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7 Cups Sharing Circles are now LIVE!

Heather225 March 9th, 2020

Last week, I introduced our new initiative to improve support within group rooms and bridge activities across the site. Yesterday, we began trialing the Sharing Circles meetups. Heres what its about:

What? These circles are an opportunity for us to share and support one another in a turn-based environment. Everyone who wants to participate can enter a queue to be called on when its their turn.

Where? Sharing Circle Room

Where did this idea come from?
We conduct sharing circles in the tradition of other support groups like Alcohol Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous. These groups have helped millions of people and we believe they can help people in our community as well. These groups refer to a Higher Power. We use the word Love as love is a neutral term.

The host will recite this mantra to get everyone situated in this safe space and aligned in our intentions to support each other and ourselves:

Please imagine taking the hand of the person above or below you. At the end, if comfortable, please say Let it Be.

Love, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as many spiritual leaders did,
This difficult world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that love will make all things right,
If I surrender to love,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with love in the future.

Let it be.

What happens next?
The Rules!

Please send * to enter the sharing queue once the queue is open. Please do not enter * during a share. The queue to share will be opened after each share by the host while time permits. Queue is first come first serve. The host of the circle will say the queue after each share so you know when your turn will be.

Please do not ask questions to the sharer and keep supportive phrases short. You may use phrases like ‘That sounds hard, offers hugs, sending beams.

Only members can share. Listeners may support members, but if you want to participate, you must be logged in as a member. Please wait to be called upon to begin your share.

Please do not interrupt other shares to share your own story. Please wait your turn, so everyone can receive support.

Please break your share into short sentences so that we know you are sharing/present. Avoid typing paragraphs.

Please limit your share to under 5 minutes when there are less than 10 people in the queue and under 3 minutes when there are more than 10 people in the queue.

Type ‘Over or ‘Done as a separate message to show that you are done sharing.

Sharing Circles last one hour. We close the queue ten minutes before the end. If we are not able to get to you, you welcomed and encouraged to hop into the next one we have. These will happen twice a day for now, and if it becomes popular, we will host more.

Drop any questions in the replies, and we look forward to seeing you!

fastboa March 10th, 2020

@Heather225 how do i get to teen community thing

AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@fastboa As a member, there is no way for adults to access the teen spaces.

fastboa March 11th, 2020

@AffyAvo well i guess technically im 18, so Am i allowed to join the adult community then?

AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@fastboa Yes, your profile is set to the adult community, and the teen side is 13-17 while adults is 18+.

Margot011 March 16th, 2020


yeah i wnat to know

RumpleSteeleSkin March 9th, 2020


I was in 2 of them and well I was confused. Or maybe NOT confused but set in a "listener role" It is uncomfie when all I share back is "hugs" or "sorry its so hard" and so on. I feel Im giving them something false when really they like just a bit more.

I know this is a new thing and I am excited to see how it helps our community in feeling more heardheart

Heather225 OP March 9th, 2020


We limit responses to keep sharing within 5 miinutes. If people are talking, it can easily go over and can cost someone else their slot.

I welcome listeners, if they want to extend the conversation, to PM members if they want to show more support. I think that would mean a lot to our members beyond just the circles.

RumpleSteeleSkin March 9th, 2020

@Heather225 Yes true hun- we will just see how this circle time goes and hopefully it gets real busy. Mostly as I shared people feel supported and helpedsmiley

lavenderpeach1107 March 9th, 2020

@Heather225 Thank you for the information heart

AffyAvo March 10th, 2020

@Heather225 I really like having this. I wonder about the room choice though. The mods have been trying to keep the community room for fun chat and the support room for support. If using one of those 2 rooms, I think the support room would make more sense.

I actually think having a room for this might be a good idea though. The guidelines for how this works could maybe be linked right in the room title if links work there.

I would like to see some of the SC rooms do this where it's a bit more specific & where some know each other a bit better.

cyanPlatypus6370 March 10th, 2020

@Heather225 - Yes! As Affy has pointed out here ... I think I will like to come to a sharing circle or two, in part to try to figure out what it is. As explained in *this* thread, it tells where the circle will be held but there seems to be no joining question or topic. I feel sort of like saying, "sure, I'll drop by" (to be nice, but then never coming) or perhaps actually going there but as a ghost and (trying to) being completely silent. (Yes, I know, Platy? Silent? ha ha.) So for me anyway, something 'in common' or a starting mini-story or *something!* to focus on for that circle time (shrugs) that would be very helpful for me anyway. Thank you for your previous explanations! Having a clear picture of the goal, I think, will help us to get to that goal! :) Platy

AddictedTealover98 March 10th, 2020

I've wondered about this.. I went into one, my first! But it just feels weird, I dont know if its the room choice (Affy is right on that, i think its better in Support 24/7 than MCR and TCR), or the way it is, but I left in the first 15mins or so. It feels like a 1 on 1 chat with spectacters and Im super uncomfortable with it, but its just me i think.

At the opening, it feels like a religious speech. im religious so i kinda understand the words but I feels like im going to church feels and people will drop by halfway and missed it.. I mean its okay, but I also feel uncomfortable as a listener (after reading guideline) when all i can do is saying the basic words and I feel insincere when doing it.

But since its still new maybe my opinion will change. Still looking forward on what happens. I also mean no offense in this post(?) if i had done any here. *cross fingers*

Do what you love to do, not what you're supposed to do ~Tea

AffyAvo March 10th, 2020

@AddictedTealover98 I missed the start of it, I'm hoping to be there for one today for the entire thing. From a post, I agree with you though. I don't mind a group opening, but the fact is AA has a religious basis even if it has changed a bit to be more inclusive. There are actually secular programs as not everyone is comfortable with AA due to that. I think at 7cups we could and should do something that's a little more open. Hopefully I can get a full feel today.

AddictedTealover98 March 12th, 2020

@AffyAvo No worries, I've never been to AA and never had a reason to so from your viewpoint maybe different and i understand that. It's just weird for me for to go in there's and say like "sending beams" or can't say anything. Especially awkward as a background lurking. Like i said before, my family is religious and while i don't exactly follow some of the tradition that my religion go through, it still feels like we're going into a prayer session where we ask Allah (God) for wisdom and guidance and submitting ourselves to them and I've had that feels when i join so I'm going to opt out of these sessions.. I do that everyday when anything happens anyway.

MelG919 March 12th, 2020

@AddictedTealover98 @AffyAvo Isnt AA more spiritual than religious?

AffyAvo March 12th, 2020

@MelG919 It has it's basis in Chrstianity although does have a certain degree of flexibility in allowing for interpretation. At least that's my understanding.

AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@AddictedTealover98 Just throwing this out here, am open to opinions, edits, additions, etc. It's short but I think gets to the purpose.

@Heather225 what do you think of using something like this, or something else that steps away from a religion based opening?

We come here to share and support each other. We hope all may benefit as members share their experiences.

Sending beams

MelG919 March 12th, 2020

@AddictedTealover98 compleatly with you on the uncomfortable part!!

MelG919 March 10th, 2020

Not sure I undestand the logistics of this :3

Quinbee March 10th, 2020

I missed this today but plan on checkingi t out tomorrow. <3

littlePapaya2167 March 11th, 2020

@Heather225 Would it be possible to do a pop-up room for it because I know that when the sharing circles happen there are people who don't want to do them and just want to be in support room or tcr. Also I dislike only doing short answers just because I feel like it isn't really that supportive and because of the short answers rule people don't participate as much.

gregariousAcai1247 March 11th, 2020

@littlePapaya2167 I definitely see your point about short answers, but I also feel that when people write long responses, they tend to lapse into sharing their own stories, which may become a distraction. Short answers might be preferable in this format.

littlePapaya2167 March 11th, 2020

@gregariousAcai1247 that's true I just feel like three words isn't enough to help as much

ruffneckred March 11th, 2020

Participated last night and it went well, except for persons intruding in the process. Not sure if it was ignorance or rude behaviour. Perhaps a little sign in / check off when you enter the room?

amusingNorth3989 March 11th, 2020


resourcefulPond1641 March 11th, 2020

I don't think that changing one word alters the fact that it's still a religious text. And from participating I got the impression that the whole thing is a religous style meeting. I think that pretending it's not a religious practice when it is could almost amount to gaslighting.


AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@resourcefulPond1641 Basides the opening, can you elaborate more on why the entire thing felt religious? Most of the feeling I got from it was typical of listening/group support

I made a suggestion for the opening above instead of using the AA one. What are your thoughts on it?

resourcefulPond1641 March 11th, 2020

@AffyAvo AA is is a religious program. It's true that apart from the opening, these sessions aren't outright focusing on anything religious; but the whole point of AA is to learn to submit your life to a higher power. That is a pretty religious idea. And this is basically following the same format of a religious AA meeting. I am not sure if they are just looking to do something inspired by AA here, which would be fine, or if they are actually just running AA meetings here and pretending that it's not religious because they changed a word to make it less obvious. If the latter that would be misleading people who may not want to be part of AA. Lots of people have trauma related to religion, and may want to avoid AA for that reason. So I just think they need to be careful around this issue.


AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@resourcefulPond1641 I totally agree with you on AA having a religious component and that we shouldn't use the opening that comes from them. We're not trying to attempt to run an AA meeting (or that's my understanding anyway). I have never been to one to know the specifics of how they are run - I just know what I've seen from media and some of their own material. I know you're not the only one who would be uncomfortable with something that comes off as religious, so just wondering how the Support Circles could be tweaked besides the opening.

resourcefulPond1641 March 11th, 2020

@AffyAvo Also, yeah I thought your opening was good, if a bit brief.


AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@resourcefulPond1641 Thanks! I had thought of more that could have gone with it, but I felt like the more that goes in, the less likely it will be a good fit for a large number of people with a variety of circumstances.

resourcefulPond1641 March 11th, 2020

@AffyAvo They are ending the sessions with the serenity prayer too, so they would also need a new closing to use if they were going to avoid using a prayer.


AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

@resourcefulPond1641 The 2 I went to didn't do that.

resourcefulPond1641 March 11th, 2020

@AffyAvo I think it might depend on if there is time at the end, because people tend to talk for longer than the alloted amount of time. When I went when it was busy they didn't, but when I went when it wasn't as busy they both started and ended with the prayer. And encouraged people to say Let it Be after.

I actually like the idea of a non-religious ritual beginning and ending. If it was a relevent poem or something that could even be nice. Idk.


Teca1995dreamKiwi4019 March 11th, 2020

Hey! That's great, and it'll be so therapeutic! What are our lores here, as a listener?

HopieRemi March 11th, 2020

I have an idea. Could you bring back the share your story room for this?

hypnosis March 11th, 2020

@Heather225 I like this idea and have benefited from participating. I have suggestion that will help the chat run smoothly:

What if somehow the chat bar is disabled until the user has read all rules? That way there are less interruptions and less chance of the mod having to repeat the rules.

Also, what if the rules are always displayed above or below the chat?

I think it would be a helpful update on both the app and the website from the web & app developing team.

GoingSafari March 18th, 2020


I don't think they have any feature development budget at all, to be honest. I've been here since December 2017 and I've haven't seen any new functionality in the chats. Only removal of the journal feature.

RarelyCharlie March 20th, 2020

@GoingSafari I'd say some development activity is visible.

For example, there's a language translation project at the moment, which I guess requires some development. The listener training has been intermittently broken recently, and there are signs that this might have happened in relation to language translation work.

Another example—in chats, someone added a button a while ago that expands the chat area to fill the screen (although they didn't label the button, not even after I pointed out that they'd forgotten to label the button).

So things are certainly happening. But the common factor seems to be that the things that get development attention are things the community didn't ask for and don't necessarily want.


March 11th, 2020

When lurking in these sharing circles (im not much of one to talk in discusions) The beginning of it really felt as though the leaders were imposing religion which would that not be against the views of the site. It really just in changing the word of power to love did not really take it out of context. When reading the script it is a prayer and I get that you are trying to think of the other cricles but ive been to sharing circles online and offilne and really how it is going is not the most benefical way to go. Just the begining bit maybe get rid of that but still have the turns to share? That is what I suggest I have seen a few people leave the room and also say the prayer like thing is not comfortable.

Feel free to delete if I overstepped here