also with everything that was happening. I look forward to working with you more, partner (:

audienta OP July 10th, 2023


I added you to the list!

HealingTalk July 10th, 2023


Thank you, Audi, for widely announcing and promoting this Discussion Schedule through the Featured Thread notifications to all the Trauma Community.

It made a very positive impact today.

audienta OP July 10th, 2023


Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad to hear that it made a positive impact!

WharfRat July 10th, 2023

Please tag me for the adult trauma survivor chat on Sundays 3:00 EST

audienta OP July 10th, 2023


We don't have specific taglists for every discussions, but I'll add you to the general discussion taglist so that you'll be informed about every support chat that takes place.

Bunnylovesyou October 11th, 2023

Heyyy fellow leaders

i have the tockify link to add chats to the community calendar saved to my laptop, is that something you all would like or could benefit from?

Let me know 

@audienta @azuladragon34 @Bunnylovesyou @Gilbird @TabbyCat97 @WorkingitThrough2

audienta OP October 13th, 2023


I think that would be great! I'll PM you about it.

Myosotis17 October 15th, 2023



What can be done to make sure trauma support room is open on sunday (its scheduled day, 6am ET-11pm ET)?

When I notice that it is not open yet I do try to get mod help to open it.

But it happens often, so maybe something could be improved. 

Thank you. 

audienta OP October 15th, 2023


Thank you for informing me about it, it seems to have been an ongoing issue during the last couple of weeks. @ASilentObserver can you answer what we should do when we see that the trauma support room isn't open even though it should be?

Myosotis17 October 15th, 2023


@CommunityModAnne, who kindly opened the room today, said she will ask the team to set reminders.

ASilentObserver October 16th, 2023

@Myosotis17 Thank you Myo for letting us know and my apologies for the inconvenience. Though I appreciate your support to get the group chat open as soon as you notice it. <3 

cyanPlatypus6370 December 12th, 2023

"You are his cheeseburger, his precious cheeseburger.  Come back for you.  He 'll come back for you..." ...... "Ohhhhhh, everybody's got a water buffalo.  Yours is fast but mine is slow.  Oh where'd we get them I don't know, but everybody's got a water buffaloooooo!" 

*Mostly random note to be added to the tag list which I think is really adding self to this thread and subscribe! :)  Platy 

P.S. Yes, I do love Bob and Larry :)  song reference 1   song reference 2

audienta OP December 12th, 2023


you really made me laugh 😄 I'll add you to the list!

cyanPlatypus6370 December 13th, 2023

@audienta , Oh, I am glad of that.  Yes, I am.  ((Platy does happy-platypus-dance!))  and gives hug to Audienta!   'Night :)  Platy 

Eitas April 23rd

@audienta Hi! May i ask about how to get access to this discussion? I already get the requirement badge

  • Monday, 1PM ET: Open Support Chat about Trauma for Teens